common herbal remedies

6 Examples Of Common Herbal Remedies At The Grocery Store

Herbal remedies are plants that have a medicinal effect. Herbal remedies have been around for thousands of years. In fact, some evidence suggests that plants were used for medicinal purposes over 60,000 years ago. The earliest written evidence dates back to over 5,000 years ago.

Such herbal remedies have been making a real comeback in recent years and have become commonplace.

Herbal remedies contain powerful chemicals that many pharmaceutical companies and scientists are studying. Many of these plants are either available in the grocery store or can be grown quite easily in a garden. Using these plants in your diet can have a significant effect on your health and overall wellbeing.

Common Herbal Remedies & Their Benefits

These herbal remedies can often be just as effective as pharmaceuticals in the prevention and treatment of disease:


herbal remedies at grocery store

Ginseng is one of the most popular plants in Chinese medicine. The most popular varieties are American ginseng and Asian ginseng. American ginseng is considered to have a greater relaxing effect, while the Asian variety is more stimulating.

Consider these benefits: Ginseng is an excellent antioxidant and reduces inflammation. Ginseng has shown promise for improving brain function and treating erectile dysfunction. It could also lower blood sugar, lower fatigue, and have benefits against cancer.


herbal remedies examples 1

Garlic is readily available and a powerful herbal remedy. Most people enjoy the taste of garlic, bad breath notwithstanding.

Garlic has been shown to significantly reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms. Hypertension responds positively to garlic consumption. In fact, garlic is at least as effective in treating hypertension as some medications.

Garlic also lowers cholesterol levels, may help prevent Alzheimer’s, and could help with the process of removing heavy metals from the body.


herbal remedies

Turmeric is used in Ayurvedic medicine and is also a popular spice in Indian food. Turmeric is also readily available in any grocery store. The primary active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin.

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is as effective as aspirin and ibuprofen in treating inflammation. It is also believed to be beneficial in treating and preventing cancer. Depression, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s are also believed to be helped by the consumption of turmeric.


most common herbal remedies

Another very common grocery store item, ginger, is excellent for the treatment of nausea and morning sickness. Ginger can be used as a spice or made into tea.

More benefits include:

  • You can use it to help treat muscle pain and soreness.
  • Ginger is another excellent anti-inflammatory.
  • Indigestion, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol can all be reduced by ginger.


common herbal remedies 1

Valerian is most commonly consumed as a tea, usually as part of a blend to aid in sleep and/or anxiety. It can be found at most local grocery stores.

Valerian root in its’ raw form might be a little harder to find. If you’re to find it anywhere, it’s likely at an Asian supermarket.

You also have the option to grow this one on your own, it takes a little more work but it’s worth the effort.

This flowering plant has many health benefits:

Headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, muscle pain, fatigue, and anxiety can all be helped by valerian root.


common herbal remedies 1 1

This daisy-like flower is most commonly consumed in tea form. Chamomile is believed to treat insomnia, reduce cold symptoms, boost immunity, and lower stress levels. Chamomile tea is available at your grocery store.

Closing Notes On Common Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies can’t replace all pharmaceutical drugs, but they are viable replacements in many situations. Of course, you should still include your doctor in your herbal remedy plans.

Herbal remedies can be very effective and inexpensive. $1 of garlic can easily last a week. If your budget is tight, herbal remedies can be a great way to boost your health without breaking the bank.

Even if you’re in 100% perfect health, herbal remedies can help to keep you healthy. You have nothing to lose. In fact, your food might taste even more delicious while you’re making your body healthier.

what is aromatherapy

What Is Aromatherapy: Benefits, Uses, Safety, How-To [Guide]

Aromatherapy uses aromas to enhance physiological and psychological well-being. It also includes the use of complementary ingredients that are found in nature.

A few include: 

  • The use of sugar as an exfoliate 
  • Clays and muds to purify the skin 
  • Sea salts 
  • Herbs 
  • Cold-pressed vegetable oils 

Aromatherapy has been in existence for thousands of years, but the distillation process required to extract essential oils wasn’t developed until the 11th century. Aromatherapy enjoys popularity in the United States, India, England, and France. 

There can be much more involved in aromatherapy than smelling a few essential oils. The use of herbal distillates, carrier oils, vaporizer oils and phytoncides can make aromatherapy quite complex! 

Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to make aromatherapy complex. The beginner can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy with simple methods. 

The aromas used in aromatherapy are acquired from two sources: 

Plant extracts

Extracts are obtained by either cold pressing the plants or soaking the plants in a volatile liquid. 

Extracts may be used in aromatherapy, but have other uses, too. For example, vanilla extract is used in cooking and other extracts are used as insect repellent. 

Plant essential oils

Using a distillation process, the water portion is removed. The small amount of oil that remains is the essential oil. 

A large quantity of plant material is necessary to produce a small amount of essential oil. The quantity of plant material needed, and the energy required to perform the distillation explain the typically higher price of essential oils versus extracts. 

Essential oils are primarily used for therapeutic purposes. 

Keep in mind…

that essential oils differ from the fragrance oils found in perfumes. Fragrance oils can contain artificial ingredients and lack the therapeutic action of essential oils. The use of synthetic ingredients is not encouraged in aromatherapy. 

If you’re looking for a natural way to treat common physical and psychological issues, aromatherapy might be beneficial to you. 

“I mix all different oils – my bathroom at home is littered with oils; I’m really into natural beauty and natural healing. Peppermint is really good if you put it on your stomach for a tummy ache; lavender is kind of all-purpose – I think everyone should carry it.”

Liz Goldwyn 

Aromatherapy Benefits 

Several studies have shown that aromatherapy provides benefits. The markers for the scent molecules have been found in the blood of patients after aromatherapy treatment, suggesting that the potential for advantageous effects exist. That’s exciting news! 

Studies have shown that many animals can be calmed or agitated by essential oils. Behavior and immune responses are strengthened. There is no doubt that essential oils have antimicrobial properties when administered to the skin. 

As you would expect, many in the medical community are skeptical and poorly informed. However, that can be expected to change over time. 

Aromatherapy provides several unique benefits: 

Strengthens the immune system

Prevention is preferable to a cure when it comes to sickness! Aromatherapy is believed to have antibacterial and antifungal effects. Many studies have been conducted on this aspect of aromatherapy use. 

Reduces anxiety and depression

The reduction of stress and anxiety is the most popular use of aromatherapy. Most beginners in aromatherapy focus on stress reduction. Stress is a common challenge, and the application of aromatherapy for this purpose can be simple, yet still effective. 

Depression relief is the second most common usage of aromatherapy

The drugs used to treat depression can also provide a lot of side effects. Aromatherapy can be a helpful addition of psychological counseling and avoids the negative aspects of pharmaceutical therapy. 

Boosts energy levels

Aromatherapy is often used as an energy booster. Life is hectic and a higher level of energy can be useful! 

Aid in sleep quality

Essential oils are used to realign circadian rhythms and to help balance sleep schedules. 

Facilitates the healing process

Proponents of aromatherapy claim it can speed healing throughout the body. Aromatherapy can increase the blood flow and the amount of oxygen that reaches a wound. It is also used after surgery. 

Eliminates pain

Aromatherapy can help to alleviate pain, particularly the pain caused by headaches. While the pain is addressed directly, it can also be lessened by the reduction of stress and anxiety that aromatherapy provides. 

Enhances cognitive performance

Memory has been shown to be enhanced with the use of aromatherapy. However, the effect seems to be limited in duration. 

Enhances digestion

Aromatherapy is also used for issues with bloating, indigestion, and constipation. 

It’s easy to see that aromatherapy has the ability to ease many physical and psychological conditions. 

Aromatherapy makes good use of the idea of synergy. The skillful combining of several essential oils is believed to provide greater results than single oils. The presence of one oil can enhance the strength of another. 

“Aromatherapy is a caring, hands-on therapy which seeks to induce relaxation, to increase energy, to reduce the effects of stress and to restore lost balance to mind, body and soul.”Robert Tisserand 

What is Needed to Begin Using Aromatherapy? 

Maybe you’ve developed an interest in aromatherapy, but are wondering how to get started. For the beginner, aromatherapy can be overwhelming. Where do you even begin? 

It can also be expensive. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but the potential to spend a lot of money is there. It’s important to figure out what you require and what can wait for another day. Some purchases don’t have to be made immediately. 

To get started, you have two primary options: 

  1. Purchase a kit. 
  2. Build your own kit. 

It’s hard to make a mistake by purchasing a kit. However, you’re likely to end up with some things you’ll never use. You’re also likely to want an essential oil that isn’t included. 

It’s also more fun to build your own kit! You’ll learn a lot along the way, too. 

Consider these tips to build your own aromatherapy kit: 

Determine the essential oils you’ll need

You can do some research and come to your own conclusions. These oils are very popular, and some of the least expensive: 

  • Roman Chamomile – Chamaemelum nobile 
  • Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus globulus 
  • Frankincense – Boswellia carterii 
  • Lavender – Lavandula angustifolia 
  • Lemon – Citrus limon 
  • Orange – Citrus sinensis 
  • Peppermint – Mentha piperita 
  • Rosemary – Rosmarinus officinalis 
  • Sandalwood – Santalum album 
  • Tea Tree – Melaleuca alternifolia 

Choose your carrier oils

Remember that carriers are used to dilute the essential oils. They also allow the essential oils to be applied to your skin. Recommendations for beginners include: 

  • Fragrance free lotion 
  • Jojoba oil 
  • Almond oil 
  • Liquid Castile soap

This soap is made from olive oil and sodium hydroxide. It is free from animal fats, unlike many other types of soaps. It’s considered to be eco-friendly and biodegradable. 

Storage supplies

You’ll want to store your lotions and potions in a convenient manner. There are several types of containers you’re likely to need. 

  • Amber glass bottles. These can be small. 5ml to 15 ml is sufficient. Ensure that the bottles are amber, rather than clear. Light can degrade some essential oils. 
  • Glass jars to store your lotions. A 2 oz. glass jar with a wide mouth is perfect. Two ounces equals a quarter of a cup. 
  • Plastic spray bottles. Avoid purchasing anything too large. Bottles between 2 oz. and 4 oz. are fine. 
  • Blank nasal inhalers. If you remember the old style of Vick’s inhalers, these are similar. They are commonly sold in 10- or 12-packs. 
  • Miscellaneous. A few glass beakers or flasks and a glass rod or two are convenient for mixing oils. You’ll also need: 
  • A record keeping system. A notebook is the easiest way to record your recipes, thoughts, and results. 
  • A labeling system. You can purchase a label maker or resort to a ballpoint pen and masking tape. It’s up to you. 
  • Storage. A dedicated work space is ideal, but just a dream for many. A plastic storage tub can be an effective second choice. 

Building your own aromatherapy kit might seem a bit intimidating, but there are many online resources. Books on the topic are as close as your nearest library or bookstore.  

You might consider purchasing a kit and filling in the gaps with additional supplies. A limited budget doesn’t have to be an obstacle. A couple of essential oils are all that you need to get started. 

“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.”


Aromatherapy Safety 

Essential oils are chemicals. As with any other chemical, the potential for danger exists. It’s important to understand what you’re doing before inhaling any substance or putting it directly onto your skin.  

The hazards are easily avoided, but you must understand the hazards before you can expect to avoid them. 

Always be safe while performing aromatherapy.

Some essential oils can exacerbate certain conditions

Certain oils should be avoided by those with existing medical conditions, such as asthma, epilepsy, and pregnancy. It’s important to be aware of this issue. To ensure you’re being safe, perform the necessary research on the oils you might like to try. 

Avoid applying essential oils directly to the skin without diluting them first

Two common examples of exceptions include lavender and tea tree, but there are still risks. It’s much easier to develop sensitivities to specific oils when they are applied in high concentrations.  

Some oils react with ultraviolet light, specifically UVA

These exposed oils can then cause blistering and redness to the skin. The primary culprits are cold-pressed citrus oils. The distilled citrus oils are generally considered to be safe when exposed to UVA.

Other phototoxic essential oils include: 

  • Angelica Root Essential Oil 
  • Bergamot (Cold Pressed) 
  • Bitter Orange (Cold Pressed) 
  • Cumin 
  • Fig Leaf Absolute 
  • Grapefruit (Cold Pressed) 
  • Lemon (Cold Pressed) 
  • Lime (Cold Pressed) 
  • Mandarin Leaf 

Essential oils can lead to allergic reactions or other types of sensitivities

It’s a good idea to test any oils you’ve never used before on a small patch of skin. 

To test for sensitivity, dilute the essential oil in question to a 2% concentration

The quick and dirty way to do this is to add 12 drops of essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil or lotion. One tablespoon equals 15 ml. 

  1. Put one drop of the diluted oil on your skin. The arm is a good location. 
  2. Put a band aid or similar bandage over the oil and wait. If you feel any discomfort within 24 hours, immediately wash the area with soap and water. 
  3. If 24 hours pass without any negative reaction, you can consider the oil safe to use on your skin. 
  4. Some essential oils are considered unsafe for use by non-experts. A few of these include: camphor, onion, wintergreen and bitter almond. There are more complete lists available online. 
  5. Beware of mixing aromatherapy and children. Young children are curious and love the smell of many aromatherapy mixtures. This often results in the child drinking the mixture. Treat aromatherapy solutions as poisons when children are involved. Avoid underestimating the ability of your child to surprise you. 
  6. Do not consume essential oils. Your child shouldn’t be drinking them, and neither should you! Though many oils are derived from common foods, essential oils are highly concentrated and can cause severe damage when misused like this. 

Essential oils have the power to heal and to harm. Understand the dangers that essential oils can pose in certain situations. Avoid causing yourself any undue harm.  

Remember, you’re trying to bring comfort to yourself, not create additional suffering in your life. Use aromatherapy wisely. 

“I believe that for every illness or ailment known to man, that God has a plant out here that will heal it. We just need to keep discovering the properties for natural healing.”

Vannoy Gentles Fite 

How to Use Essential Oils 

There are a variety of ways to use essential oils. You might even be able to come up with a few on your own.  

Just remember to be alert for signs of sensitivity whenever introducing a new oil to your regimen. And of course, avoid consuming the oils! 

Use a method of administration that works for your situation.

Inhale the scent directly

This is the easiest way to get started. Place a couple of drops of the essential oil on a tissue or paper towel. Hold the tissue close to your face and inhale through your nose. 


Just 5 drops in one ounce of carrier oil, such as almond oil, can be added to your bath water. Ensure that you’re choosing an appropriate essential oil. 

Inhale via steam

Boil two cups of water and then transfer the water to a bowl. Add approximately five drops of essential oil to the water. Keep the bowl close to you and enjoy the scent. Stop if you experience any discomfort. 

The room method

Follow the previous method, but use 10 drops of essential oil. Place the bowl near the center of the room. The goal is to fill the room with the aroma of the essential oil. 


Add 10-20 drops of essential oil to 1/8 cup of carrier oil. Almond or jojoba oil are acceptable carrier oils. Ideally, have a partner massage the oil into your skin. Stay away from the eyes and mucous membranes. 


Essential oils can be used to make many household products, such as soap, shampoo, lotions, and shower gel. 

Try all the different methods and see which works the best for you.  

There’s no method that is universally superior to another. Keep an open mind and experiment. You’ll likely find one method that you prefer over the others. 

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” 


Aromatherapy Devices 

You might be wondering if there is a better way of enjoying your essential oils than applying your mixtures to a tissue or a hot bowl of water. You’re in luck! Most of them are relatively inexpensive, too. 

There are several devices that can be used to enjoy your essential oils more conveniently.


You don’t need a carrier oil with a diffuser. Just add water to the diffuser and then add your essential oils. The ultrasonic action releases the mixture into the air. Diffusers come in a variety of sizes. Most are sufficient for a large room for up to 8 hours. 

Some diffusers have an elegant appearance and include various color-changing modes. Ensure that you examine your options and find a diffuser that matches your tastes and décor. 


This is a special type of diffuser. It works very quickly and uses a highly pressurized air stream to break the essential oils into tiny particles and inject them into the air. Nebulizers are more expensive, but more effective than conventional diffusers. 


You’ve undoubtedly noticed how the smell of hot chocolate-chip cookies can fill your household, yet the smell seems to vanish when the cookies cool. There are heaters designed specifically to heat your aromatherapy oils. These work slowly but effectively. 

There are even aromatherapy heater-alarm clocks! It can be used to provide calming scents at bedtime or when it’s time to wake up. 

“Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains.”

Diane Ackerman

Aromatherapy Recipes 

There are enough aromatherapy recipes to keep you busy for a lifetime. Again, keep an open mind and try a new recipe or two each week.  

You’ll soon notice that certain oils appeal to you while others clearly do not. Over time, you’ll develop a catalog of recipes that work well for you. 

Here are just a few to try…

Anxiety reduction bath oil: 

  • 9 drops of sandalwood 
  • 6 drops of orange 
  • 20 drops of lavender 
  • 2 fluid ounces of jojoba 
  • This mixture can be stored in a glass bottle.  
  • This recipe is enough for 8 baths. Avoid using it all at once! 

Depression-reducing massage oil: 

  • 2 drops rose 
  • 6 drops sandalwood 
  • 2 drops orange 
  • 1 fluid ounce of almond oil 
  • Feel free to double or triple the recipe. Remember that a little goes a long way. 
  • The remainder can be stored in a glass container. Protect from light. 

Sleep peacefully blend: 

  • 10 drops of roman chamomile 
  • 5 drops of bergamot 
  • 5 drops of clary sage 
  • Add 1 or 2 drops to a tissue and place inside your pillowcase. 

Romance diffuser blend: 

  1. 3 drops of orange oil 
  1. 2 drops of Ylang Ylang oil 
  1. Add these to your diffuser of choice, following the instructions for your diffuser. 

There are an endless number of recipes online. Do a little research and find a few blends that intrigue you.  

A word of warning: you’ll often be missing one key ingredient! Find a local source of essential oils and you’ll always be prepared. 

“To be honest, I didn’t really understand how involved putting a fragrance together could be – or would be. Once I made the choice to actually do it, I just went for it. I just dove in and have really learned a lot about putting a scent together. It’s kind of exciting”

Faith Hill


Aromatherapy has been around since at least the time of the Egyptians. The development of steam distillation took this science to another level overnight.  

In modern times, scientific studies have shown the efficacy of aromatherapy in the treatment of many disorders and symptoms.  

Before using aromatherapy, it’s important to understand the safety implications. Anything that has the ability to heal can also potentially cause harm.  

Treat aromatherapy like any other drug, because that’s precisely what it is. Avoid experimenting until you have a solid understanding of aromatherapy in general. 

You now have a basic understanding of aromatherapy and the benefits. You can acquire the necessary supplies to get started, but continue to learn more about aromatherapy. There are entire books written on single aromatherapy topics. 

Keep learning and you’ll discover that, with essential oils and aromatherapy, there’s a whole new world out there with benefits that you never realized existed! 

importance of emotional intelligence

What’s The Importance of Emotional Intelligence And Why?

We all have that one friend we know we can’t do without. Every time we speak with them, it’s that person who makes us feel better—that friend who can make friends without effort. And can calm uncomfortable situations with little difficulty.

Have you ever wondered how they do this? You may have noticed this and attributed it to your friend being a “people person.” It must be why everyone likes this person, you may think.

But what if it is known that this “people person” is this way because he has certain traits? Yet, you, too, can get these traits as well. Would this be something you’d like to learn? Would you like to be a people person, too?

If yes, it might interest you to know that your friend is a “people person” because of EQ, Emotional Quotient, or, in a simpler term, Emotional intelligence.

You might wonder, what is emotional intelligence? Let’s see what we can find out.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence, or EI, was a concept coined in the mid-nineteen-nineties. Yet it gained popularity in 1995 in the best-seller written by Daniel Goleman.

Coleman defined emotional intelligence as the set of skills and traits that guide leadership. We will use this other definition to make it more relatable to us. Emotional intelligence is the ability to use, comprehend, and manage emotions. Whose emotions? Yours and that of others.

People who have a high level of emotional intelligence are particularly good at some things. Emotional awareness, for example, is one of them. Those with high emotional intelligence can easily recognize their own and other people’s emotions.

They can also use such feelings to help themselves solve problems and think more clearly. They can also control their emotions when necessary and assist others in doing the same.

According to researchers, the following components make up emotional intelligence:


This refers to the ability to regulate your emotions healthily. It also includes being able to take the initiative, as well as following through on commitments and changing your behavior to suit changing situations.


When you’re aware of your feelings and their influence on your thoughts and actions, you know your strengths and flaws and have self-confidence.

Social awareness

Social awareness involves being empathetic. When you have social awareness, you can perceive other people’s feelings, requirements, and concerns.

Social awareness enables you to feel comfortable in a social situation.

As a result, you will also recognize the balance of power in groups you associate with.

Management of relationships

This is the ability to understand how to build and maintain positive relationships. It also helps you communicate well and inspire and influence others. Managing relationships will help you to collaborate with others and resolve disputes with success.

When someone possesses these characteristics, we can call them emotionally intelligent. Knowing what makes up emotional intelligence is excellent, but why should it matter to you?

Impact of Emotional Intelligence

Your academic or work performance

High emotional intelligence can assist you in steering through social difficulties at school or at your job. Those with high EI succeed at leading and encouraging others, bringing them success, whether on the job, at home, or at school.

Your physical well-being

If you can’t manage your emotions, you can’t control your stress. It can cause extensive health issues. For example, uncontrolled stress raises blood pressure.

It also raises the risk of strokes and heart attacks. And it can even speed up aging. Developing emotional intelligence helps maintain good physical health, preventing all these.

Your relationships

Your relationships are essential. You will communicate better if you develop emotional intelligence. Also, when you know how others are feeling and can respond appropriately, you will form stronger bonds at home, at work, and at school.

Beyond making you a people person, EI is vital for success in life. It will open up new doors and allow you to connect with others. In the end, you’ll feel happy and satisfied because of having this beneficial attribute.

how to eat more plant-based foods

5 Easy Ways Get More More Plant-Based Foods In Your Diet

If you’re looking to add more plant-based foods to your diet, you’re in luck! Being mostly vegan (I indulge in seafood once in a while), I can understand the challenges of adding more plant-based foods to your diet.

There are plenty of ways to do this without making significant changes. You can start by making minor changes to your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Here are 5 easy tips for eating more plant-based foods:

1. Try a plant-based breakfast

There are several nutritious options to choose from for plant-based breakfasts. Some great options are oatmeal with fruit, whole-grain toast with avocado or peanut butter, a fruit smoothie with bananas, plant-based milk, and frozen berries.

Make a chickpea omelet using chickpea flour, flaxseeds, mixed vegetables, and plant-based milk.

Chickpeas contain protein and flax seeds which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Mixed vegetables are fiber-rich packed with antioxidants and other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

2. Start your day with a herbal tea infusion, coffee with plant-based creamer, or hot lemon and agave nectar to sweeten

Fill half your plate with vegetables. You can easily add more plant-based foods to your meals by filling half your plate with vegetables. Include a variety of colors and textures for added nutrients, flavor, and visual appeal.

Some great options are roasted veggies with quinoa, a salad with an assortment of vegetables and a homemade dressing, or veggie soup.

You can also eat your favorite slice of pizza with a large side of green vegetables such as spiced kale, seasoned broccoli, or wilted swiss chard.

Eating more vegetables will help you reach your daily recommended intake of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

Eating more plant-based foods can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

3. Replace your usual beef burger with a meat-free alternative

To add more plant-based foods to your diet, prepare veggie burgers.

Some ideas for plant-based burgers include black bean burgers, lentil burgers, quinoa burgers, portobello mushroom caps, or sweet potato burgers.

You can also make meat-free burgers with vital wheat gluten to prepare a homemade version of seitan, a protein-rich alternative to meat.

Serve veggie burgers on a whole wheat bun with fixings like lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado, ketchup, and mustard. You can also try them wrapped in a large lettuce leaf or enjoy them independently.

If you’re not a fan of burgers, try plant-based tacos filled with black beans, lentils, diced vegetables, or tempeh.

4. Make a meat-free pasta dish

Another easy and delicious way to eat more plant-based foods is by making a simple pasta dish with tomato sauce and adding sautéed veggies, such as zucchini, eggplant, or spinach.

5. Get creative with plant-based snacks

Fruits and vegetables make great snacks on their own, but you can also get creative with plant-based dips and spreads. Some ideas for dips and spreads include hummus, guacamole, tzatziki sauce, baba ganoush, or nut butter.

You can enjoy these dips and spreads with whole-grain crackers, pita chips, vegetable sticks, or rice cakes.

Try yogurt with fresh fruit or a trail mix made with dried fruits and nuts if you’re looking for something sweet. You can also make energy bars using dates, nuts, and seeds.

A Plant-Based Recipe To Try

Recipe: Lentil Shepherd’s Pie

Try this delicious lentil shepherd’s pie recipe. Ingredients are: ¾ cup green or brown lentils, rinsed and drained, ½ onion, diced, carrots, diced (optional), ½ teaspoon dried thyme, a bay leaf, vegetable broth or water, sea salt, and freshly ground black pepper to taste, and mashed potatoes.

Instructions are as follows:

preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

Add the lentils, onion, carrots (if using), thyme, and bay leaf to a large pot. Add enough broth or water to cover the ingredients. Boil it and simmer for about 30 minutes.

Remove the bay leaf and season with salt and pepper to taste. To make the mashed potatoes, add boiled Yukon Gold potatoes to a bowl and mash with plant-based butter, milk, garlic powder, onion powder, and sea salt to taste.

Assemble the shepherd’s pie by spooning the lentil mixture into an oven-safe dish, then topping with the mashed potatoes—Bake for about 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are golden brown.

This recipe is a great way to eat more plant-based foods and can easily be made ahead of time. It’s also perfect for leftovers and can be in the freezer for later.

Wrapping Up

Eating more plant-based foods is a great way to strengthen your health and well-being. There are many easy and delicious ways to include more plants in your diet, so get creative and try something new today!

how to not lose yourself in a relationship

How To Not Lose Yourself In A Relationship – Symptoms and Tips

Does the rest of your life suffer when you fall in love? If so, you may have a tendency to lose yourself in a relationship.

It’s natural to be swept away when you first start dating someone new. The trouble starts when time goes by and you fail to regain your sense of balance.

It can happen in healthy relationships, especially if you have unrealistic expectations about romance. It can also happen in less healthy relationships if your partner tries to pressure or manipulate you into becoming dependent on them.

Learn how to balance love with the rest of your life. Recognize the warning signs and try these tips for having a more fulfilling relationship with yourself and your partner.

Spot Warning Signs That You May Be Losing Yourself

You can tell that you’re sacrificing too much if you know where to look.

Stay on the alert for these common symptoms:

  1. Maintain other connections. Neglecting your family and friends is one of the most common and obvious signs. Make time for them in your schedule. When you’re with them, be sure to talk about more than your new love interest.
  2. Do your job. Are you too distracted to meet deadlines and participate in meetings? Keep your mind on work when you’re at the office. Save personal calls and texts for lunchtime if necessary.
  3. Watch your spending. Maybe you’re celebrating a little too much with shopping sprees, overeating, or other indulgences. The sooner you slow down, the easier it will be to fix the damage.
  4. Enjoy your hobbies. It’s great if your partner introduces you to new interests but beware of giving up the things you love just to please them. For example, you can take a class while they go to a hockey game.
  5. Voice your opinions. Speak up for yourself. Let your partner know you like jazz more than hip hop. It’s natural to disagree sometimes.

Be Proactive To Avoid Losing Yourself

You may have noticed that even when you start a new relationship, you soon fall into the same patterns you established with your last partner. If you want things to turn out differently, you’ll need to address your personal issues.

Keep these tips in mind:

  1. Boost your self-esteem. Make yourself a priority. Remember that you are worthy of love and respect just as you are. Treat yourself with compassion and repeat positive affirmations.
  2. Create boundaries. In a healthy relationship, partners encourage each other to set their own ground rules. Explain what you need and what you find unacceptable.
  3. Set goals. You’re less likely to lose yourself if you’re excited about other aspects of your life. Develop passion projects that motivate you to learn and grow. As a bonus, you’ll probably make yourself more interesting.
  4. Practice self-care. Treating yourself well makes you stronger and more resilient. It also reminds you of your worth. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Sleep well and deal with stress constructively.
  5. Spend time alone. Do you enjoy your own company? It’s important to have a healthy relationship with yourself in order to bond with others. Solitude gives you an opportunity to increase your self-awareness and center yourself.
  6. Take a break. If you’re dissatisfied with your love life, you might benefit from giving up dating for a while. Use the time to examine your dating criteria and form new habits.
  7. Consider counseling. Working with a therapist might help too. That’s especially true if you’re trying to recover from an abusive relationship or think that childhood issues are affecting your adult behavior.
how to be kind to yourself

How To Be Kind To Yourself – Even If Depressed or Made A Mistake

Some of the most generous, caring, and wonderful people in the world forget to look after themselves too. However, if you’re not giving yourself the kindness you deserve, you can’t expect to enjoy a healthy level of emotional and spiritual wellness.

Unfortunately, this can lead to bouts of depression and general feelings of mallaise.

So, how do you show yourself some much-deserved kindness?

Like most things, the transition often starts with something small. You can start by simply recognizing when you’re having a difficult day and giving yourself permission to experience your emotions freely.

Consider these simple steps you can take to be kinder to yourself:

Forgive yourself when you make a mistake

how to be kinder to yourself

This might seem simple, but it’s often the hardest thing for many people to do. When someone we love makes a mistake, we’re keen to jump in and forgive them. Yet somehow, we’re often too hard on ourselves and refuse ourselves that same forgiveness.

Although you might not be able to automatically forgive yourself as quickly as you’d like, it’s important to start practicing as quickly as possible.

The next time you find yourself being angry with something you’ve done, said, or thought, take a step back. Ask yourself how you would respond to a friend who had done the same thing. If you would forgive someone else, try to forgive yourself too.

Nourish your physical health

how to be kind to yourself when depressed

Nourishing your physical health requires a constant commitment. However, it doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems.

For example, the next time you have lunch, ask yourself if you can choose the slightly healthier option. If you’re too tired to make something from scratch, ensure that you have some frozen meals ready to go, instead of picking up some fast-food.

Think about how you can add small bits of extra physical activity into your day too. For instance, could you walk to the store rather than driving there? Not only will you get some extra exercise, but you’ll also save money on fuel and reduce your impact on the earth too.

Get help when you need it

how to be kind to yourself when you make a mistake

It’s easy to assume that you’re on your own when it comes to dealing with difficult things. However, help is often around if you’re willing to ask for it.

If you’re struggling at work with a range of tasks that are too much for you to handle on your own, speak to your boss and ask for guidance.

If you’re worried about your anxiety levels or mental health, don’t hide in your room and try to “get over it” on your own. Speak to a therapist or talk to your doctor about your options. Getting the right help when you need it can save you weeks and months of pain.

Spend time with loved ones

how to be kind to yourself 2

Want to make being kind to yourself seem easy? Spend some time with the people you love. They’ll automatically treat you with the compassion you deserve and help you to see why it’s so valuable to look after yourself.

If you’re beating yourself up about something, your friends and relatives can also make it easier to look at the problem from a different perspective.

Human beings are naturally social creatures. Spending time with others is one of the best things you can do to make yourself feel good and nurture your emotional health. It’s also a great way to prevent yourself from isolating when you’re feeling down.

Add self-care to your calendar

how to be kinder to yourself 1

We often find it difficult to carve time out of our busy schedules for self-care on a regular basis. If you’re struggling to find time to look after yourself, it might be worth adding a dedicated “self-care” day to your routine. Mark it into your calendar just like a meeting at work.

During your self-care day, you can do anything you like to make yourself feel good. This might mean having a nice bubble bath and reading a book or watching your favorite movie. Self-care can even involve exploring things like deep breathing and relaxation.

Sleep well

how to be kind to yourself when depressed

Ensure that you get enough sleep each night. 7-9 hours is an opportune amount for most adults.

Sleep quality counts too. The better you sleep, the more you’ll be able to handle the everyday challenges you face, without feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

Have a relaxing bedtime routine, a dark bedroom, and a comfortable bed. Avoid screens, alcohol, caffeine, or a heavy meal shortly before retiring.

Finally, when you want to give yourself an emotional, physical, and spiritual boost, grab your blankets. Some extra sleep can sometimes be a crucial part of resting and recharging in your day-to-day schedule.

Being kinder to yourself comes with a host of benefits! Do something nice for yourself each day, and soon you’ll be enjoying it as a regular part of your daily routines.

ayurvedic nutrition certification course

2 Best Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification Courses (2023)

2 Best Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification Courses

Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission, at no extra cost to you.

Best Overall

Joyful Belly

Best Under $500

My Vinyasa Practice (Save $320 for Black Friday)

Comparison Table

Ayurveda is compromised of several treatment options including, but not limited to: nutrition, massage, acupuncture, teas, and herbal medicine.

Because of the various treatment options, many people who see the benefits of Ayurvedic, don’t know where to start. Ayurvedic nutrition is always a great place to start as food is a fundamental part of everyone’s life.

Learning Ayurvedic nutrition prior to learning other Ayurvedic treatment options gives you a strong foundation to build upon should you pursue further education in Ayurveda.

Figuring out which Ayurvedic course is best for you is the next challenge. I seek to help you out with that by presenting 2 great options in vary different price ranges.

What is an ayurvedic nutritionist?

An Ayurvedic nutritionist has studied Ayurveda and the traditional Indian medicine system. They offer dietary guidance and treatment plans based on a person’s constitution, health, lifestyle, food sensitivities and many other factors.

Ayurvedic nutrition, a subset of the system, centers on whole foods and healthy, fresh ingredients. Ayurvedic medicine is based on herbal, dietary and lifestyle changes that aim to support the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Ayurvedic nutritionists might also recommend supplements, herbs, and medicines for optimal health.

Compare 2 Best Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification Programs

Scroll right to view more columns. If you are viewing from a phone or tablet I recommend rotating into a landscape for the best viewing experience.

ayurvedic nutrition course 1
ayurvedic nutrition certification 1
SchoolJoyful BellyMy Vinyasa Practice
Visit WebsiteVisit Website
CertificationsCertified Master in Ayurvedic Digestion & NutritionCertified Ayurvedic Nutritionist
Help you stand out from the competition
Can Start Anytime
Prerequisite RequirementsNoneNone
Length of Program11 monthsSelf-paced, no time limit
Total Hours500unknown
Live Presentations
Live Case Studies
Live Exercises and Discussions
Video Content For Modules
Lifetime Access To Resources
Investment (if paid in full)$3899 + $600 deposit$420
Payment Plan$250/month$210 x 2
Read ReviewRead Review
Visit WebsiteVisit Website

#1 Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification Course

ayurvedic nutrition course 1

School: Joyful Belly

Program: Master Ayurvedic Digestion & Nutrition Certification

Price: $3899 + $600 deposit

Payment Plan: $250/month

Visit Joyful Belly

Joyful Belly Review

Become an Ayurveda Health Counselor through this certificate program that teaches you the fundamentals of Ayurvedic medicine. Master the art of clinical Ayurveda as you apply practical knowledge of diet, lifestyle, and herbs to lead your clients to new health and vitality. This rigorous course presents the fundamentals of the body, health and disease from an Ayurvedic perspective. It ensures you have the Ayurvedic training necessary to work independently with clients and establish yourself as a leading professional in the field of integrative health care.

All online
Created those looking to make a career with Ayurveda
In-depth 500 hour, 11month course
Weekly live presentations
Weekly live case studies
Weekly live exercises and discussion
Comprehensive manual exclusive to Joyful Belly
Can’t start any time. Runs in cohorts lasting 11 months each.
Can be a little pricey for some

Digestive Tract Pathology

Become a leader in integrative health care by enrolling in this comprehensive course in Ayurvedic digestive tract pathology and Ayurvedic nutrition. Through this online course you’ll become confident in your knowledge of digestive tract health and wellness remedies, and how Ayurveda uses food and herbs as medicine. This rigorous program uses a hands-on approach so that you experience the knowledge directly. The material you learn in this program can be used to enhance your career and clinical skills in digestive health to the point of mastery.

Presentations include a week-by-week walk through of disorders of the digestive tract. This portion of the program will cover all major digestive tract disorders from bad breath to hemorrhoids. A partial overview of topics includes:

  • Mouth – Appetite, anorexia, bulimia, etc.
  • Stomach – Burping, acid reflux, ulcers, nausea, weight loss, etc.
  • Liver / Pancreas – Enzyme deficiencies, gallbladder, etc.
  • Small intestine – Leaky gut, allergies, celiac, intolerances, gas, etc.
  • Colon – Constipation, appendicitis, diverticulitis, etc.
  • Cleansing protocols including enema, purgation, and other detox regimes

Lecture content is based upon Ayurvedic literature, our personal clinical experience, and the testimony of our clients. We integrate innovations from other traditions wherever possible, including Chinese medicine, Western medicine, Western herbalism and other modalities such as massage therapy, yoga, and western psychology. At the end of each lecture you will not only understand the physical disorder but also the personality and emotional patterns associated with it. For each pathology, you will be presented with a combination of:

  • Etiology, risk factors, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis
  • Pathogenesis and development from a Western perspective
  • Enumerate Ayurvedic patterns of imbalance underlying the disorder
  • Ayurvedic as well as Western treatment protocols
  • Diet, lifestyle, herbs, yoga, & cleansing remedies
  • Psychological and emotional factors

Theoretical Foundations

  • Ayurvedic model of digestion & nutrition
  • Ayurvedic pharmacology for the digestive tract
  • Doshas, gunas, tastes in the digestive tract
  • Yoga for digestion, other important topics
  • The effects of metabolism, blood, & stress on digestion
  • Other miscellaneous topics

Clinical Practicum

You will meet with or observe clients through case studies and personal encounters, including:

  • 30 Live webinar classes discussing digestive cases & clinical assessment
  • 4 Buddy Consultation Personal Encounters as a client, and 4 as a student practitioner
  • 5 Clinical Personal Encounters
  • Food & Herb Experiments
  • Body Awareness & Case Studies
  • Treatment Protocol Writeup

Type of Skill to be Learned

  1. You’ll develop your body awareness to improve your experience of your digestive process in each of the tissues in your digestive tract. You’ll know what is happening to the food in your digestive tract every step of the way. You’ll be able to correct imbalances in digestion through natural remedies.
  • You’ll know how to apply the principles of ayurveda and awareness of your body to know the pharmacological effects of foods, just through taste and your experience of digesting the food.
  • You will be able to teach this body-centric approach to your clients, showing them how to make better food choices guided by actual digestive and nutritional experiences.
  • You will gain effective techniques to address a wide range of digestive concerns with clients as well as practical skills to effectively coach clients in achieving their health & wellness goals

Approximate Duration of Time

313 hours presentations & live online classes 241 hours clinical practicum

554 clock hours total including all course material & homework over an 11 month period

  • American Association of Biocharacteristics Clinicians (AABC) – The American Association of Biocharacteristics Clinicians is a professional society that provides healthcare professionals with education and continuing medical education. It was founded in 2005 with the goal of promoting excellence in the science and practice of biocharacteristic medicine. It has a membership of more than 8,000 members from all over the globe.
  • National Association of Ayurvedic Schools and Colleges (NAASC) – The National Association of Ayurvedic Schools and Colleges (NAASC) is a not-for-profit organization that was established to serve the professional interests of the ayurveda profession and to maintain standards of education in ayurveda. The NAASC is composed of volunteer members who are health care providers, practitioners, educators and students.
  • American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) – The American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) is a nonprofit organization which was founded in 1996, and has a mission of educating healthcare professionals and the public about the benefits of drugless therapies, and promoting the use of drugless therapies in the United States. Drugless therapies are treatments that are used without the use of drugs, and they include practices such as acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, massage, yoga, and more.
Meet Our Graduates - Caroline on Juggling the Course and Full Time Job
Visit Joyful Belly

Best Under $500

ayurvedic nutrition certification 1

School: My Vinyasa Practice

Program: Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification

Price: $420 $100 (Black Friday Sale)

Payment Plan: $210 x 2

Visit My Vinyasa Practice

My Vinyasa Practice Review

All online
Start anytime
Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification
Learn to create customized meal plans
Downloadable tools and charts
Optional direct support from Michelle, Founder of MVP
Lifetime access
30-Day money back guarantee
No live teachings or discussion
Focuses only on the nutritional aspects of Ayurveda

The My Vinyasa Practice Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification is a self-paced program with a flexible timeline that will help you to build your knowledge, develop your skills, and take your yoga business to the next level.


  • Course Overview
  • Materials & Required Reading
  • Course Deliverables & Certification Requirements
  • Introduction To Ayurveda

Nutrition & The Human Body

  • Foundations Of Nutrition
  • Digestive Mechanisms
  • Digestive Disfunction
  • The Psychology Of Nutrition

Foundations Of Ayurvedic Nutrition

  • Ayurveda 101
  • The Ayurvedic Disease Process
  • Ayurvedic Food Combining
  • Assimilation & Digestion
  • Eating For Your Dosha

Eating Disorders & Ayurveda

  • Disordered Eating & Prakriti
  • Disordered Eating & Psychology
  • Western Nutrition Vs. Ayurvedic Nutrition For Eating Recovery
  • Education & Integration

Working With Clients

  • Identifying Potential Clients Needs
  • Assessing Client Health
  • Creating Accessible Goals
  • Developing Meal Plans
  • Working With Clinical Providers

Business & Ethics

  • Scope Of Work
  • Waivers
  • Marketing
  • Conclusion

The My Vinyasa Practice Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification is a program that provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to create and run a healthy business. You can use this certification to address your career goals as a yoga teacher or alternative health practitioner, personal life goals as a healthy lifestyle coach, or your business goals as a yoga studio owner or educator.

Drawing on years of research and clinical experience specializing in digestive disorders, John Immel directs the Joyful Belly School of Ayurvedic Diet & Digestion. He is the founder of Joyful Belly, an educational Ayurvedic health care website, and oversees the Joyful Belly Clinic.

John holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Harvard University. He first discovered Ayurveda while working on a public health project in Bangladesh. His interest in Ayurveda and digestive tract pathology was inspired by a complex digestive disorder acquired from years of international travel.

Using ingredients familiar from his childhood, John created thousands of Ayurvedic recipes for the average American, published on Joyful Belly. Joyful Belly proves Ayurveda is a practical way to improve everyday health & wellness. His simple, direct and familiar approach has helped thousands on their journey to health. John recently published, “Explore Your Hunger: A Guide to Hunger, Appetite & Food” with co-author Natalie Immel.

Visit My Vinyasa Practice

I hope that this blog post was able to help you out in your search for the best Ayurvedic nutrition course. Good luck with deciding on which course will be right for you!

teas for stress and anxiety

5 Best Evidence-Based Teas For Stress and Anxiety Relief

Stress is called the silent killer for a reason. From anxiety to panic attacks to trouble sleeping, a dose of stress can do a number on your health. Yet most of us are so used to managing some stress or anxiety in our day-to-day lives that we tend to ignore the issue until it’s too late.

The good news? For those willing to make a few basic changes, tackling stress and anxiety can be as simple as updating your night-time routine and sipping on the right cup of tea.

Today, we’re going to be looking at the 5 best evidence-based teas for stress and anxiety you can use to unwind at the end of a stressful day. Not only do these teas promote relaxation, but they may help the 30% of people who suffer from chronic sleeplessness and insomnia too.

Consider enjoying a cup of one of these teas each day:

Chamomile Tea

teas for stress

Probably the best-known choice for relaxation, chamomile tea is an ancient remedy for inflammation, anxiety, and insomnia. Some experts say that the effects of chamomile are similar to that of a mild tranquilizer.

  • Chamomile is packed full of a substance called apigenin, which helps to decrease anxiety and initiate sleep. Studies have found that drinking around 400mg of chamomile extract a day can improve sleep quality.
  • Further research has also gone on to show that postpartum women suffering from poor sleep quality were soothed with chamomile tea.

While not everyone will respond well to chamomile, the gentle taste and relaxing aroma are a great place to start if you suffer from stress.

Valerian Tea

teas for

The valerian herb is another substance that has appeared throughout the centuries as a cure for nervousness and insomnia. The product was also used in England during World War II as a way to relieve stress caused by air raids.

Valerian is one of the most popular sleep aids in the world today, and it’s available in both liquid and capsule form, as well as a tea. Researchers believe that valerian root may improve GABA levels in the body, which can improve sleepiness, and reduce anxiety.

  • Studies into valerian root for insomnia indicate that it can reduce the amount of time it takes for a person to fall asleep at night and improve the quality of the sleep too. These studies also indicate minimal side effects after using valerian. There are no issues such as morning drowsiness to detract from the experience.

Lavender Tea

best teas for stress 1

There are few things more relaxing than the smell of lavender. This sweet and soothing herb is championed for its ability to reduce stress and improve sleep quality. The substance is available in tea form as a way of encouraging relaxation and stronger sleeping patterns.

  • According to one study, women who drank and enjoyed the aroma of lavender tea for two weeks had less fatigue than their counterparts
  • Other studies indicate that reductions in heart rate and heart rate variability were evident in women who inhaled the scent of lavender for 12 weeks, twice per week.

Try sweetening this tea with honey for a unique sleeping experience.

Lemon Balm Tea

best teas for

Lemon balm is an herb that actually comes from the mint family. Commonly used in aromatherapy, lemon balm is great for reducing stress and improving relaxation. Evidence suggests that lemon balm could be effective at increasing GABA levels, which improve sleepiness.

  • Further studies show up to a 42% reduction in symptoms of insomnia after patients took a lemon balm extract for 15 days.
  • The warm and refreshing lemon balm tea could be an incredible benefit to your night-time routine, and the flavor will likely appeal to plenty of people.

Passionflower Tea

teas for anxiety 1

Made from the dried stems, flowers, and leaves of the Passiflora plant, passionflower tea is a traditional solution to feelings of anxiety and insomnia. Studies indicate that this substance may be suitable for improving sleep quality and insomnia.

  • A study among 40 adults found that those drinking passionflower tea for one week reported a significantly better quality of sleep than their counterparts.
  • Further studies have shown that a combination of passionflower and other relaxing substances like valerian root can be excellent for treating insomnia.

Sip Your Way to Sleep

Many delightful herbal teas are now making their way into the market as powerful sleep aids. Although these teas won’t eliminate the underlying cause of your sleeping or stress issues, they can help you to get the relaxation you need.

For those suffering from high levels of anxiety and stress, the teas above offer a natural solution to common issues like insomnia. However, if you are using these teas for sleep improvement, try to avoid using any sweeteners, as these could increase your blood sugar levels and make you feel more awake.

It can also be a good idea to avoid adding milk to certain teas before bed if you have any dairy sensitivities that might harm your stomach.

For a natural and pleasant alternative to pharmaceuticals, consider trying these teas to help relieve stress and support a great night of sleep that refreshes you.

how does working work

Insights For New Coaches – How Does Coaching Really Work?

How does coaching really work? If you asked 100 different Coaches that question, you would get 100 different answers!

Why is the question so subjective? Because it’s all about YOU – your perception, abilities, skills, life experience, and your application of the basic principles of Coaching.

Then, of course, you must also factor in the Client – their circumstances, abilities, focus, life experiences, plans, and their willingness and ability to adapt and change.

…and that’s without even getting to the “niche” stuff!

Let’s look at a working definition of coaching:

Coaching is a straightforward but often complex (see above!) methodology for support and/or guidance for either an individual or group that can be applied to virtually any topic, business, or philosophy.

It’s a cooperative, collaborative, interactive partnership that employs targeted questions and reflective listening to enable and inspire clients to resolve their outstanding issues.

Coaching is About Communication

In short, Coaching is all about advanced communication. It’s a practical application of skills, wisdom, and life philosophy that you learn exclusively by doing.

It’s about a cooperative, collaborative partnership with someone where your sole intention is to help them get the very best out of themselves.

It can only be effective if you as the Coach have absolutely no attachment at all to the outcomes they create for themselves. After all, from the client’s perspective, this is their life to live, and all the decisions they make and all the actions they take are entirely their own responsibility, right?

They must own their own life, and everything that happens in it. Personal responsibility is important to us all.

Your job as a Coach is simply to challenge their thinking with the use of meaningful questions in a way that helps them make effective decisions and then take effective actions.

You must also keep them focused on the task at hand as long as it’s necessary to get the job done.

Who Hires a Coach?

Mainly, two kinds of people hire a Coach:

  • Those who are excelling and want to get better
  • Those who aspire excellence and want to get there as quickly and efficiently as possible

Consider this:

  • Every major sports star has a coach.
  • Every major entertainer has a coach.
  • Every major entrepreneur has a coach.

Why? Because it makes perfect sense to do so! It saves time and money, the two most important issues for the most successful people in any field of endeavor. It also relieves clients of the burden of a lot of trial and error too.

Coaching clients will always be strong people: people with character, a strong sense of purpose, and a desire to get things done …and the quicker the better.

That’s why Coaches find the profession so exciting! The variety also adds so much color to everything they experience.

How Can You Become a Great Coach?

Without reservation, the answer is: Your Clients will teach you everything you need to know!

You Learn by DOING!

Consider the story of Usain Bolt. How did he become the fastest man on the planet?

By going to a seminar? Reading a book? Watching a DVD? Going to a class? Reading a Manual? Of course not. He RAN!  Maybe not so fast at first, but he ran.

Then he learned about the importance of a great start and a great finish. So, he practiced getting really good at his starts and finishes. Then he tried to cut as much space out of the bit in between as possible.

He practiced, adjusted, modified, adapted and changed …all during the time he was running. He had to learn BY doing, WHILE doing.

That’s how all the greats do it, and so will you. Coaching is no different. There is no other way.

But it’s easier, more fun, and much more fulfilling than you think. It’s a very vibrant, in the moment, way of connecting and communicating with clients to create beneficial outcomes about anything and everything that they have on their mind NOW.

Even the Client Learns by DOING

There can be no benefit from Coaching without making decisions and taking action. Just knowing about something doesn’t count for much. It’s the application of that knowledge in the form of decision making and taking inspired action that creates the results.

Being decisive and taking action on important issues has the ability to change your world. Resistance to change drops like a stone when you have tangible results that matter. That’s how we find the courage to step out and change things.

Coaching is Both Evolutionary and Revolutionary

Coaching is evolutionary because the more clients you work with the more skilful and refined you become in your abilities to help them.

It’s revolutionary because it has the ability to create massive and positive change for both the client and the Coach at the same time.

And yet there is no magic to it. There are no secrets to learn either.

It’s simply a form of advanced communication that the Coach, through practice, and the client, through cooperation and collaboration, benefit from over time.

There is no better methodology for creating lasting, permanent change.

Imagine how many people you can help, entrepreneurs you can enable to make their dreams come true, and valuable relationships you’ll forge!

So, go out there and change the world!

cryptocurrency investment courses

Best Cryptocurrency Courses For Investing in Crypto (2024)

Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission, at no extra cost to you.

Top Cryptocurrency Investment Courses

Best Overall

Crypto University

Runner Up


Worthy Mention

Clever Crypto

Investing vs Trading – What’s The Difference?

Investing and trading are two very different terms that are often used interchangeably. The difference between the two is the outlook. It’s generally recommended to learn how to invest in cryptocurrency before learning to trade.

Investing in cryptocurrency

The outlook for investing in cryptocurrency is long-term. Therefore, when researching projects to invest in, you want look for ones that have long-term vision and utility.

Trading cryptocurrency

The outlook for trading in cryptocurrency is short-term. Therefore, when researching projects to invest in, you want look for ones that have the potential for massive short-term gain without much regard for their long-term vision.

Are These Courses Beginner Friendly?

Absolutely! From personal experience, I can say you’ll go from knowing nothing about cryptocurrency to being able to invest securely and confidently.

As a beginner, here’s what you’ll learn step-by-step from either of these courses:

  • What is cryptocurrency and blockchain technology
  • What are crypto wallets
  • What are the safest crypto wallets
  • How to get started with Crypto wallets
  • Softwares/Websites to use for research
  • Technical analysis to invest wisely
  • Fundamental analysis to invest wisely
  • When to buy and sell for maximum profits

What To Look For In A Cryptocurrency Investing Course

  • What is blockchain and how does it work
  • What are crypto wallets
  • How to open and use crypto wallets
  • How to secure your crypto wallets
  • Security best practices
  • Custodial vs non-custodial wallets
  • Hot vs cold wallets
  • Expanding your portfolio beyond Bitcoin
  • How to find profitable long-term investment opportunities
  • Earn passive income with crypto staking
  • Earn passive income with DeFi
  • Crypto mining

Is there a single cryptocurrency course that teaches all of these?

Yes, the only course that covers all of these essentials is Investing Mastery from Crypto University.

Compare 3 Of The Best Cryptocurrency Investment Courses

Scroll right to view more columns. If you are viewing from a phone or tablet I recommend rotating into a landscape for the best viewing experience.

cryptocurrency courses 1
cryptocurrency investment course
cryptocurrency course
ProviderCrypto UniversityCryptoversityClever Crypto (Udemy)
Visit WebsiteVisit WebsiteVisit Website
Flagship Investment Course(s)Crypto Investing MasteryBitcoin Foundations, Digital Money Revolution, The Secrets of The Bitcoin Triangle, Blockchain Security Essentials
Cryptocurrency Trading and Investing For Beginners
Beginner Friendly
Understand Blockchain
What are Crypto Wallets
How To Choose A Crytpo Wallet
How To Open A Crypto Wallet
Additional Security Practices
Custodial vs Non-Custodial Wallets
Hot vs Cold Wallets
How To Expand Portfolio Beyond Bitcoin
Portfolio Re-Balancing
How To Find Profitable Investments
Find Diamonds In The Rough
Crypto Staking✔ (lacks detail)
Passive Income With DeFi
Technical Analysis
Fundamental Analysis
Crypto Mining
Understand Tokens (ERC20 tokens, SegWit, PoS, SPV etc.)
Lifetime Access To Resources
Private Group for Students
Investment$140$99 each$49.99
Read ReviewRead ReviewRead Review
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#1 Cryptocurrency Investment Course

cryptocurrency courses

School: Crypto University (est. 2018)

Investment Courses: Investing Mastery

Cost: $140

Free Intro Course: Introduction To Blockchain Technology

Visit Crypto University

Investing Mastery Course

Crypto University Investing Course Preview

Introduction to Blockchain Technology (Free Course)

Introduction to Blockchain Technology - Powered by Celo
Visit Crypto University

Crypto University Review

  • Been in business since 2018
  • Covers all crypto investing essentials in 1 single course
  • Learn to find coins with potential
  • Portfolio Diversification
  • Telegram group for student to communicate
  • Free weekly webinars
  • Actively blogging and YouTubing
  • Lifetime access to courses
  • No moneyback guarantee – Have a ‘with cause’ 14-day return/exchange policy
  • No publics reviews on their website, Facebook, or YouTube

Investing Mastery Learning Outcomes

  • How to Buy or Sell Cryptocurrencies
  • How to Secure your Coins
  • How to Build a Portfolio
  • How to Diversify your Portfolio
  • How to Invest in Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
  • How to find reliable news and data for fundamental analysis
  • Fundamental Analysis
  • How to Invest in Crypto but avoid Bitcoin’s volatility
  • Understanding ERC20 tokens, SegWit, PoS, SPV & more
  • How to find new good coins and invest early before they become popular and make massive returns
  • Understand the basics of mining and setting up a Bitcoin mining facility
  • Learn Portfolio Rebalancing

Crypto University Reviews


Visit Crypto University

#2 Cryptocurrency Investment Courses

cryptocurrency investment course

School: Cryptoversity (est. 2015)

Investment Courses:
Bitcoin Foundations
The Digital Money Revolution
The Secrets Of The Bitcoin Triangle
Blockchain Security Essentials

Cost: $99 each or $99/month all access

Visit Cryptoversity

Free Lessons From Each Course

The Digital Money Revolution

The Digital Money Revolution Bitcoin Blockchain Course - Introduction and Overview

Blockchain Security Essentials

Introduction to Blockchain Security Essentials
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Crytptoversity Review

  • Been in business since 2015
  • 6 courses suitable for any investment level
  • 60-day moneyback guarantee
  • Need 3 courses to cover the essentials (costing $297) compared to needing 1 course with Crypto University (costing $99)

Bitcoin Foundations

  • Your own multi-currency wallet setup
    Simplify your crypto life from the start by setting up a wallet which will allow you to store, secure and manage over 100 different cryptocurrency assets in a single wallet.
  • The knowledge and ability to send and receive multiple cryptos
    We’ll teach you how to use both text based crypto addresses and QR codes for use with smartphone wallets for easy scanning with phone cameras.
  • An understanding of Bitcoin transaction fees
    We’ll teach you the practical aspects of transaction fees so you pay as little as possible.
  • Knowledge of how to protect your privacy while using Bitcoin
    The wallet we recommend you setup in this course automates a lot of the things you need to do to remain private, however it’s good for you to understand the basics of what it’s doing so you don’t sabotage it’s efforts to protect you.
  • The ability to lookup transactions and their status
    We’ll teach you how to use block explorers to track exactly where your incoming and outgoing transactions are so you know where your money is at all times.
  • The ability to convert one crypto to another in 3 clicks
    This is a foundation course remember so the goal is to keep it super simple. We’ll introduce the basics of how to convert one crypto asset for another.
  • Your wallet setup and mirrored on your laptop and phone
    There are pros and cons to using a crypto wallet on your laptop and different pros and cons to using a crypto wallet on your phone. We’ll show you how to synchronize the two to get the best of both worlds.
  • A secure backup of your crypto wallet
    Crypto assets have real value so we’ll take you through a simple and easy process to backup your wallet using a physical medium. If anything happens to your laptop or phone you’ll be able to regain access to your funds.
  • A way to buy multiple cryptos
    Once you have the wallet you’ll probably want to put something in it, so we’ll give you a few suggested ways to buy various crypto assets and then how to withdraw them to your personal wallet.
  • The ability to log and track your crypto asset values
    If you don’t get this right from the start it becomes very confusing later to figure out if your cryptos are worth more or less than when you bought them. We’ll give you a simple tool to log everything in, a tool that tracks the values in real-time and compares them to the price you bought them at.
  • The ability to sell your cryptos
    We’ll show you how to reverse the process for if and when you decide to turn your crypto assets back into your national currency.

Digital Money Revolution

  • How to explain Bitcoin to other people so that they understand it
    They say that you do not understand something unless you can explain it to someone else. By the end of this course you’ll be able to speak to others about Bitcoin confidently.
  • How to explain to other people what is wrong with our current financial system
    Once people understand what is wrong with the current system it’s much easier for them to understand how amazing Bitcoin is as the solution.
  • The various roles you can play in the Bitcoin economy
    Once you have a firm understanding of Bitcoin then you can decide which role you wish to play yourself.
  • How to setup your own easy to use Bitcoin wallet
    You’ll get setup with a wallet that works seamlessly on your phone and on your computer.
  • How to explain to other people why Bitcoin is inevitably going to change the world
    People can read about Bitcoin online endlessly, but if they have someone they know who gets it, that’s incredibly valuable to them.
  • How to use Bitcoin to protect your wealth from an economic crisis
    Bitcoin is becoming a safe haven because it exists outside of the old financial system. Bitcoin lives on the Internet which exists in it’s own virtual realm.

Blockchain Security Essentials

  • You’ll be in a very small group of people that are virtually unhackable
    Imagine what that kind of peace of mind feels like? Maybe you can’t imagine it because you have never experienced it before but I can assure you by the end of this course you will.
  • You’ll finally be able to enjoy the crypto revolution
    When you have stress and anxiety any positive excitement that you may get from the potential crypto has to offer will be covered over by the dark clouds of worry about losing it all in a hack. That’s about to change for you.
  • You’ll have greatly improved computer security
    One part of security is protecting yourself from being hacked technologically. I’ll give you the tools and techniques to keep the bad guys out.
  • You’ll have greatly improved scam detection
    Another part of security is protecting yourself from being manipulated by a scammer into voluntarily sending them your money. This is the human element of security that I’ll also help you with.
  • You’ll be empowered with universal security principles
    There are a small set of universal security principles that apply across the board, to all cryptos. Learning these principles will serve you for the whole of your crypto life. These principles apply far beyond the end of this course. They pay dividends forever.

Cryptoversity Reviews


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#3 Cryptocurrency Investment Course

cryptocurrency course

Provider: Clever Crypto (Udemy)

Course: Cryptocurrency Trading and Investing For Beginners

Cost: $49.99

Visit Clever Crypto on Udemy

Intro To Course

Crypto Trading & Investing For Beginners Course Part 1 (LINK TO THE FULL COURSE IN THE DESCRIPTION)

Clever Crypto Review

  • All online
  • Well structured
  • Very detailed technical and fundamental analysis
  • Not much training on Crypto exchanges; Pros and cons of different ones, how they work, fees, where to start as a beginner. You’ll need to do more homework on your own to find which ones are best for you, this is what I had to do after taking this course.

Introduction and Basics
This module is designed to walk the complete beginner through buying their first coins and familiarizing themselves with exchanges all the way to safely storing and securing them. I’ll go over my own personal workflow and how I do this entire process.

Investing and Trading
This module is designed to give you a thorough rundown on how I chart and what my trading strategies are. Honestly that’s just scratching the surface, I’ve literally poured my entire brain into this module which also expands to chart patterns, building a portfolio, in depth market dynamics and trading types with strategies for each.

Onchain Data Analysis
This module is designed to get you familiar with analyzing On chain metrics, which metrics I use as well as priceless resources for dynamically evolving your learning through time.

Market Cycle Analysis
How other markets influence crypto (In this module we cover how the macro economic backdrop effects crypto and how to monitor it to detect early warning signals.

Mindset and Psychology
The markets are much less technical than you think, in fact emotion is the major driver for price movement. This module covers basic principles of the mindset needed to survive and thrive as an investor/trader.

My Secret Weapons
In this module I literally give all of my personal investing edges to you, from price models that predict the tops and bottoms of markets to the T, what I look for in coins and my highly valued resources/recommendations.

Some Clever Crypto Reviews

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My Clever Crypto Course Review

This course was my very first introduction to cryptocurrency. I had almost zero prior knowledge about what crypto is or how to start investing in it.

Did it help me as a beginner?

Most definitely. I didn’t even know what a crypto wallet was prior to this course.

I’ll admit, I haven’t gone through all the technical analysis videos as they don’t interest me much. I’ve finished the rest of the course and I walked away with confidence and direction.

What did I like?

Cryptocurrency is a complicated subject with so many aspects and technical to learn. I found the terminology confusing and intimidating.

I thought Clever Crypto did an excellent job keeping it simple, or as simple as one possibly can while explaining everything crypto.

What could use improvement?

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