2 Ideas That Can Bring a Sense of Ease and Comfort Toward Any Goal

I have a client who has been running for a seat at the table in his region for the better part of a year now.

The vote that would determine his fate passed recently, except, nobody got a chance to vote for him. He resigned from running on the morning of the big day.

His own party made a deal with fellow party members from other areas of the country, all behind his back. Supposedly, they had known about the deal months ago and didn’t say anything.

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Suffice to say, he was devastated.

This experience did open other doors that would have been opened previously, and it was a great learning experience.

Here are the 2 ideas we discussed during our conversation.

1. No matter the outcome, you will be OK

In other words, the outcome won’t change who you are beneath all of your thoughts. The essence of who you are will remain unchanged and intact.

This is great news. Why? Because knowing this can guide you toward releasing any attachment to the outcome. Having an understanding that

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outcomes don’t define you, thoughts do

means that you can be whoever you want to be regardless of the outcome.

It also points out that

others aren’t defining you by your outcome either, they are defining you by their thoughts about who they judge you to be, based on their severely limited perception of who you are.

2. Trust the process instead of trying to force it

More times than not, the outcome doesn’t happen as we had planned it in our heads. However, we still seem to think that we can force the future to favour our hands.

This is when we find ourselves ruminating over the process, that our thinking will somehow force our desired outcome. This constant rumination creates stress and anxiety within us and leaves no room for your wisdom to come through into expression.

The moment we start trying to force the journey is the very same moment we stop enjoying it.

Part of trusting the process is accepting all that is out of our control. We don’t control what others may say about us or what they may do. Lest worry about that so you can channel that energy toward your own creations and tap into your innate wisdom

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Time spent thinking about what may happen, that is out of your control, is time that could have been spent on what you can control. This can also lead to you feeling like you’re losing control because you’ve taken your eye off the ball.

May you awaken
May you see clearly
May you be love

Take care ♥

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