
Insights on Forgiveness

Learn to forgive through a deeper understanding of forgiveness and its’ relationship to freedom and love.

  • Forgiveness does not mean we agree with what we are forgiving. It means that we’re no longer going to allow our past to hold power over us via our thoughts. The biggest misconception and roadblock to freedom that I notice people tend to have when it comes to forgiveness is this: That to forgive is to let off the hook, to say that what you, or I did is OK. I used to believe this myself as well. This was until I understood that forgiveness has nothing to do with what I am forgiving and it has everything to do with expressing love for myself. Allowing my past to control me was severely blunting my potential as a human being. It was blocking my ability to express compassion and love fully. Truth be told, I wouldn’t be putting myself out there in front of thousand of eyeballs on Instagram right now if it wasn’t for forgiveness. I wouldn’t have felt that my words are worthy. Now that my past doesn’t control my sense of self-worth, I am being vulnerable and putting my mind out there. I freed myself up to seek a higher potential and new levels of consciousness. Practice forgiveness to not allow your past to hold power over your present and control your future. You are worthy of living your highest potential… You are worthy of freedom from your past… You are worthy of feeling love and expressing love… ALWAYS

  • Forgiveness isn’t about what or who we are forgiving. It’s all about us, we allow it for ourselves. It’s about replacing our resentment and tension for another, or ourselves, with freedom, understanding, compassion, peace and love within ourselves.

  • Forgiveness is an act of love toward ourselves and freedom from the unforgiven.

  • Forgiveness is a gift that allows us to live freely in an otherwise unfair and unjust world. If we hold resentments toward any action that we deem as unfair or unjust, we will continue to remain prisoners of our own minds. Our resentments hold us hostage and influence our every action the same way we would if we were held hostage at gunpoint by some lunatic criminal. This is not freedom my friends. Freedom is being able to make choices that aren’t influenced by resentments, but instead influenced by love.

  • Forgiveness allows us to see what our resentments were blinding us from. There’s five things our resentments blind us from: understanding, compassion, freedom, peace and love. The stronger our resentments are, the more difficulty we will have in understanding others or ourselves, and in expressing compassion and love toward others or ourselves. I liken holding resentments to a horse wearing blinders. When wearing them, their perception is limited to only what is right in front of them. They aren’t capable of seeing the vast world around them. They are missing out on the big picture and incapable of understanding what is beyond their blinders. To them, what they see is all there is but all there is isn’t what they see.

  • How do you know you have forgiven someone? You are no longer triggered by the mere thought of them. Instead, you feel a new found sense of understanding and underlying peace. I never understood this until I forgave my dad. I have a new understanding of how his history (childhood) influenced his self-concept, his morals, and his insecurities. I can now see how my history had influenced me up until my point of forgiveness as well, we are both human, we are one in the same. To take it one step further, I released my judgment toward him being wrong in the past because I now understand he was doing the best he could with the understanding he had, leaving me with nothing left to forgive. I am no longer triggered by the thought of him. In fact, I feel compassion and love when I think of him, which I never felt before my point of forgiveness.
what is forgiveness

Biggest Misconception About Forgiveness – Knowing This Can Free You

Forgiveness is an act of love toward yourself, and freedom from the previously unforgiven.

Forgiveness is arguably the most liberating process you could ever take yourself through. From my experience, forgiveness is also very largely misunderstood, and this misunderstanding seems to keep many people from the freedom they so deeply desire.

By no means am I minimizing the actions that require forgiving through writing this, I am simply conveying a very important understanding that has the potential to shift your current paradigm. If you tend to hold on to grudges or resentments then you probably have a difficult time forgiving others and/or yourself.

Once I understood this huge misunderstanding with my whole being I found myself forgiving actions of others and myself without having to search for books and articles that suggest a myriad of steps to take to be able to forgive. One single shift in your understanding will do that for you.

This misunderstanding is probably preventing YOU from forgiving.

Before you continue, I encourage you to ask yourself what forgiveness means to you, what does it mean to forgive? What does it mean if you have forgiven?

So, what is the biggest misconception about forgiveness?

In my experience, the biggest misconception about forgiveness is that “to forgive is to be okay with the actions you are forgiving”. In other words, if you forgive another then it means that what they did was okay and you are letting them off the hook.

Forgiveness does not mean you agree with the action you are forgiving, it means you are no longer allowing those past actions to hold any more power over you via your thoughts.

Now, if that is not empowering then I don’t know what is!

Imagine pure liberation from all the resentments and grudges you currently hold!

Who would you be if you had nothing and no one left to forgive?

How would you act?

How would you think?

If you don’t completely understand this right away that is ok too. Let this plant the seed, I assure you that your subconscious brain has soaked this up and the light bulb will go off at any given moment in the future.

Learn from all of your experiences, opportunities are everywhere.

Take care,

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