What One Billion Dollars Can Do

*disclaimer: I am leaving my opinion on Trump and the wall out of this. The last thing I want is a political tirade. This is not an attack, just a pawn for an InSight.*

I was driving the other day while listening to the audiobook version of Conversations With God (some may wonder why I would listen to such a thing since I’m not religious because there is a lot of wisdom embedded within religions that can be extracted from the surrounding beliefs).

Unity vs Division

Anyways, the topic of unity vs division sparked my curiosity. When I think of division within humanity, the first thing that always comes to mind is the wall that Trump was pushing to build.

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So, the audiobook faded into the background and I started wondering how those same $ 1 billion dollars could be used toward the unification of humanity.

Unification is, treating humanity as a whole, that we’re all each other’s people, oppose to my people or your people.

Division being, segmenting humanity into parts and hierarchies, typically our people and your people or their people.

Many will see building the wall as the unification of a nation, which in a sense can be true. It can also be seen as a strong stance toward the dividing of nations, a step closer toward dividing the whole into more defined parts.

I understand there are many examples that could be used around the world to express division vs unity. Having separate governments is one huge act of division. While unification would be to establish a one-world government.

I chose this example because it stands out like a sore thumb and nearly every human being on earth can relate to it.

How many mouths could be fed

What came to mind was the wonder of how many starving mouths 1 billion dollars could feed in a 3rd world country. As you have probably already seen by the image before the post, the answer is an astonishing 23 million starving school children in Africa.

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What I found even more astonishing

During my research, I stumbled upon a GoFundMe campaign for the Trump-wall. I’m not sure how publicized this was, so if this is old news I apologize 🙂 ( I told you I don’t follow politics).

At first, I thought it was a hoax. However, to my amazement, it is a legitimate campaign. As of writing this, American citizens have raised $20,689,603 in nearly 3 months.

That’s $20 million dollars that could have gone to charity to help those in need.

The philosophy

I understand the philosophy behind the wall, take care of your own first. This is primitive conditioning that can be witnessed in the many T.V series that is set centuries ago (two very popular ones being Game of Thrones and Vikings) , reinforcing how little progress we have made toward unification.

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What if we didn’t separate people into “ours” or “yours”? These are statements of ownership that create separateness and possessiveness when what the world really needs is oneness and solidarity, to stand together as one instead of apart as many.

Sure, it may sound far-fetched, but that’s because the larger collective does not view humanity in this manner.

A shift in consciousness is needed and is coming, where talks of walls will be replaced with talks of shared interests and mutual love.

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A couple questions for you

Where are you building walls in your life?

Where could you create more unity?

May you awaken
May you see clearly
May you be love

Take care ♥

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