having trouble meditating

10 Possible Reasons Why You Are Having Trouble Meditating

Meditation seems simple, doesn’t cost anything, and is highly effective, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. And to be honest, it actually is pretty easy once you understand it, it’s just not what people expect it to be. Thes expectations can lead to having trouble meditating.

Beginners have all sorts of troubles when meditating, but most of them aren’t really problems. The complaints beginners have are simply part of the meditation process.

Meditation can work for everyone that puts in the time and effort.

Common Reasons People Have Trouble Meditating

1. Your mind is too active

Of course, it’s active. It takes practice before the mind quiets down, and it’s rarely silent even after years of practice. It takes about 20 minutes for experienced meditators to notice a slowing down of the mind.

This isn’t really a problem. Part of the purpose of meditating is to learn how your mind operates. This is how it operates.

Just return your focus to your breath.

2.Your mind wanders

It’s not uncommon to suddenly realize that you’ve been daydreaming for the last five minutes. The solution is the same as the previous issue. Just return your attention to your breath and continue.

3. A lack of consistency

Meditation needs to be done daily to see the greatest benefits. It also needs to be done daily to gain a high level of proficiency. You can’t become skilled at what you don’t practice. Get as much practice as you can.

4. You fall asleep

It’s not easy to fall asleep if you have the proper posture. It should be impossible to stay asleep if you have the proper posture, as you’re sure to lose you balance and fall over.

The best position for meditating is to sit up straight. If you lie down, you may struggle to stay awake.

5. Body pains

Holding one position can be painful, especially when you’re just starting out with meditation. Over time, your aches and pains will largely go away.

It’s best to try to remain still. Shifting your position will only give temporary relief, and the process starts all over again. No matter how much it hurts, you’ll find the pain fades away and eventually moves to another location if you stay still.

Itches fall into the same category. Just leave them alone and observe them.

6. Boredom

Yes, meditation can be boring, especially if you’re used to significantly more stimulation. Learn to sit still with your boredom and just observe it. Boredom can be more fascinating than you might think.

7. Rationalizing that quitting is a good idea

Common thoughts include things like, “This is a waste of time.” “Why am I doing this?” “Is this all there is?” Again, just sit with your thoughts and notice them. Every thought is as meaningless as the next.

Just realize that it’s your discomfort with stillness that’s bothering you. You’ll come to understand that many of the things you do in your life are to avoid this feeling. This includes things like staring at the TV and overeating.

Finding/Making time

The “not having time” excuse is hardly a valid excuse. If it’s important enough, you’ll make time.

Go to bed 20 minutes early and sit in the corner. Or get up 20 minutes early and do the same. The truth is, after a little practice, you can meditate at your desk or on a bus.

If you had time to watch TV, surf the internet, or play on your phone, you had time to meditate.

9. Desiring perfection

Perfection in meditation isn’t achievable, but you don’t need to be perfect. Put in the time with your best effort. That’s all that’s required.

10. Expecting more

Meditation rarely involves earth-shattering insights. It’s a gradual process that brings understanding over time.

The common troubles above aren’t really problems per se. They’re simply misunderstandings of what normally occurs during a meditation session. Just keep at it and have faith that everything is as it should be.

myths about meditation

16 Myths About Meditation

Meditation is as complex as your mind and as simple as sitting down and breathing. Even if you’re unsure about the details, you’ve probably heard that meditation is good for you.

In addition to managing stress, mindfulness practices have been linked to better outcomes for patients with heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, depression, and many other conditions.

There are many myths about meditation. It’s easy to see why it’s sometimes misunderstood.

This guide will help you sort out the facts so you can discover the true benefits of meditation and how it can change your life for the better.

Myth: It’s okay to discontinue medical treatment.

Truth: Talk with your doctor before making any decisions about your health. Meditation may reduce your need for prescription drugs or it may be a helpful supplement to conventional care.

Myth: Only the full lotus position counts.

Truth: Take a seat that’s comfortable for you. That may mean a half lotus on the floor or sitting in a straight backed chair.

Myth: Aches and pains are good.

Truth: Change positions if you feel stiff or get a cramp. Scan your body to detect areas of tension and make adjustments. You’ll eliminate distractions and protect your body from injury.

Myth: Teachers are useless.

Truth: You can learn a lot from books and videos. Live teachers are even better because you can form a warm and supportive relationship. Feeling accountable to another person may also encourage you to practice more consistently.

Myth: Expensive props make a big difference.

Truth: Go ahead and select a cushion that works well for you. You can also use your bed pillow or an old phonebook. Your mind is what really counts.

Myth: Absolute quiet is essential.

Truth: Silence is conducive to meditation, but it can be difficult to find in the modern world. Work on accepting background noise with a peaceful mind.

Myth: It requires a lot of time.

Truth: You can meditate for a just a few minutes a day. Focus on your breathing when you’re stuck at a red light. Remind yourself of all you have to be grateful for while you’re waiting for your coffee to brew.

Myth: It requires little time.

Truth: Prolonged contemplation leads to deeper insights. You can always adjust your priorities depending on what you want to accomplish.

Myth: Concentrate first.

Truth: Your thoughts may be accustomed to racing around. Over time, you will enhance your ability to concentrate.

Myth: Zoning out is the ultimate goal.

Truth: Meditation can be used just to relax. You can also use your sessions to sort out personal issues or seek spiritual attainments.

Myth: It’s some kind of religion.

Truth: Meditation is a traditional part of many religions. It can also be adapted to your personal spiritual beliefs or be a completely secular activity.

Myth: You’ll wind up isolated.

Truth: Sitting by yourself can actually strengthen your connections with others. You’ll develop more love and compassion.

Myth: Breathing is just for beginners.

Truth: Watching your breathing or counting your inhalations and exhalations is a common technique when you’re starting out. Train carefully. Deep and relaxed breathing is essential at every stage of meditation.

Myth: Progress feels gradual and steady.

Truth: Expect fluctuations. Some sessions will go smoothly and sometimes you’ll struggle.

Myth: Meditation is easy.

Truth: Mindfulness can be hard work. To make breakthroughs in thinking, address your automatic defenses. To set out in a more positive direction, transform your entrenched habits.

Myth: Meditation is difficult.

Truth: Meditation can also be simple and fun. Be gentle with yourself. Lighten up and enjoy the process.


Meditation practices are full of contradictions and diversity. They’re also immensely rewarding and worth all the effort. Clear up the myths and boost your physical and mental well-being through meditation.

What's a healthy lifestyle for a child Keep Your Child Fit

What’s a healthy lifestyle for a child? Keep Your Child Fit

Being overweight is unhealthy. Being underweight also has health risks. Research proves that about 80% of overweight children grow up obese. It increases their cancer risk and can lead to bullying and low self-esteem. Then, you want your child to be healthy.

Pause for a moment and think about your own exercise and eating habits. What would you say about them? Would you like your kids to have habits like yours, or could they do better? How can you get your children to stay active and have good eating habits?

Keep Your Child Fit and Healthy

Talk to your kids about the importance of being healthy

Teach them that different types of food give different types of energy.

Help them understand that if they want to get big and tall, they need building blocks – food with natural nutrients.

Encourage Them To exercise or move their bodies daily

Help them to understand that their body is meant to move.

Convince them that when they do this, they will fall sick less and can play with their friends more.

You could tell your kids to exercise directly. But a more effective method is to squeeze in a bit of exercise at different times during the day. They may not even notice it.

You can tell them to walk the dog or take them to the playground, so they can play with their friends. Climbing or swinging on the monkey bars can help strengthen their muscles.

Take a walk with them before or after dinner

Surprise them with gifts they can use for exercise, like bikes and skateboards. They can even use these as a means of transportation to school instead of you constantly dropping them off.

Make exercise fun

Teach them your favorite active games or sports. Put on some dance music and jam to it.

Challenge them to beat you in a race. Team sports like basketball, soccer, swimming, and karate are also fun.

Limit unhealthy and calorie-rich temptations

Control what foods you buy and eat. The availability of high fat, sugary, or salty snacks will prevent your kids from developing healthy eating habits.

Kids naturally eat what is available at home—stock up on fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and proteins.

You can also learn recipes for healthy snacks and prepare them together.

Limit screen time

What do we often do when watching something on our phones, computer, or TV? We mindlessly snack. That is not a good habit to encourage in your children. When they have nothing to do, encourage them to keep busy with things other than watching screens.

Eat as a family

Unless they have special dietary concerns, they should eat what the family eats. Kids are more likely to eat their fruits and vegetables if they see everyone else doing so.

What if your kids are against the idea of eating together? They will be more willing if you try to involve them in the meal preparation process. You can encourage them to invite their friends to dinner occasionally to make them more likely to want to eat with the family.

Another important tip is to avoid using mealtime as an opportunity to give lectures.

Practice portion control

This training helps children eat what they need, not simply because they want to. Serve food on smaller plates to make meals look larger. Dish them out on the counter, not at the dining table.

If food is at arm’s length, they will be encouraged to reach out for seconds, but if it’s on the counter, they will think twice about it.

The goal is to keep your kids healthy, not to starve them. Make sure they are receiving a healthy, balanced diet. Don’t forget to commend your children for their effort in obeying you.

As you work on helping them, ensure that you help yourself, too. Don’t ignore your health. Your kids need you alive. You love them dearly, so help them develop healthy habits they will carry throughout their lives.

exertion headache when exercising and after exercise

How To Avoid Exertion Headaches During And After Exercise

Exercising regularly provides you with many benefits. You can boost your mood, slim down, and reduce your risk for many serious medical conditions. However, there’s one less pleasant result that may surprise you. That’s exertion headaches that typically occur when exercising or after exercising.

They usually involve pain on both sides of the head and can last from 5 minutes to more than 2 days. An estimated 12% of adults experience these symptoms. That increases to as much as 40% if you have a history of migraines.

Exercise exertion headaches have many causes, and most are easily treatable once you understand what’s happening. Learn more about home remedies and when to seek medical care.

Common Causes of Exercise Exertion Headaches

  • Dehydration
  • Low blood sugar levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Poor posture
  • Breathing improperly
  • Stress induced tension
  • Scents such as cologne, perfume, body spray

Change Your Workout Habits

Pace yourself

Most exercise headaches are the simple exertion type, suggesting that you may be trying to do too much too soon. Increase your fitness goals gradually. Break up your workouts into shorter and more frequent sessions.

Warm up

Give your body time to adapt. Warming up slowly increases your heart rate and circulation. Ride a stationary bike for 10 minutes or march in place swinging your arms.

Adjust your posture

Poor form puts more pressure on your muscles, raising the risk for a headache and other injuries.

One quick tip is to always make sure your neck is in a neutral position and in alignment with your spine to avoid nerve compression and excess muscular tension. Especially don’t tilt your head up.

If you’re unsure of your posture, I suggest to work with a trainer or watch videos to see how an exercise is supposed to look.

Breathe naturally

Do you sometimes catch yourself holding your breath during a difficult movement? Your body and brain need oxygen. Practice exhaling while you lift a weight and inhaling when you lower it.

Include stretching

Being limber makes your workouts easier. Stretching increases blood flow and trains your body to work more effectively. Add a few stretches to your cool down routine or do them while you watch TV.

Eat a snack

Consume enough calories to prevent fatigue and stabilize your blood sugar. Smart choices for a pre-workout snack include peanut butter on crackers or yogurt with fruit. Afterwards, enjoy chocolate milk or hummus.

Check the weather. Move your workout indoors when the heat index is over 90 degrees. Exercise early in the morning or late in the day during the warmest seasons.

Other Helpful Tips

Stay hydrated

A lack of fluids can cause headaches, and the pain may feel worse when you move your head. As a general rule, rehydrate with water and save the sports and electrolyte drinks for intense activity that lasts longer than an hour.

Sleep well

Getting 7 to 8 hours of high-quality rest each night can reduce headaches and many other ailments. Regular exercise helps, along with maintaining a consistent bedtime and keeping your bedroom dark and quiet.

Manage stress

Your body and mind are closely connected, so both mental and muscle tension can make your head sore. Find relaxation practices that work for you, like listening to instrumental music. Think positive and reach out for help when you need it.

Monitor migraines

Depending on the individual, exercise may help with your migraines or make them worse. Keep a journal, so you and your health provider can determine your needs.

See your doctor

If you have heart disease or other underlying conditions, let your doctor know if you have exercise headaches. Follow their recommendations for what activities are safe for you.

Seek urgent care

Act immediately if any headache is sudden and extreme or accompanied by neurological symptoms like slurred speech, loss of balance, and confusion.

Adopting an active lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do for your mental and physical wellbeing. Knowing how to prevent and treat exercise headaches will help you to enjoy your workouts and stay fit.

how do i forgive myself

“How Do I Forgive Myself?” – Some Tips To Help make It a Little Easier

Do you ever feel like you can’t move on from your past mistakes? You’re constantly haunted by what you did, and no matter how much time has passed, you keep wondering “how do I forgive myself?”.

Making mistakes is a normal and inevitable part of life. But unfortunately, when we make mistakes, it’s tough to forgive ourselves.

We may dwell on our errors, feel guilty or ashamed, and think that we are not worthy of forgiveness. But self-forgiveness is an essential step on the road to happiness and peace of mind.

One of the most important things to remember is that everyone makes mistakes. It’s a part of being human. Just because you made a mistake doesn’t mean that you’re a terrible person. Recognizing this can help you be more forgiving towards yourself.

Forgiving yourself is the first step to moving on and learning from your past experiences. It also opens up the possibility of forgiveness from others. How can you expect others to do the same if you can’t forgive yourself?

Tips to help make forgiving yourself easier

Allow yourself time to heal and don’t rush the process. It takes time to recover from a physical wound, and it also takes time to heal from the emotional pain of making a mistake.

It’s essential to learn from your mistakes, but it’s equally important to give yourself time to heal afterward. Rushing the healing process can lead to further anxiety and stress, preventing you from moving on healthily.

Part of healing is accepting what happened and forgiving yourself.

Trying to forget what happened or dwelling on what could have been will keep you stuck in the past. Instead, focus on the present and building a purposeful future.

Focus on the present. Living in the past won’t change anything. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, focus on the present and what you can do to improve the situation. For example, if you make a mistake at work, focus on doing your best and learning from your mistake.

By focusing on the present, you’ll be able to move on from your mistakes and become a stronger person from the experience.

Seek support and help. It’s helpful to talk to someone about what you’re going through, such as a friend, therapist, or online support group. Talking about your experiences can help you process them in a healthy way and see things from a different perspective.

It can also reassure you to know that you’re not alone in what you’re feeling.

Be gentle with yourself. Beating yourself up about your mistakes will only make things worse. Instead, it’s important to be kind to yourself and give yourself credit for trying your best.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes and that you can learn from them. Forgiving yourself is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Deciding to forgive yourself is not always easy, but it’s worth it. By forgiving yourself, you’re taking the first step towards moving on and learning from your experiences. Remember to be patient with yourself, talk to someone about what you’re going through, and be gentle.

You deserve forgiveness, and you will get there in time. If you are struggling, speak to a good friend or therapist. Talking to a therapist will provide you with practical steps to guide you through the healing process. Don’t be ashamed of speaking to a therapist. They are professionally trained to support people through challenging situations.

Follow these tips and reap the forgiveness and healing that you yearn for.

finding peace within during turbulent and uncertain times

Finding Peace Within Yourself During Uncertain Times

Are you feeling uneasy about the future? You’re not alone. Rates of depression and anxiety grew more than 25% starting in 2020, according to one global study. It’s a natural reaction when grocery prices are climbing, and retirement savings are dwindling.

Add to that the headlines talking about climate change, pandemics, and war.

You probably have limited influence over these kinds of events, but you can control the way you respond to them. Try this foolproof formula for finding peace during challenging times.

Self-Care for Turbulent and Uncertain Times

Eat healthy

Give your body the energy it needs. Choose delicious whole foods rich in essential nutrients and fiber. Aim for at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Limit your consumption of added sugar, salt, and saturated fats.

Exercise regularly

Research shows that working out can be as effective as antidepressants for some patients. Find a variety of activities that you enjoy and will want to stick with. Go outdoors for an extra boost.

Sleep well

Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If disturbing thoughts keep you awake, try writing them down as a way to put them aside until later. Avoid caffeine and alcohol later in the day. Adopt soothing bedtime rituals, like soaking in a warm bath.

Learn to accept what is (reality)

Denying unpleasant facts can reinforce anxiety. Focus on solutions, rather than wishing things were different.

Think positive

Look on the bright side and cultivate gratitude. Search for uplifting news and citizens taking constructive action in their communities.

Train your breath

You have a simple and free tool you can use anytime to help manage your emotions. Practice taking deep breaths and lengthening your exhalations. Attend a class or watch a video to learn more about connecting your breath and body movements.

Stretch your muscles

Scan your body for tight spots where you may be holding onto tension. Stretching helps you to loosen up and relax. Make it a regular part of your workouts and take breaks to move around when you’ve been sitting for a long time.

Clear away clutter

Your environment affects your mood. Keeping your home and office organized and neat helps you to focus and feel content. Give away items you rarely use or store them out of sight.

Social Support for Turbulent and Uncertain Times

Connect with loved ones

Hang out with family and friends. Dedicate time for movie nights and coffee dates. When your schedule is hectic, combine socializing with running errands and doing chores.

Express your feelings

Let others know when you’re struggling and ask for help when you need it. Engage in deep conversations. Keeping a journal may increase your awareness and make it easier for you to talk about your emotions.

Share laughter

Encourage each other to lighten up. Tell jokes and describe amusing things that happened to you recently. Do impressions or poke fun at yourself. Play charades and send gag gifts.

Eat together

Family meals are one of the most important rituals you can observe. Enjoy stimulating conversation and healthy food. Work as a team to plan menus and prepare dishes. Turn off your TV and phones.

Give back

Being generous makes you feel happier and more confident. Do volunteer work in your community and practice random acts of kindness.

Advocate for yourself

Healthy relationships depend on give-and-take. Set reasonable boundaries. Share practical support and emotional validation.

Develop the wisdom and strength you need to thrive during uncertain times. Work on your relationships with yourself and others, so you can hold onto your peace of mind.

is happiness really a choice psychology

6 ways that show happiness Really is a choice – Psychology

When most people think about the psychology behind happiness, they assume that it is something that happens to them. They don’t believe they can choose happiness, but it’s a choice you make every day. You can control your thoughts and emotions and decide to be happy.

6 ways that show how happiness Really is a choice:

1. You decide where to focus your energy

What you focus on has a significant impact on your happiness. For example, if you choose to focus on the negative, you will notice all the bad things in your life and be unhappy. However, if you focus on the positive, you will feel optimistic about your life.

Focusing on the positive aspects of your life shows your brain that most things turn out okay. Each day can bring many things that support our happiness.

But conversely, when you focus on the negatives, your brain automatically goes into survival mode and worries about all the things that could go wrong.

Studies show that positive thinking can improve your health! For example, one study showed that people who had a positive outlook on life were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

When you decide to focus on the positive, you take control of your life.

2. You decide how you respond to situations

You will face challenging problems in life, but how you respond to tough situations matters. During difficult times, some people choose to focus on all the negative aspects of their lives, and they become unhappy.

Others prefer to focus on the positive, and they can maintain a strong sense of happiness and well-being while they determine solutions to their issues.

When you decide how you respond to situations, you choose how you want to feel. For example, if you get laid off from your job, you can focus on the negative and feel sorry for yourself or focus on the positive and see it as an opportunity to find a better job.

Set an example for others. When you choose to be happy, you inspire those around you to do the same despite facing difficulties.

Respond instead of reacting. When you react to a situation, you usually act out of emotion and do not think clearly. When you respond to a problem, you make a conscious decision about how to act.

3. You control your thoughts

Your thoughts have a massive impact on your happiness. If you want to be happy, you must take control of your life and decide how you want to think. Only then will you be able to maintain your happiness.

Be aware of your thoughts. The first step to controlling your thoughts is to be mindful of them. When you are aware of your thoughts, you can question why you think of them.

Practice positive self-talk. One way to control your thoughts is to practice positive self-talk. Instead of talking to yourself negatively, change the narrative. For example, instead of saying, “I’m so fat,” say, “I’m healthy, and I love my body.”

Choose your thoughts wisely. Another way to control your thoughts is to choose them. When presented with an idea, ask yourself if it is helpful or harmful. If it is destructive, let it go.

What you allow yourself to think about has a significant impact on your happiness. You can choose to think about cheerful things, or you can choose to think about sad things. It’s up to you!

4. You can change your mindset

If you want to be happy, you can change your perspective. Many people believe that happiness is something that you are born with and that you can’t control. However, this isn’t true! You can choose to be happy by changing your mindset.

The first step to changing your mindset is to choose to be happy. Decide that you will be happy, no matter what.

Life will present you with problems. However, you can decide to look at the world with a “glass half full” mindset or a “glass-half-empty” mindset. You decide.

Write your negative thoughts in a journal to identify when and why you have these thoughts. When you understand why you have negative thoughts and feelings, you can create a plan to process your thoughts healthily.

See a therapist. A negative mindset might stem from childhood or adulthood trauma. A professional can provide tools to help shift your mindset from negative to positive.

3. You can change your behavior

Your behavior affects your happiness. If you want to be happy, you need to choose to act to make yourself happy.

Choose your actions wisely. When an opportunity presents itself, ask yourself if it will make you happy. If the answer is no, then don’t do it!

Make a list of things that bring you joy and try to do at least one of those things each day.

Avoid people who bring you down. There is no reason to keep people in your life who make you unhappy. If someone consistently gets you down, it’s time to let them go.

Do something new. Trying new things is a great way to spice up your life, leading to happiness. When you step out of your comfort zone, you open yourself to new experiences and possibilities.

6. You can find meaning in your life

When you find meaning in your life, you are more likely to be happy. To find meaning in your life, ask yourself what you are passionate about and what you want to achieve. Once you have a good understanding of these things, you can start working towards them.

Achieving your goals will strengthen your mental health and give your life purpose and meaning.

Do something that you are passionate about. When you are working on something you are passionate about, you are more likely to be happy.

Help others. One of the best ways to find meaning in your life is to help others. When you help someone, you make a positive impact on their lives and make yourself feel good.

Do something that brings you joy. When you do something that makes you feel good, it boosts your mood and improves your mental health. Doing things that make you happy will also help you find meaning in your life.

Happiness is a choice

You can choose to be happy, no matter what life throws your way. When you decide to be happy, you are more likely to find happiness in your life. So, change your mindset, focus on the positive aspects of your life, and find peace in the little things.

Find meaning in your life and do more of the things that make you feel at ease. When you focus on the problematic parts of your life, they multiply. However, things look brighter when you place your energy into the positive aspects of your life. Every day, you get to decide how you think or feel. Today, choose happiness.

health effects of loneliness

Shocking Health Effects of Loneliness + Helpful Strategies

Loneliness may harm your health more than you think. It ages you faster than smoking, according to a recent study by scientists at Stanford University. Feeling isolated speeds up your biological clock by about a year and 8 months, compared to a year and 3 months for tobacco.

That’s partly because of the link to chronic inflammation, which increases your risk for issues like diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

While most experts agree about the impact of loneliness, defining it can be trickier. There are many stereotypes and a wide range of factors involved.

You might picture a senior citizen living alone, but anyone can be vulnerable. High risk groups also include new parents and caregivers. In fact, a 2021 Harvard study found that one-third of Americans feel seriously lonely.

The causes vary too, including both environmental and psychological elements. Understanding your loneliness can help start you on the path to feeling more connected.

Adopting Healthy Habits

When you feel lonely, you’re less likely to take care of yourself. Turn things around by recognizing and responding to some of the most common symptoms.

Taking these actions can help:

  1. Exercise regularly. Staying active is often more difficult when you’re feeling down. Design a variety of workouts that will hold your interest. Take group classes or do things outdoors where you can appreciate nature.
  2. Sleep well. Loneliness may disrupt your sleep. Stick to a consistent bedtime and keep your bedroom dark and quiet.
  3. Limit alcohol. You might be at higher risk for substance abuse if you’re experiencing emotional pain or searching for distractions. Decide in advance how many drinks to allow yourself and take days off from alcohol.

Strengthening Your Social Circle

Loneliness is mostly about being dissatisfied with your relationships. You might benefit from making new friends and changing the way you interact with the family and friends you already have.

Try these strategies:

  1. Carve out time. Some studies have found it takes about 50 hours to make a casual friend and double that for closer ties. Make time in your weekly schedule for your loved ones. Eat family dinners and stay in touch with your buddies.
  2. Advocate for yourself. Asking for what you need helps to build healthy relationships. Set reasonable boundaries and remember that you’re worthy of love and respect.
  3. Give generously. Sharing your blessings with others makes you more joyful and popular. Volunteer in your community and do favors without expecting anything in return.
  4. Add new friends. It’s natural for some connections to lapse over time. It’s also easier for relationships to thrive when you avoid expecting too much from any one individual. Go to places where you can meet others who share your interests.

Managing Your Emotions

It’s also possible to be alone without being lonely. The way you process your feelings plays a major role.

Use these techniques to steer your emotions in a healthy direction:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings. Daily reflection or keeping a journal can increase your self-awareness. Observe yourself without making judgements. Accepting your anger or sadness can be the first step to making positive changes.
  2. Reframe your thoughts. Try to look at situations from a more constructive perspective. Do your own reality check or ask someone you trust for feedback.
  3. Consider counseling. If you need more help with loneliness and depression, talk with your doctor. They can help you find mental health resources in your area that will fit your needs and budget.

Each of us experiences loneliness in different ways, so it’s important to find your own personal solution. Staying connected can keep you healthier and happier.

ways to relieve stress at work

5 Easy Ways To Help Relieve Stress at Work Now

The ringing phones, constant emails, and important meetings can easily create stress at work. However, it can be managed with natural remedies you can bring with you and keep in your desk. You can control the stress in your life by making simple changes.

If you start feeling stressed At Work, reach for one of these solutions:

Replace your soda or coffee with a water bottle.

A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine from Duke University Medical Center found that caffeine compounds stress. Caffeine causes the body to release more stress hormones while changing how the mind perceives issues.

You can enhance the flavor of your water with pieces of fruit like blueberries or lemon. Powdered water enhancers in a variety of flavors from grocery stores offer another way to change the taste, so the sodas won’t be as tempting.

Use essential oils to improve your mood and decrease stress

Inhaling essential oils is a powerful way to enhance your well-being. They are easy to store in an office desk and can be used throughout the day.

Lavender, chamomile, and lemon essential oils are commonly used to improve the mood.

Sprinkle herbs on your lunch at work

Herbs can affect emotions, so adding the right ingredients to your food can help relieve stress. A couple of small bottles of herbs can be stored in your desk and used during lunchtime every day.

Cardamom is a popular spice that can relieve stress by increasing the antioxidants in the body. It’s frequently used in Indian dishes, and it can be added to many meals.

Lemon balm increases calmness and alertness. According to the study, “Attenuation of laboratory-induced stress in humans after acute administration of Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm),” this powerful herb decreases stress by reducing anxiety.

Holy basil is part of the mint family, and it’s another herb capable of reducing stress. It’s not the same as the common basil added to pasta dishes or tomato sauces. Holy basil has antioxidant qualities which improve the mood.

Use herbal teas to soothe your mind

Avoid the caffeine and stress that comes with coffee by choosing herbal teas. There are decaffeinated versions available in a variety of flavors.

Native Americans used Passionflower for its medicinal properties, and it’s a strong stress reducer. Passionflower tea tastes mild and pleasant.

Chamomile tea is a popular choice because it increases relaxation and is able to decrease anxiety.

Green tea soothes the nerves with its antioxidant and L-theanine content. L-theanine is an amino acid linked to stress relief. Studies show it can change brain waves in a positive way.

Add stress relieving objects to your desk

Offices are bland and boring, but desk decorations can add a touch of home and quick mental escape. They’re a fun distraction which is capable of cutting down the stress at work.

Water fountains provide soothing sounds that contribute to a relaxing atmosphere.

Zen gardens are often compared to toys, but they’re actually an ancient technique for relieving stress. Raking sand, organizing stones, and shaping the gardens clears the mind.

Newton’s cradles are popular desk objects. However, the cradles offer more than a study of the law of conservation of momentum. They help relax the mind and improve focus.

Try these natural remedies to manage your stress at work. You’ll calm your nerves and lighten your mood.

best corrective exercise specialist certification

Best Corrective Exercise Specialist Certifications (2024)

Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission, at no extra cost to you.

3 Best Corrective Exercise Specialist Certifications

Best Overall

Biomechanics Method


International Sports Sciences Association

National Academy of Sports Medicine

Best Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification

biomechanics method corrective exercise specialist certification

Course Provider: Biomechanics Method

Program: Corrective Exercise Specialist

Price: $749 (Get 30% OFF with my code below)

Payment Plans: n/a

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Visit Biomechanics Method

Here’s 2 videos by the creator, Justin Price, to introduce this in depth specialist course:

Sample Lesson: Part 1 of 5 in the ‘Causes and Cures of Lower Back Pain’ series

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Visit Biomechanics Method

Biomechanics Method Review

All online
Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification
Top-rated Corrective Exercise Specialist certification on Ideafit
Extensive 50-75 Hour course
Certification doesn’t expire, no renewal needed
CEC provider for most popular fitness organizations around the world
Downloadable resources
Unlimited free exam retests included
Printed textbook not included
Learning portal isn’t as modern as competitors
No payment plans
Video quality is only 480p

The Fundamentals of Structural Assessment (Module 1)

This learning module teaches a step-by-step process for conducting musculoskeletal assessments so you can identify common imbalances that can cause muscle dysfunction, joint discomfort and movement limitations.

You will learn verbal, visual, and hands-on techniques for assessing the feet and ankles, knees, lumbo-pelvic hip girdle, thoracic spine and shoulder girdle, and the neck and head. You will also learn how musculoskeletal imbalances in one area of the body can cause problems in other areas.

Understanding Muscles and Movement (Module 2)

This learning module explains in easy-to-understand terms how the whole body moves together as an integrated series of muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments, and fascia; information that is essential for understanding the root causes of musculoskeletal imbalances. It will teach you about major muscle groups in detail, as well as specific muscle origins, insertions, and functions.

Most importantly, you will discover the unique approach of The BioMechanics Method in regard to understanding how gravity and ground reaction forces change the way the body moves — knowledge that is imperative for designing effective corrective exercise programs.

The Fundamentals of Corrective Exercise (Module 3)

This learning module builds upon the knowledge and skills learned in Modules 1 and 2, and explains the most effective types of exercises for eliminating lower back, hip, shoulder, knee, neck, foot, and ankle dysfunction caused by common musculoskeletal imbalances.

You will learn about self-myofascial release techniques that will enable you to alleviate restrictions in muscles and fascia, stretching exercises to help increase a client’s mobility and range of movement, and strengthening exercises to help people begin to move correctly and without limitations.

You will also learn valuable strategies for regressing exercises when necessary, and then progressing exercises as a client’s abilities improve. Specific contraindications for each exercise type are also included to ensure safety and effectiveness.

The Complete Corrective Exercise Library (Module 4)

This learning module contains descriptions and demonstrations of almost 200 of the most effective corrective exercises for addressing musculoskeletal imbalances (including progressions and regressions).

The fundamental principles of each corrective exercise category are highlighted and key teaching tips for every exercise are provided. This comprehensive collection of techniques serves as an exercise guide to help you to create programs that are most appropriate for a client’s needs.

Corrective Exercise Program Design (Module 5)

This learning module guides you through the corrective exercise program design process from start to finish, teaching you how to develop and use effective communication strategies when working with clients that have corrective exercise needs. Comprehensive, real-life case studies using actual clients are also included that demonstrate the complete The BioMechanics Method process.

In addition to tying together the information from Modules 1-4, this fifth and final module of TBMM-CES course focuses on client communication skills, networking, and referral strategies so you can apply your skills within your scope of practice in the real world.


  • American Council on Exercise (ACE) – 8.0 CECs
  • National Exercise Trainers Association (NETA) – 80.0 CECs
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) – 80.0 CECs
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) – 2.0 CEUs (Cat. C)
  • REPs UAE – 40 CPDs (total for all course modules)
  • AUSActive – 37 CECs (total for all course modules)
  • CIMSPA – 10 CPDs
  • Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) – 15 CPDs
  • International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) – 20 CEUs
  • National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP) – 12 CECs
  • Board of Certification (BOC) – 32.0 Category A CEUs
  • Virginia Board of Physical Therapy (VBOPT) – 32.0 Type 1
  • Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) – 15 CEUs
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) – 1.9 CEUs

The course is also eligible for continuing education credits from IFPA, NESTA, NFPT, WITS, YMCA, and many other certifying organizations upon petition. Most physical therapy boards will reciprocate approval for continuing education. Please check with your state. The National Strength and Conditioning Association approved 2.0 CEU(s) in category C for certified individuals who successfully complete this course.

Read More Reviews

My Biomechanics Method Review

Below are my opinions based on going through the course.

For more context, I have 15+ years of experience in the fitness industry. I’ve taken numerous courses online and in person, watched 100’s (if not 1000’s) of videos on YouTube related to the fitness industry, and read numerous books.

In other words, I have a decent amount of learning experience to compare this course to in terms of quality.

Who do I think this course is best suited for?

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#2 Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification

issa corrective exercise specialist certification 1

Course Provider: International Sports Science Association

Program: Corrective Exercise Specialist

Price: $419

Payment Plans: $34 x 12

Visit ISSA

International Sports Science Association Review

All online
Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification
3D Animated online lab of over 250 exercises
Online private student forum
Free professional website
One exam retest at no cost
Includes digital 250+p page textbook
Downloadable resources
Estimated 70 hours to complete
Printed copy of textbook not included
Not as extensive as Biomechanics Method

Section One: Corrective Exercise Science

  • Skeletal System
  • Muscle and Fascia
  • The Nervous System
  • Joint Actions
  • Movement

Section Two: Corrective Exercise Practice

  • Preparing for the Client
  • Create a Just Right Challenge
  • Perform a Single-Joint Movement Analysis
  • Perform an Upper Body Multi-Joint Movement Analysis
  • Perform a Lower Body Multi-Joint Movement Analysis
  • Restore Structural Alignment and Stability
  • Restore Mobility through Stability
  • Soft Tissue Assessments and Correctives Request Information

Download a free sample of Chapter 1:


European Register of Exercise Professionals – The European Register of Exercise Professionals (ERP) is a certification body in Europe. It was established in 2007. The main purpose of the European Register of Exercise Professionals is to provide a quality-assured, reliable and efficient service for individuals and organizations that wish to deliver exercise-related services. The European Register of Exercise Professionals is an independent body and is not affiliated with any governmental or non-governmental organizations.

ISSA – 20 CEUs


Visit ISSA

#3 Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification

nasm corrective exercise specialist certification

Course Provider: National Academy of Sports Medicine

Program: Corrective Exercise Specialist

Self-Study: $449
Premium Self-Study: $599

Payment Plans:
Self-Study: $199 down, then $15 x 17
Premium Self-Study: $199 down, then $24 x 17

Visit NASM

National Academy of Sports Medicine Review

All online
Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification
Certification never expires and doesn’t need renewal
Modern digital learning portal
51+ High def videos
Downloadable resources
Printed textbook not included
Not as extensive as Biomechanics Method

Section 1: Introduction to Corrective Exercise Training

Chapter 1: Rationale for Corrective Exercise
The student will understand the rationale and importance of delivering corrective exercise training to clients.

Chapter 2: Human Movement Science and Corrective Exercise
Discover the relationship between functional anatomy, the human movement system, and optimal movement and how this applies to the overall corrective exercise strategy.

2: Corrective Exercise Techniques

Chapter 3: Inhibitory Techniques
Choose and implement the appropriate inhibitory strategies based on the current evidence gained from the assessments you’ve conducted.

Chapter 4: Lengthening Techniques
Learn the rationale and proper implementation of various flexibility modalities.

Chapter 5: Activation Techniques
Understand the guidelines, precautions, and contraindications for implementing isolated strengthening exercises.

Chapter 6: Integration Techniques
Understand the importance of integrated dynamic movement and how to progress these movements to reach your client’s performance goals.

Section 3: Assessment

Chapter 7: Client Intake and Assessment
Learn best practices for client intake and assessment to create the most targeted training program that addresses their specific needs.

Chapter 8: Static Assessments
Unlock the vital first step in the corrective exercise assessment process, which gives insight into the overall body alignment of the client.

Chapter 9: Movement Assessments
Movement assessments are the cornerstone of the assessment process. Work through the assessment flowchart, selecting the most relevant and targeted assessments.

Chapter 10: Mobility Assessments
Gain an understanding of how to further refine the assessment process with targeted mobility assessments.

Section 4: Programming Strategies

Chapter 11: Corrective Strategies for the Foot and Ankle
Human movement is a complex balance of sensory stimulation, neuromuscular control, and biomechanical stabilization. At the root of human movement is the relationship between the foot and ankle. This chapter will review and explain the vital function of this aspect of the kinetic chain.

Chapter 12: Corrective Strategies for the Knee
Because the knee is so commonly injured, it is essential to know the kinetic function of this area of the body. You will learn the basic anatomy of the knee, strategies for treating it with corrective exercises, and how to identify abnormal muscle activation patterns.

Chapter 13: Corrective Strategies for the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex
The lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC) is a region of the body that has a massive influence on the structures above and below it. Because of this influence on neighboring muscles and joints, it’s an incredibly important region to understand. The Corrective Exercise Specialist will learn how to ensure clients’ LPHC are moving efficiently and safely.

Chapter 14: Corrective Strategies for the Thoracic Spine and Shoulder
This chapter will delve into the anatomy of the thoracic spine and shoulder, the mechanisms for common injuries in this region, the influence of altered thoracic spine movements on the kinetic chain, and more.

Chapter 15: Corrective Strategies for the Wrist and Elbow
The elbow joint functions as a link between the shoulder and wrist, providing a large amount of stability and motion. Given the complexity and necessity of the wrist and elbow, dysfunction can often be debilitating to normal activities of daily living. Within this chapter of the course, you will learn how to navigate this complex interplay between the wrist and elbow.

Chapter 16: Corrective Strategies for the Cervical Spine
This chapter will show you anatomy of the cervical spine, how to determine appropriate systematic assessment strategies for the cervical spine, how to select the appropriate strategies, and common injuries found in this region of the body.

Chapter 17: Self-Care and Recovery
Intense training and life stress can place unfamiliar demands on the body. Learn recovery strategies to mitigate the effects of these stressors on the body so that your clients can perform at an optimal level.

Chapter 18: Real-World Application of Corrective Exercise Strategies
Learn how to implement corrective exercise in a variety of scenarios and environments for clients with varying goals.

BONUS CONTENT: Audio Lectures, Webinars & Study Guide

The Premium Self-Study package includes 16 audio lectures, 6 webinars, a suggested study schedule, and exam study guide.

Audio lectures:

  1. What is Regional Interdependence?
  2. Why Implement Corrective Exercise? What Does the Science Say?
  3. The Science Behind Flexibility and Self-Myofascial Techniques
  4. Motor Control, Motor Learning and Motor Development
  5. Optimal Length-Tension Relationships and Optimal Force
  6. Force-Couple Relationships
  7. Muscular/Movement Subsystems
  8. The Science of Inhibition Techniques
  9. The Science of Lengthening Techniques
  10. The Science of Activation Techniques
  11. The Science of Integration Techniques
  12. The Rationale for Dynamic Assessments
  13. Rest
  14. Refuel
  15. Regenerate
  16. Avoid Skipping Phases: Using all four phases of the Corrective Exercise Continuum


  1. Corrective Strategies for the Shoulder and Thoracic Spine
  2. Corrective Strategies for the LPHC
  3. Corrective Strategies for the Foot and Ankle
  4. Corrective Strategies for the Knee
  5. Corrective Strategies for Elbow and Wrist
  6. Corrective Strategies for Cervical Spine

Final Exam

After the completion of the course, you will take an online final exam from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you prefer to take tests, that consists of 100 questions. Each question will be multiple-choice. The exam is timed and cannot exceed 90 minutes. To pass, you need a score of 70% or higher. Don’t fret though, if you score below that, you have up to 3 attempts to pass.


  • NASM – 1.9 CEUs
  • ACE – 2.0 CECs
  • NSCA – 2.0 CEUs
  • CIMPSA – 10 CPDs
  • EREPS – 10 hours
Visit NASM

What is corrective exercise specialist?

A corrective exercise specialist assess movement patterns with an eye for dysfunction. Once dysfunctions are identified the corrective exercise specialist will create a corrective exercise program that will facilitate correct movement patterns over time.

How do you become a Corrective Exercise Specialist?

You can take any one of the corrective exercise specialist certifications compared in this review post. It’s highly recommended you have a strong background in personal training or physical therapy prior to becoming a corrective exercise specialist.

Is corrective exercise physical therapy?

Physical therapy is a process of restoring normal movement, activity, and function. The focus of physical therapy is to improve movement and function through a variety of therapies and interventions. Our goal is to achieve a “normal” movement or function with a low likelihood of recurrence. However, if the therapy is not successful in achieving the “normal” movement or function, the next step is corrective exercise.

Corrective exercise is the process of gradually restoring function to a pre-existing movement impairment or to a new movement impairment that is unrelated to any other movement impairments. Corrective exercise is also known as “functional restoration”.

What is the importance of corrective exercises?

Corrective exercises are key to rehabilitation and prevention. They are exercises that are designed to rehabilitate and prevent injuries. Corrective exercises are used for injuries that happen during sports, physical activity, and more. Corrective exercises are also important for people who have had surgery or injuries. Corrective exercises can help to prevent falls and fractures, help with balance and stability, and more. When you are rehabilitating, the goal is to improve function and prevent re-injury. Corrective exercises are the best way to do that.

When should we do corrective exercise?

The best time to go through a corrective exercise program is before you start an exercise program. This will help ensure correct movement patterns when performing your exercise pattern.

Other important times to do correct exercise is for injury prevention, prehab and rehab.