I Never Thought I’d Say This But…I’m Becoming A Vegan And Here’s Why:

*Warning: I haven’t sugar-coated anything. Some readers may find some of the content disturbing. There will be videos (not auto-play), graphic descriptions, and brutal facts.*

*I also want to make it very clear that I do not, and will not, judge anyone who decides to eat meat.*

As of January 1st, 2019, I am officially going vegetarian, and “almost” Vegan. I will be eliminating meat, dairy (including eggs), and all animal byproducts from my diet. I say “almost” Vegan is because I may eat sashimi, lobster, crab, muscles, or scallops on occasion.

Never! No Way!

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would, or even could, become a Vegetarian. Ten years ago, if I had gone to a psychic, and their reading told me that I will become a Vegetarian in the future, I would have laughed hysterically in their face and requested a refund right on the spot!

I have been an avid meat eater my entire life. I can recall countless different moments where I stated that I could never become vegetarian because I just love steak wayyyyy too much! I could never give up steak! Goes on to show that we should never say “never”.

Friends and family were shocked when I told them I am becoming a Vegetarian. They all know how much I love my eat. Many of them thought it was a joke.

How It All Happened

I’d like to start of by saying that I have always been an animal lover. Since I was able to muster my first memory as a toddler, I’ve either had a cat, dog, or both as part of the family.

Along the way, I have learned much about the corruption, lies, and greed surrounding the food industry, including the government. The complete disrespect for animals is really what disgusts me the most.

Food Inc.

The very first time I ever had a thought about possibly becoming Vegetarian one day was while I was watching Food Inc. several years ago. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this film, it is a documentary that sheds light on the dark side of the food industry.

There’s one specific scene that has been ingrained into my head due to the emotional connection it created within me. The following video is of the scene that sparked a thought that I didn’t think I would ever have.

Did you see the terror in the poor cows’ eyes? Do you think they’re happy?

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Even if going Vegetarian saves one cow’s life then if then it is more than worth it to me.

Viral Video Of Chickens Being Tormented

I remember seeing this video when it went viral in the summer of 2017. I knew after watching this video that I would become a Vegetarian one day, it was a future written in stone now.

Toronto Slaughterhouse Exposed

This one hits close to home for me, being that I live merely 20 minutes outside the City of Toronto.

Inhumane Treatment of Animals

The videos above are evidence of the sad reality that points toward a severe lack of compassion for animals. They are treated like their lives don’t matter. Well, I believe they do matter. I believe they matter just as much as any one of us human beings on this earth.

The living environments they are kept in are disgusting and disgraceful.

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“The quality of life for animals on mass production farms (where most of the supply comes from) is the equivalent of being held a prisoner in a concentration camp.”

I refuse to continue enabling this by eating the remains of these beautiful living creatures.

Spiritual Influence

Here’s a touching piece of poetry written by Mother Teresa:

Because they give everything asking for nothing back… 
Because they are defenseless amid men’s weapons and power… 
Because they are eternal children…because they don’t know hate…or war…because they don’t know about money and only seek the protection of a shelter… 
Because they explain themselves without words, because their eyes are as pure as their souls…
Because they don’t know about envy or grudges, because forgiveness comes natural to them…
Because they love with loyalty and truthfulness… 
Because they recognize and appreciate respect…
Because they don’t buy love, they just expect it…
Because they are our companions, eternal friends that never betray…
And because they are alive. Because of this and a thousand other reasons they deserve our love! 
If we learn to love them like they deserve, for being creatures that feel, suffer and need us, we will be closer to God.

Mother Teresa

When I see a mouse outside of the house, I admire how cute they are instead of chasing them down with the sole of my foot or a hammer. Sure, they may do some damage if they ever got into the house but there’s a question I like to ask myself…

Which outcome would I prefer to live with?

a) Having taken the life of another animal to prevent having to do some extra work and spend some extra money on potentially damaged walls or insulation?


b) Having to do some extra work and spend some extra money in return for letting another animal live?

I choose option b every single time, no questions.

I would never put money, time, or effort ahead of the life of another animal. I’m not better than them, nor am I more important.

Just because we have the power to kill without repercussion, does not mean we need to exercise it.

Over the past two years, I have been on a spiritual journey.

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Over this time, the connection and oneness I feel with all things; living, non-living, physical, and non-physical has grown to a point where…

eating an animal has become the equivalent of eating another human being.

I have always had a connection with animals, particularly dogs. When visiting friends, family, or even meeting someone for the first time, I am a dog magnet.

Disclosure: I do give great massages so I’m sure that is factored into their choice to follow me around.

Aligning With My Beliefs

Being an animal lover, eating animals of any kind just doesn’t line up with my love for them. Although I have been eating them all my life despite my love for them, I never questioned my actions…until now.

I never asked why I continued to be an enabler of animal cruelty, animal slaughter, and animal murder, by adding to the demand of meat-eaters. Why would I ask? I mean, everyone else does it, right? Nobody else around me questioned themselves on their beliefs or ethics so why would I.

And this is why I’m so grateful for this spiritual journey. I don’t want to be like anyone else anymore. I want to live in alignment with my own beliefs, the beliefs that are at the core of who I am. I want to be myself.

Sure, if I was lost in the wilderness for months on end with little or no vegetation to rely on for food, I would eat meat to survive. I’m faced with a decision, eat or die, and I would choose to eat.

Fortunately, we have been graced with an over-abundance of food here n North America and therefore we don’t need to choose between death or going against our beliefs. We have a choice to not eat animals without death being the consequence.

From No Love Lost To Love

Just over two years ago we added a cat to our family of a dog and a turtle. Her name is Laara, and there was no love lost between us for at least the first 6 months.

She thought it would be wise at the time to barge into our room between 12 a.m and 1 a.m every single night, meowing at the top of her lungs.

I like to leave the window open a tad during the night to bring in some fresh air. Laara decided that it was a good idea to get some every night as well. Her idea of getting some fresh air included several attempts of pouncing onto the window sill, with each failed attempt nearly dragging the drapes to the floor.

I would get up, making as much noise as I could, huffing and puffing and stomping my feet, chasing her out the bedroom door while attempting to inflict enough fear into her to not want to return.

It got to a point where I wouldn’t even bother trying to get to sleep before midnight, despite waking up between 5:30 a.m and 6:30 a.m the following morning.

Allie would always tell me that it’s because I don’t show her affection or give her attention that she decides to go to such extremes for attention. I never bought that b.s philosophy at the time.

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As my spiritual journey deepened, I naturally started showing Laara more affection, attention, and dare I say the word….love. Ironically enough, her midnight episodes came to an end.

She now greets me when I get home…belly up.

Are There Any Doubts?

This has been a common question, and in some instances, more of a statement doubting the permanency of my commitment due to my love for the taste of meat.

The people who truly know me, know that when I have my mindset on something there is no turning back. I am doing this through conviction and love. Nothing and nobody will ever stand in the way of its’ permanence.

There is not a single drop of doubt residing within me. I love animals too much to put my taste buds before my love of them ever again. That would be a selfish and cowardly act on my part.

Impacts of going vegan for just 1 day:

  • 1100 gallons of water saved
  • 45 pounds of grain saved
  • 30 square feet of forested land saved
  • 20 lbs of CO2 equivalent saved from the atmosphere
  • 1 animal’s life saved

Other harsh realities:

  • Cows produce milk only when they’re pregnant, so they must continually forcibly impregnated.
  • After a cow gives birth, the calf is immediately taken away from their mother. If the baby is a male, he is killed for meat, most know this meat as veal. If the baby is a female, she will have the same experience as her mother.
  • The mother cow will be killed for meat around the age of four because that is when her milk production starts to decline. The costs of keeping her alive and pregnant outweigh the profits she can yield at that point.
  • Chickens are bred to lay far more than is normal for their bodies – about 300 eggs per year. Whereas chickens in the wild lay about 12 eggs per year.
  • In the hatcheries, the male chicks are slaughtered immediately after birth through suffocation or being tossed into a met grinder because they aren’t useful.
  • Hens are kept in pens where they are crammed so closely together, these normally clean animals are forced to urinate and defecate of each other.
  • Their beaks are cut off so that they won’t peck each other out of frustration created by the unnatural environment they’ve been confined in.
  • The amount of land required to feed one person who is vegan is 1/6 of an acre; the amount o land required to feed one person who is a vegetarian for one year is 3X as much as a vegan; and the land required to feed one person for a year who is a meat and dairy consumer is 18X as much as a vegan.
  • Waste caused by animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction.
  • Animal agriculture is responsible for more emissions than all transportation combined.
  • 1000 gallons of water are used for every gallon of milk consumed.

May you awaken
May you see clearly
May you be love

Take care ♥

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