
what one billion dollars can do

What One Billion Dollars Can Do

I was driving the other day while listen to the audiobook version of Conversations With God (some may wonder why I would listen to such a thing since I’m not religious, because there is a lot of wisdom embedded within religions that can be extracted from the surrounding beliefs)…

healing past wounds

InSights On Healing Wounds Of Our Past – A Myth?

One of the most common concepts I have come across on my journey is the concept of healing our past.
I have had many insights about this lately and feel I’ve been drawn toward exploring it further.
After doing so,
here are the insights that arose:

how to know what to do

Making A Life-Changing Decision…How Can We Know What To Do?

When it comes time to make an important decision, a potentially life altering, game-breaking decision, how are we to know what to do?
Some would day use logic
Some would say use ration
Some would say listen to your emotions (maybe?)
Some would say follow your gut
Some would say call a friend
What many don’t say is…

how to stop emotional eating

How To Stop Emotional Eating From The Inside-Out

Imagine that? No more desire or need to control your emotions. Guess what also disappears along with your relinquishment to the illusion of control? Your emotional food cravings.
Now, Let’s talk about what happens when we feel the need to change how we feel…

lies we've been told

8 Lies We’ve All Been Told

Much of what we are taught to believe is influenced by societal conditioning. If you are still a believer of any of these 8 lies, my goal is to influence you enough to at least question their existence.