What's a healthy lifestyle for a child Keep Your Child Fit

What’s a healthy lifestyle for a child? Keep Your Child Fit

Being overweight is unhealthy. Being underweight also has health risks. Research proves that about 80% of overweight children grow up obese. It increases their cancer risk and can lead to bullying and low self-esteem. Then, you want your child to be healthy.

Pause for a moment and think about your own exercise and eating habits. What would you say about them? Would you like your kids to have habits like yours, or could they do better? How can you get your children to stay active and have good eating habits?

Keep Your Child Fit and Healthy

Talk to your kids about the importance of being healthy

Teach them that different types of food give different types of energy.

Help them understand that if they want to get big and tall, they need building blocks – food with natural nutrients.

Encourage Them To exercise or move their bodies daily

Help them to understand that their body is meant to move.

Convince them that when they do this, they will fall sick less and can play with their friends more.

You could tell your kids to exercise directly. But a more effective method is to squeeze in a bit of exercise at different times during the day. They may not even notice it.

You can tell them to walk the dog or take them to the playground, so they can play with their friends. Climbing or swinging on the monkey bars can help strengthen their muscles.

Take a walk with them before or after dinner

Surprise them with gifts they can use for exercise, like bikes and skateboards. They can even use these as a means of transportation to school instead of you constantly dropping them off.

Make exercise fun

Teach them your favorite active games or sports. Put on some dance music and jam to it.

Challenge them to beat you in a race. Team sports like basketball, soccer, swimming, and karate are also fun.

Limit unhealthy and calorie-rich temptations

Control what foods you buy and eat. The availability of high fat, sugary, or salty snacks will prevent your kids from developing healthy eating habits.

Kids naturally eat what is available at home—stock up on fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and proteins.

You can also learn recipes for healthy snacks and prepare them together.

Limit screen time

What do we often do when watching something on our phones, computer, or TV? We mindlessly snack. That is not a good habit to encourage in your children. When they have nothing to do, encourage them to keep busy with things other than watching screens.

Eat as a family

Unless they have special dietary concerns, they should eat what the family eats. Kids are more likely to eat their fruits and vegetables if they see everyone else doing so.

What if your kids are against the idea of eating together? They will be more willing if you try to involve them in the meal preparation process. You can encourage them to invite their friends to dinner occasionally to make them more likely to want to eat with the family.

Another important tip is to avoid using mealtime as an opportunity to give lectures.

Practice portion control

This training helps children eat what they need, not simply because they want to. Serve food on smaller plates to make meals look larger. Dish them out on the counter, not at the dining table.

If food is at arm’s length, they will be encouraged to reach out for seconds, but if it’s on the counter, they will think twice about it.

The goal is to keep your kids healthy, not to starve them. Make sure they are receiving a healthy, balanced diet. Don’t forget to commend your children for their effort in obeying you.

As you work on helping them, ensure that you help yourself, too. Don’t ignore your health. Your kids need you alive. You love them dearly, so help them develop healthy habits they will carry throughout their lives.

exertion headache when exercising and after exercise

How To Avoid Exertion Headaches During And After Exercise

Exercising regularly provides you with many benefits. You can boost your mood, slim down, and reduce your risk for many serious medical conditions. However, there’s one less pleasant result that may surprise you. That’s exertion headaches that typically occur when exercising or after exercising.

They usually involve pain on both sides of the head and can last from 5 minutes to more than 2 days. An estimated 12% of adults experience these symptoms. That increases to as much as 40% if you have a history of migraines.

Exercise exertion headaches have many causes, and most are easily treatable once you understand what’s happening. Learn more about home remedies and when to seek medical care.

Common Causes of Exercise Exertion Headaches

  • Dehydration
  • Low blood sugar levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Poor posture
  • Breathing improperly
  • Stress induced tension
  • Scents such as cologne, perfume, body spray

Change Your Workout Habits

Pace yourself

Most exercise headaches are the simple exertion type, suggesting that you may be trying to do too much too soon. Increase your fitness goals gradually. Break up your workouts into shorter and more frequent sessions.

Warm up

Give your body time to adapt. Warming up slowly increases your heart rate and circulation. Ride a stationary bike for 10 minutes or march in place swinging your arms.

Adjust your posture

Poor form puts more pressure on your muscles, raising the risk for a headache and other injuries.

One quick tip is to always make sure your neck is in a neutral position and in alignment with your spine to avoid nerve compression and excess muscular tension. Especially don’t tilt your head up.

If you’re unsure of your posture, I suggest to work with a trainer or watch videos to see how an exercise is supposed to look.

Breathe naturally

Do you sometimes catch yourself holding your breath during a difficult movement? Your body and brain need oxygen. Practice exhaling while you lift a weight and inhaling when you lower it.

Include stretching

Being limber makes your workouts easier. Stretching increases blood flow and trains your body to work more effectively. Add a few stretches to your cool down routine or do them while you watch TV.

Eat a snack

Consume enough calories to prevent fatigue and stabilize your blood sugar. Smart choices for a pre-workout snack include peanut butter on crackers or yogurt with fruit. Afterwards, enjoy chocolate milk or hummus.

Check the weather. Move your workout indoors when the heat index is over 90 degrees. Exercise early in the morning or late in the day during the warmest seasons.

Other Helpful Tips

Stay hydrated

A lack of fluids can cause headaches, and the pain may feel worse when you move your head. As a general rule, rehydrate with water and save the sports and electrolyte drinks for intense activity that lasts longer than an hour.

Sleep well

Getting 7 to 8 hours of high-quality rest each night can reduce headaches and many other ailments. Regular exercise helps, along with maintaining a consistent bedtime and keeping your bedroom dark and quiet.

Manage stress

Your body and mind are closely connected, so both mental and muscle tension can make your head sore. Find relaxation practices that work for you, like listening to instrumental music. Think positive and reach out for help when you need it.

Monitor migraines

Depending on the individual, exercise may help with your migraines or make them worse. Keep a journal, so you and your health provider can determine your needs.

See your doctor

If you have heart disease or other underlying conditions, let your doctor know if you have exercise headaches. Follow their recommendations for what activities are safe for you.

Seek urgent care

Act immediately if any headache is sudden and extreme or accompanied by neurological symptoms like slurred speech, loss of balance, and confusion.

Adopting an active lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do for your mental and physical wellbeing. Knowing how to prevent and treat exercise headaches will help you to enjoy your workouts and stay fit.

plant-based diet more appetizing

13 Tips to Make A Plant-Based Diet More Appetizing

Being largely plant-based myself (I indulge in the odd seafood) for years now, I’ve shared one of the more common concerns I hear from other plant-based eaters, including my clients.

“Eating plant-based foods can be so boring, how can I make them more appetizing?”

Many adults are interested in plant-based diets because of the health benefits and positive impact on the environment. However, there’s one thing holding them back. They don’t like the taste.

In a recent poll of Americans who tried giving up meat but were unable to continue, 28% blamed the lack of flavor, and 23% said they needed more options. Overall, the average experiment with vegetarianism or veganism lasts only 3 months.

On the bright side, the same poll found that three in five respondents would eat a plant-based diet if it was more appetizing. If that sounds like you, try these tips.

Dining In on a Plant Based Diet:

1. Add healthy fats

A lot of recipes will turn out bland if you just leave the meat out. You need to do something to replace the flavor you get from cooking skin and bones. Olive oil will give you more mouthfeel and taste. Other smart choices include sunflower, avocado, and coconut.

2. Use seasonings

Spices and herbs help too. To avoid too much salt, be creative. Experiment with garam masala and sumac, along with the usual garlic and parsley.

3. Consider the texture

Burgers might seem mushy without the muscle tissue that makes them meaty. You can experience chewiness and crunchiness with ingredients like toasted nuts, roasted beans, croutons, and breadcrumbs.

4. Adapt your favorites

Satisfy your cravings and invent substitutes for the dishes you usually make. Switch from pulled pork sandwiches to jackfruit versions. Prepare your next lasagna with spinach, carrots, and cauliflower in place of ground beef.

5. Upgrade your skills

If you read labels carefully, you can probably find nutritious and appealing products in the freezer section at your supermarket. However, you’ll save a lot of money and enjoy fresher food if you do your own cooking.

6. Buy a subscription

What if you prefer to minimize your time in the kitchen? Meal kit plans will do most of the work for you. You can find meatless delivery services at companies like Sun Basket, Green Chef, Purple Carrot, and Daily Harvest.

7. Be patient

Your taste buds may need time to adjust to any new way of eating.

That’s especially true if you’re cutting down on ultra-processed products and eating more natural foods with subtle flavors.

Dining Out on a Plant Based Diet:

1. Plan ahead

It’s easy to check what a restaurant serves before you make reservations. Look up the menu online and read customer reviews.

2. Sample different cuisines

Some parts of the world have been vegetarian-friendly for centuries. Enjoy yourself at restaurants that serve food from India, Thailand, Mexico, Ethiopia, and the MIddle-East.

3. Make special requests

The hotel and restaurant industries have been working hard to accommodate a wide range of dietary restrictions. Call ahead or discuss your needs with your server. They may be able to recommend popular dishes or create something special for you.

4. Bring supplies

What if you’re stuck on a road trip with no quinoa or dairy-free cheese in sight? You might be able to make your order more enticing with a little nutritional yeast or sriracha sauce.

5. Check sourcing. Delicious dishes depend on fresh ingredients

Check the website to see if they get their food from local organic farms or even grow some of their own produce.

6. Support local businesses

Keeping your local vegetarian restaurant in business preserves your options and makes your neighborhood more interesting. Visit them often and post positive reviews.

A plant-based diet may reduce your risk of heart disease and dementia

Along with your carbon footprint. Make it taste delicious, so you can stick with eating vegan or just cut back on meat.

common herbal remedies

6 Examples Of Common Herbal Remedies At The Grocery Store

Herbal remedies are plants that have a medicinal effect. Herbal remedies have been around for thousands of years. In fact, some evidence suggests that plants were used for medicinal purposes over 60,000 years ago. The earliest written evidence dates back to over 5,000 years ago.

Such herbal remedies have been making a real comeback in recent years and have become commonplace.

Herbal remedies contain powerful chemicals that many pharmaceutical companies and scientists are studying. Many of these plants are either available in the grocery store or can be grown quite easily in a garden. Using these plants in your diet can have a significant effect on your health and overall wellbeing.

Common Herbal Remedies & Their Benefits

These herbal remedies can often be just as effective as pharmaceuticals in the prevention and treatment of disease:


herbal remedies at grocery store

Ginseng is one of the most popular plants in Chinese medicine. The most popular varieties are American ginseng and Asian ginseng. American ginseng is considered to have a greater relaxing effect, while the Asian variety is more stimulating.

Consider these benefits: Ginseng is an excellent antioxidant and reduces inflammation. Ginseng has shown promise for improving brain function and treating erectile dysfunction. It could also lower blood sugar, lower fatigue, and have benefits against cancer.


herbal remedies examples 1

Garlic is readily available and a powerful herbal remedy. Most people enjoy the taste of garlic, bad breath notwithstanding.

Garlic has been shown to significantly reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms. Hypertension responds positively to garlic consumption. In fact, garlic is at least as effective in treating hypertension as some medications.

Garlic also lowers cholesterol levels, may help prevent Alzheimer’s, and could help with the process of removing heavy metals from the body.


herbal remedies

Turmeric is used in Ayurvedic medicine and is also a popular spice in Indian food. Turmeric is also readily available in any grocery store. The primary active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin.

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is as effective as aspirin and ibuprofen in treating inflammation. It is also believed to be beneficial in treating and preventing cancer. Depression, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s are also believed to be helped by the consumption of turmeric.


most common herbal remedies

Another very common grocery store item, ginger, is excellent for the treatment of nausea and morning sickness. Ginger can be used as a spice or made into tea.

More benefits include:

  • You can use it to help treat muscle pain and soreness.
  • Ginger is another excellent anti-inflammatory.
  • Indigestion, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol can all be reduced by ginger.


common herbal remedies 1

Valerian is most commonly consumed as a tea, usually as part of a blend to aid in sleep and/or anxiety. It can be found at most local grocery stores.

Valerian root in its’ raw form might be a little harder to find. If you’re to find it anywhere, it’s likely at an Asian supermarket.

You also have the option to grow this one on your own, it takes a little more work but it’s worth the effort.

This flowering plant has many health benefits:

Headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, muscle pain, fatigue, and anxiety can all be helped by valerian root.


common herbal remedies 1 1

This daisy-like flower is most commonly consumed in tea form. Chamomile is believed to treat insomnia, reduce cold symptoms, boost immunity, and lower stress levels. Chamomile tea is available at your grocery store.

Closing Notes On Common Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies can’t replace all pharmaceutical drugs, but they are viable replacements in many situations. Of course, you should still include your doctor in your herbal remedy plans.

Herbal remedies can be very effective and inexpensive. $1 of garlic can easily last a week. If your budget is tight, herbal remedies can be a great way to boost your health without breaking the bank.

Even if you’re in 100% perfect health, herbal remedies can help to keep you healthy. You have nothing to lose. In fact, your food might taste even more delicious while you’re making your body healthier.

how to eat more plant-based foods

5 Easy Ways Get More More Plant-Based Foods In Your Diet

If you’re looking to add more plant-based foods to your diet, you’re in luck! Being mostly vegan (I indulge in seafood once in a while), I can understand the challenges of adding more plant-based foods to your diet.

There are plenty of ways to do this without making significant changes. You can start by making minor changes to your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Here are 5 easy tips for eating more plant-based foods:

1. Try a plant-based breakfast

There are several nutritious options to choose from for plant-based breakfasts. Some great options are oatmeal with fruit, whole-grain toast with avocado or peanut butter, a fruit smoothie with bananas, plant-based milk, and frozen berries.

Make a chickpea omelet using chickpea flour, flaxseeds, mixed vegetables, and plant-based milk.

Chickpeas contain protein and flax seeds which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Mixed vegetables are fiber-rich packed with antioxidants and other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

2. Start your day with a herbal tea infusion, coffee with plant-based creamer, or hot lemon and agave nectar to sweeten

Fill half your plate with vegetables. You can easily add more plant-based foods to your meals by filling half your plate with vegetables. Include a variety of colors and textures for added nutrients, flavor, and visual appeal.

Some great options are roasted veggies with quinoa, a salad with an assortment of vegetables and a homemade dressing, or veggie soup.

You can also eat your favorite slice of pizza with a large side of green vegetables such as spiced kale, seasoned broccoli, or wilted swiss chard.

Eating more vegetables will help you reach your daily recommended intake of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

Eating more plant-based foods can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

3. Replace your usual beef burger with a meat-free alternative

To add more plant-based foods to your diet, prepare veggie burgers.

Some ideas for plant-based burgers include black bean burgers, lentil burgers, quinoa burgers, portobello mushroom caps, or sweet potato burgers.

You can also make meat-free burgers with vital wheat gluten to prepare a homemade version of seitan, a protein-rich alternative to meat.

Serve veggie burgers on a whole wheat bun with fixings like lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado, ketchup, and mustard. You can also try them wrapped in a large lettuce leaf or enjoy them independently.

If you’re not a fan of burgers, try plant-based tacos filled with black beans, lentils, diced vegetables, or tempeh.

4. Make a meat-free pasta dish

Another easy and delicious way to eat more plant-based foods is by making a simple pasta dish with tomato sauce and adding sautéed veggies, such as zucchini, eggplant, or spinach.

5. Get creative with plant-based snacks

Fruits and vegetables make great snacks on their own, but you can also get creative with plant-based dips and spreads. Some ideas for dips and spreads include hummus, guacamole, tzatziki sauce, baba ganoush, or nut butter.

You can enjoy these dips and spreads with whole-grain crackers, pita chips, vegetable sticks, or rice cakes.

Try yogurt with fresh fruit or a trail mix made with dried fruits and nuts if you’re looking for something sweet. You can also make energy bars using dates, nuts, and seeds.

A Plant-Based Recipe To Try

Recipe: Lentil Shepherd’s Pie

Try this delicious lentil shepherd’s pie recipe. Ingredients are: ¾ cup green or brown lentils, rinsed and drained, ½ onion, diced, carrots, diced (optional), ½ teaspoon dried thyme, a bay leaf, vegetable broth or water, sea salt, and freshly ground black pepper to taste, and mashed potatoes.

Instructions are as follows:

preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

Add the lentils, onion, carrots (if using), thyme, and bay leaf to a large pot. Add enough broth or water to cover the ingredients. Boil it and simmer for about 30 minutes.

Remove the bay leaf and season with salt and pepper to taste. To make the mashed potatoes, add boiled Yukon Gold potatoes to a bowl and mash with plant-based butter, milk, garlic powder, onion powder, and sea salt to taste.

Assemble the shepherd’s pie by spooning the lentil mixture into an oven-safe dish, then topping with the mashed potatoes—Bake for about 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are golden brown.

This recipe is a great way to eat more plant-based foods and can easily be made ahead of time. It’s also perfect for leftovers and can be in the freezer for later.

Wrapping Up

Eating more plant-based foods is a great way to strengthen your health and well-being. There are many easy and delicious ways to include more plants in your diet, so get creative and try something new today!

best nutrition certification

7 Best Nutrition Certifications For All Budgets (2024)

Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission, at no extra cost to you.

7 Best Nutrition Certifications (for all budgets)

Best Overall

Institute For The Psychology of Eating

Most Underrated

Natural Wellness Academy

Runner Ups

Functional Nutritionist Certification

Nutrition Therapy Association

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

Best Under $1000

ACE Precision Nutrition

Best Under $500

My Vinyasa Practice – Ayurvedic Nutrition

Comparison Table


I created this post to allow you to compare all the most important factors in one place when choosing the best online Holistic Nutrition Certification for you.

I’ve been in the health industry for nearly 12 years and have worn many hats in my time; personal trainer, consultant, nutritionist, manager, coach, etc. Suffice to say, I’ve dabbled with enough courses to have a keen eye on what’s what.

Who is this post for?

This post is for you if you want to stand out with one of the best holistic nutrition certifications available online, or are currently working in the fitness field and are looking to add a holistic nutrition certification to your resume, and if you want an easier time making a decision on which is the best online holistic nutrition coaching certification for you.

Another area of interest that you may want to look into is health coaching, I wrote an in-depth review of some great options here: Online Health Coach Certifications

I’ve Done The Homework So You Don’t Have To

I’ve made contact with some of the providers as well in order to give you as much information as possible to help you make an informed decision. And while some look shiny on the surface, I have my doubts on whether there’s substance beneath that shine.

Oh…and if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me. I WILL answer your email.

Compare 7 of The Best Online Holistic Nutrition Certification Programs

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health coach certification
health coach certification
health coach certification
health coach certification
health coach certification
ayurvedic nutrition certification 1
health coach certification
health coach certification
health coach certification
SchoolInstitute For The Psychology of EatingNatural Wellness AcademyFunctional Nutritionist AcademyNutrition Therapy AssociationFunctional Diagnostic NutritionMy Vinyasa PracticeACENestaNesta
Visit WebsiteVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteVisit WebsiteVisit Website
CertificationsMind Body Eating CoachMind-Gut GuruNutrition Therapy PractitionerNutrition Therapy PractitionerFunctional Diagnostic Nutrition PractitionerAyurvedic NutritionistPrecision Nutrition Level 1Fitness Nutrition CoachSports Nutrition Specialist
Help you stand out from the competition
Program FocusFood psychologyMicrobiome and MInd-Gut connection Functional & Holistic treatmentTherapeuticDiagnosticAyurvedic nutritionNutrition coachingBasicsBasics
Start AnytimeNo - Next enrollment not yet announcedNo - Next enrollment is Sept/20 - Fills fast
Program Length8 monthsNo limitSelf-paced10 months, instructor-led1 year limit, typically takes 6 monthsNo Limit, typically 1-2 weeksNo limitNo Limit, typically 1-2 weeksNo Limit, typically 1-2 weeks
Totals Program Hours250 hrsn/an/an/a150 hrsn/an/an/an/a
Instructor-Led Program
1 on 1 mentoring
Live Virtual Classes
Live Teleclasses
Live Nutrition Coaching Practice
Informational Live and Recorded Webinars
Coursework Feedback
Digital Downloads For Modules
Audio Downloads
Video Content For Modules
Handouts to use with clients
Lifetime Access To Resources
Learn How To Start Your Own Nutrition Coaching Business
Learn How To Market Yourself
Private Facebook GroupPrivate forum
Investment (if paid in full)6950$1995$1997$5900$6495$420$999$297$347
Payment Plan (example)$1500 down, then $840 x 7available upon request$979 x 3$1180 x 5$566 x 12
$1107 x 6
$210 x 2n/a$81 x 4$94 x 4
Read ReviewRead ReviewRead ReviewRead ReviewRead ReviewRead ReviewRead ReviewRead Review
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#1 Career-Based Online Holistic Nutrition Certification Program

holistic nutrition certification online

Provider: Institute for the Psychology of Eating

Certification: Mind Body Eating Coach

Full Price: $6950

Payment Plans: $1500 down payment, then $840 x 7

Visit IPE
Free Webinar

Marc David (founder) and Emily Rosen (director) with a brief intro to Institute for the Psychology of Eating

What Is Dynamic Eating Psychology
Visit IPE
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Institute for the Psychology of Eating Review

All online
Mind Body Coach Certification
Unique credential to have
250 hour program
Live teleclasses
Numerous testimonials from graduates
A wide array of handouts to use within your business
Learn personal and business marketing
Done-for-you marketing copy
Price seems a little steep for a program that isn’t instructor-led
By application only, only take students every 8-12 months
Not accredited

Their curriculum isn’t presented on their main page, I had to do some digging to find this

Weight Loss

A unique and compelling look into the profound topic of weight loss through the lenses of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition. You’ll learn basic and advanced coaching and counselling techniques, along with an in-depth series of maps and checklists that will shed a whole new light on working with this complex challenge. Some of the key highlights of this module include:

  • Nutritional and metabolic factors influencing weight loss
  • Masculine and feminine weight loss psychology
  • Influence of stress and relaxation physiology on weight
  • Bio-circadian nutrition and weight loss
  • Working with social and cultural influences on body weight
  • The importance of macro and micro-nutrient balance
  • The metabolic power of pleasure, awareness and presence
  • Neuropsychology, placebo science and weight loss
  • Spiritual and soul dimensions of shape-shifting
  • The power of story and core life challenges in weight concerns
  • A deeper understanding of caloric science
  • Working with body wisdom and intuition
  • The hidden connection between weight, money and work
  • Weight and menopause
  • Shortcuts for creating breakthroughs with difficult clients

Body Image

An original, fresh and results-oriented approach to body image concerns that will give you the tools to help others see and experience their bodies in a more healthy and compassionate way. Using principles from Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition, you’ll learn the listening and coaching skills that will give you the confidence to work with this important issue of our times. Some key highlights include:

  • Understanding the origins of body image
  • The deep connection between body image and sexuality
  • Body image tools/distinctions for working with different age groups
  • Family of origin and body image
  • The influence of stress and relaxation physiology
  • The hidden connection between movement and body image
  • Working with embodiment practices
  • Masculine and feminine distinctions in body image
  • Navigating the influence of media and culture
  • Yoga Psychology and body image
  • The impact of PTSD on negative body image
  • Healing and transforming body image with Archetypal Psychology
  • The connection between pleasure, desire and body image
  • The neuropsychology of presence and “loving what is”
  • The special relationship between women, food and body image

Overeating, Binge Eating, Compulsive Eating

A truly holistic approach to overeating concerns based on the core principles of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition. Help others achieve breakthroughs with compulsive and binge eating using easy-to-practice tools and techniques that promote a positive and nourishing relationship with food. Some of the key highlights of this module include:

  • The practical psycho-biology of appetite
  • The cephalic phase digestive response and binge eating
  • The psycho-dynamics of control and willpower
  • Pleasure chemistry and overeating
  • Breakthroughs using nutrition-dense food strategies
  • The powerful and hidden gift of compulsive eating concerns
  • Moving beyond cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Practical short-cuts for transforming compulsive eating
  • The impact of stress and relaxation chemistry on overeating
  • Using bio-circadian nutrition techniques for fast results
  • The hidden connection between body image and overeating
  • The powerful effects of macro-nutrient balance on binge eating
  • How to work and corporate culture impact overheating concerns
  • The spiritual psychology of nourishment and a deeper hunger
  • The influence of life transitions on compulsive eating

Chronic Dieting

Chronic dieting is a hidden contributor not only to emotional pain but also to many health symptoms that are wrongly diagnosed and treated. Learn how to identify and work with this powerful nutritional/emotional/lifestyle challenge using the principles of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition. Some key highlights of this module are:

  • The potent effects of chronic dieting on nutritional status and health
  • How chronic dieting impairs calorie burning capacity
  • Chronic dieting is a hidden epidemic of the soul
  • The special relationship between women and dieting
  • The connection between chronic dieting and compulsive exercising
  • Dieting, culture, and the media
  • The secrets to creating a long term, sustainable diet strategy
  • The influence of dieting on energy level and oxygen metabolism
  • Confronting the false and outdated science of dieting
  • The hidden effects of chronic dieting on digestive metabolism
  • Working with complaints of “slow metabolism”
  • Chronic dieting and the psychology of romantic relationships
  • Using powerful languaging techniques to heal chronic dieting
  • How to re-educate clients around caloric theory, dieting and weight
  • Designing a diet approach that can truly transform your client

Energy and Fatigue

Lack of energy and the desire for more of it is a powerful concern that grips a fantastic number of people across the globe. Unfortunately, many of our strategies to battle fatigue leave us exhausted and without a true and lasting source of greater vitality. Our Training will provide you with an integrative mind/body/heart/soul approach to this important health challenge. Some key highlights include:

  • Mind-Body Nutrition approaches to working with energy and fatigue
  • Nutritional and metabolic influences on fatigue
  • The hidden effects of food allergies and sensitivities on an energy level
  • Core life issues and their effects on energy level and fatigue
  • Somatic Psychology skills for enhancing energy
  • The healing power of story in chronic fatigue
  • Breathing, oxygen and energy
  • How key soul lessons impact our energy level and metabolism
  • The influence of thought and beliefs on fatigue and energy
  • The bio-emotional impact of work, purpose and mission on energy
  • The potent connection between digestion and energy
  • Stress chemistry and adrenal fatigue
  • Simple and effective nutritional strategies for more energy

Digestive Health

Digestive health has become a rare and precious commodity. Complaints of digestive distress, heartburn, bloating, and ongoing discomfort are some of the most commonly seen nutrition issues. Learn simple and effective strategies from Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition for increasing digestive power and function. Key highlights from this module include:

  • The impact of stress physiology on digestion and assimilation
  • The enteric nervous system – the brain in the belly
  • Digestive status as a barometer for personal empowerment
  • The emotional psychology of the digestive system
  • Simple and effective protocols for common digestive complaints
  • The importance of the gastrointestinal immune system
  • The influence of food allergies on digestive health
  • Cultural speed and its impact on digestion
  • Digestion of food as a metaphor for digestion of life experiences
  • The hidden connection between sexual abuse and digestive health
  • How fear, judgment and self-criticism diminish digestive metabolism
  • Breathing, oxygen, the relaxation response and digestion
  • Quick and easy strategies for working with GERD (heartburn)
  • Digestion, gut wisdom and body wisdom
  • Important distinctions from Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine

Mood Concerns

Working with mood and depression is an important part of every nutrition and health coaching practice. Fluctuations in mood teach us powerful life lessons while calling our attention to key metabolic and lifestyle changes that are asking to be made. Our Training features Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition approaches that are practical, holistic and effective. Highlights include:

  • The influence of stress physiology and stress psychology on mood
  • Key nutritional deficiencies and excesses associated with mood
  • Brain physiology basics for understanding mood fluctuations
  • Impact of immunity on mood
  • Insulin, blood sugar, food and mood
  • How chronic dieting silently impacts mood
  • Archetypal psychology approaches to mood and depression
  • The spiritual psychology of mood – the language of the soul
  • Powerful and simple strategies from Yoga and Buddhism
  • The hidden psychology of depression
  • Importance of macro-nutrient balance and mood
  • Mood disorders and the psychology of perfectionism
  • Feminine and masculine differences in mood
  • Influence of genetics and family lineage on mood
  • Understanding mood through the life cycles

Immune Health

A strong immune system is both a gift and a rarity these days. When the immune system functions with efficiency, we can navigate a toxic and challenging world with greater ease. At IPE, we teach a fascinating and creative blend of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition approaches to working with immune health. Some of the key highlights of this module are:

  • Nutritional strategies for improving immune strength
  • Psycho-emotional influences on immunity
  • The impact of dietary beliefs on immune health
  • The profound importance of the gastrointestinal immune system
  • How gastrointestinal immunity is impacted by thought and emotion
  • Cultural and social influences on immunity
  • Immune strength as a metaphor for presence
  • Psychoneuroimmunology meets Mind Body Nutrition
  • Soul Psychology and immune health
  • The hidden transformational messages in immune challenges
  • Key strategies for working with highly sensitive clients
  • Simple Mind-Body Nutrition protocols for immune enhancement
  • How the environment impacts immunity
  • Somatic and embodiment strategies for low immunity

Women, Food, and Health

The special relationship between women and food cannot be overstated. It’s beautiful, powerful and rich in complexity. For this reason, it’s high time that we elevate a woman’s connection with food to the lofty place it deserves, and learn to understand women and nutrition from a fresh perspective. This is an important theme throughout our Training. Some of the highlights from this module include:

  • Genetic/evolutionary influences on women’s relationship with food
  • The powerful impact of culture and media
  • Masculine and feminine distinctions in stress physiology and metabolism
  • Feminine sexuality and its influence on eating habits
  • Women, dieting and weight
  • A woman’s relationship with food through the life cycles
  • Archetypal Psychology and the feminine principle
  • History-taking skills for women clients
  • Woman-specific listening and coaching skills
  • Working with teenage girls
  • Insights into bulimia
  • Working with Queen and Princess distinctions
  • A deeper look at women and hormones
  • Creating a feminine approach to nutrition
  • Embodiment practices for women

Coaching Skills

Our training is designed to give you the tools, techniques, protocols and strategies that enable you to be an effective practitioner. We teach coaching skills that truly make a difference with clients, and that gets to the heart of how to successfully manage our relationship with food. Navigating eating challenges and nutritional concerns requires a specialized understanding and solid coaching tools. We’re proud to deliver an excellent education in this realm. Some of what you’ll learn includes:

  • Coaching tools for the most commonly seen eating concerns
  • Strategies for working with difficult clients
  • How to help clients who feel “stuck”
  • Coaching skills for working with women
  • Coaching skills for working with men
  • Effective communication with young people
  • How to use “teaching skills” in a client session
  • How to create a powerful first session
  • Deep listening skills
  • How to inspire your client vs. how to motivate your client
  • Managing client resistance
  • Tools for creating client compliance
  • Soft coaching skills vs. direct coaching skills
  • How to convey scientific information to a client
  • How to measure progress and success

Coaching Business Module

  • How to get started
  • How to build your practice
  • Practice management
  • Determining your target market
  • How to market and promote yourself
  • How to attract clients
  • Your program offerings
  • Key facts to know for website development
  • Using social networking
  • Important communication skills
  • Overview of Starting a Business
  • Generating Your Brand “DNA”
  • The Hidden Metaphysics of Business
  • Your Relationship with Money
  • Core Values of a Helping Professional
  • Managing Inner Obstacles
  • The Coaching Model
  • Legal Do’s and Don’ts for coaches

Building Your Brand and Business

  • Identifying Your Ideal Client
  • Defining Your Niche
  • Identifying Your Target Market
  • Your Unique Perfect-Client Avatar
  • Understanding Your Customer Pain Point
  • How to Build “Know, Like and Trust” Factors
  • Creating a Community or “Tribe”

Defining Your Business Model

  • What are Your Services and Programs
  • Getting Clear About How You Work
  • Defining Your Rates
  • Offering Support in Between Sessions
  • Creating Packages
  • Working with a Sliding Scale
  • High-End Offerings

Your Client Flow

  • Phone vs. Live Sessions
  • Scheduling Clients
  • Communicating and Interacting with Clients
  • How to Create a Safe Space
  • Intake Forms
  • Client Contracts and Agreements
  • Cancellation Policy

Setting Up Your Business

  • Naming Your Business
  • Understanding Professional Insurance
  • Filing Systems
  • The Importance of Business Banking
  • Financial Record-Keeping
  • Taking Payment
  • Invoicing Clients
  • Contact Management Systems
  • Creating Your Support Team
  • Backing Up Your Content


  • Highlighting What Makes You Different
  • Elevator Speech
  • Communicating About What You Do
  • Networking
  • How to Attract Clients
  • Where to Market Yourself
  • Copy for Website
  • How to Build your List
  • Using Social Proof
  • Getting Testimonials

Building Your Website

  • Website Options
  • Buying a Domain Name
  • Web Hosting Options
  • Website Theme
  • Website Outline
  • Social Media Integration with Websites

Creating an Opt-in

  • The Purpose of an Opt-in
  • Designing an Opt-in
  • Important Opt-in Pointers

Social Media Strategies for Success

  • The Best Social Media for Your Business
  • Understanding Facebook
  • Understanding Twitter
  • The Importance of LinkedIn
  • Understanding Pinterest
  • Using Hootsuite to Manage Social Media
  • How to Create a YouTube Channel
  • How to Create a Meetup Group
  • How to Use Meetup to Build Tribe
  • Basic, Moderate and Advanced Social Media Set-Up


  • Blogging Basics
  • Important Pointers for Blogging
  • Building Trust


  • Creating the Right Newsletter
  • How to Write a Great Subject Line
  • Understanding Your Audience

The Flow of Information

  • Understanding Copyright Law
  • Internet Copyright Etiquette

Done for You Website Copy

  • What is Mind Body Eating Coaching
  • How is My Approach Different
  • What is Mind Body Nutrition
  • What is Dynamic Eating Psychology

Institute for the Psychology of Eating Review

A unique blend of holistic nutrition, eating psychology, and coaching.

Who is this certification for?

If you currently, or desire to work with those who have deep emotional ties to food that create a barrier to reaching their goals, this is the best online holistic nutrition certification for you.

200+ Hours of Videos and Slideshows

This is the most complete, innovative, and inspiring educational experience in eating psychology you can find. The Institute is the worldwide leader in combining results-oriented nutrition with a deep understanding of our fascinating relationship with food. Their curriculum is personally and professionally transformative, and our content is unparalleled in the marketplace. You’ll receive access to 7 information-rich modules delivered over 8 months. Each module has introductory videos with Marc David, Founder of IPE that outlines the important concepts in that module followed by 20-30 hours of narrated slide shows that dive deeper into the work. And you can access it all from anywhere in the world on your computer or mobile device.

Hundreds of Handouts

In addition to the video and audio classes, you’ll receive a powerful collection of written notes, worksheets, highlights, lessons, protocols and more that are included in easy-to-read PDF form. These handouts cover topics such as weight loss, body images, overeating, binge eating, digestion, coaching techniques, nutrition strategies, and so much more. They’re great for ongoing reference and reinforce your learning experience. And all handouts are downloadable and yours to keep for life.

Introspective Exercises

Each module includes optional exercises to help you deepen into the material. They are lots of the same exercises you’ll be giving your clients. At the Institute, they believe strongly that transforming your own relationship with food, health insurance, and body will greatly improve your skills and effectiveness being a practitioner. Most students report these introspective exercises to catalyze significant insights and breakthroughs within their own lives.

Live Q&A Tele-Calls with Marc David

This is a very important and unique possibility to interact directly using the Institute’s founder and primary teacher. Marc David can be an internationally acclaimed teacher and skilled facilitator. You’ll receive insightful feedback in one of the very most well-regarded and cutting edge leaders in eating psychology and nutrition. All classes are recorded for those who cannot attend live. Participate in 2 teleclasses monthly – over 16 Live Tele-calls!

Bonus Business Training Module

Their bonus business module delivers the same leading-edge information fact that leading business programs for coaches and entrepreneurs address today. Learn basic through advanced skills that will set you in addition to the crowd with approaches for building your brand, defining your business design, creating programs, on and offline marketing, social media marketing, and even more. This Business Component is definitely taught by Emily Rosen, Chief Operating Officer for IPE, and it is an enormous value for all those just getting started, or for anybody seeking to expand their practice or business.

Bonus Nutrition Module

Get a solid foundation in nutrition with topics that range from digestive physiology and anatomy to the basics of entire foods nutrition and macronutrient balance. This optional, holistic, evidence-based component is a great review and an effective way to understand the fundamentals. The core training itself includes a great amount of content at heart Body Nutrition, functional and clinical nutrition, as well as results-oriented diet recommendations. This bonus module is included at no additional expense for anybody wanting an obvious knowledge of the diet fundamentals which means you have the info you need to produce a powerful impact with clients.

Live Conference

All students are welcomed to wait for an optional live event because of their graduating class that’s held by the end of working out. Get motivated by IPE staff and fellow students, experience live client demos, hear new content, work in small groups, and network and celebrate with others. Marc David hosts this event combined with the IPE team. You’ll get the chance to meet up so a lot of your fellow students who are focused on making a genuine difference in the world. That is a popular and well-loved part of the training and a great way to launch into the next phase of your career!

Done-For-You Forms & Marketing Copy

They’re committed to giving you the tools to succeed! You’re provided with effective marketing and website copy to help you communicate your work and your message. The kind of copy that’s clear, catchy, and helps tell the world exactly what you’re about. You’ll also receive essential intake questionnaires, client agreements and more to help launch or elevate your practice.

Peer Coaching Program

In this optional part of the training, you’ll be matched with a fellow student so you can practice the skills you’re learning throughout the training. Each month you’ll receive topics and discussion points to explore with your peer coach. All sessions are done over the phone or Skype and at your convenience. This is a great opportunity to get grounded in your educational experience, learn how to work with phone clients, and connect in a whole different way to the material.

Private Online Community

Built into the training website, is an exclusive online forum for you to engage with fellow students and IPE staff around training content. Monitored by senior IPE Staff, this is a great way to have discussions with not only the IPE team but your colleagues from various backgrounds. There is also have a private Facebook group for professional networking opportunities. These platforms allow you to dive into course content, professional development, and your own relationship with food while receiving support from peers and IPE staff.

Downloadable Digital MP3 Recordings of Every Class and Call

The Mind-Body Eating Coach Certification Training includes over 200 hours of information-rich classes that you can watch or listen to by logging into our exclusive training portal. And because they want you to be able to return to the material for years to come, ALL the classes have been made available to download as audio files. You’ll be able to save them to your computer or mobile device and enjoy the material for life whenever you need a refresher or an infusion of inspiration

Just a handful of the extensive amount of testimonials

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Most Underrated Online Holistic Nutrition Certification Program

nutrition certification

Provider: Natural Wellness Academy

Certification: MInd-Gut Guru

Full Price: $1995
Payment Plan: available upon request

Exclusive 10% OFF Coupon Code (paid in full):


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Natural Wellness Academy Review

All online
Mind-Gut Guru Certification
1-on-1 mentor support
60 hour program
Nutritional coaching integration
Business development skills
None that I can see

Module 1: Digestion – From Consumption To Elimination

  1. First Steps of Digestion (Salivary Glands to Stomach)
  2. The Gut (Gastrointestinal System)
    1. Anatomy
      1. Small Intestine
      2. Duodenum
      3. Jejunum
      4. Ileum
      5. Large Intestine (Colon)
    2. Process
      1. Digestion process from consumption and chewing
      2. Enzymes and Stomach acids breaking down
      3. Absorption of nutrients
      4. Elimination of waste
    3. The Microbiome/Microbiota
      1. The Role of Gut Flora
      2. The Immune System
  3. Definitions and Terminology Review

Module 2: Dysbiosis and Disease

  1. Understanding the Genesis and Impact of Inflammation
  2. Gut permeability – Leak Gut Syndrome
  3. Digestive Disorders
    1. GERD
    2. Ulcers
    3. Gas/Bloating
  4. Dysbiosis
    1. IBS
    2. Candida
    3. Crohn’s Disease
    4. Constipation & Diarrhea
    5. Bacterial, Parasites & Pathogens (H.pylori)
  5. The Auto-Immune Disorders
    1. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    2. Crohn’s Disease
    3. Hashimoto’s
  6. Food Sensitivities and Allergies
    1. Celiac Disease
    2. Foods that cause the most sensitivities
  7. Hormonal Imbalance

Module 3: Detoxification and Lifestyle

  1. Toxicity
    1. Food
    2. Environment
    3. Heavy metals
    4. Contamination
    5. Pesticides
  2. Processes
    1. Various Protocols
    2. Cleanses
    3. Supplements
    4. Colonics
  3. Models
    1. Ayurveda,
    2. Traditional Chinese Medicine,
    3. Short-Term Cleanses
    4. Long-Term Turnaround Protocols

Module 4: Mind-Gut Connection

  1. Eating Protocols
    1. What to Eat
    2. What Not to Eat
  2. The Role of Food
  3. Weight Management
  4. Fermentation
  5. Probiotics and Prebiotics
  6. Exercise
  7. Alternative Approaches
  8. The Aging Microbiota

Module 5: Intro to Mind Dynamics to Enhance Coaching Results

  1. The Nervous System of the Gut (Enteric Nervous System)
  2. Mind-Body Connection
  3. Communication between the Brain/Gut
  4. Emotions and Disorders related to the Gut
  5. Stress Management
  6. Meditation and Mind/Body Dynamics for Prevention and Healing

Module 6: Effective Essential Coaching

  1. Case studies
  2. How to Work with Clients
  3. Reference Materials
  4. Self-Test
  5. Final Project

Final Project

Each student will explore one of the emerging areas of study around the Gut and report on research into the topic, to be shared among current and future students. Alternatively, they can work on marketable projects or materials for their coaching projects. Students will receive guidance regarding an adequate topic for their final project and will be mentored throughout the process.

  • American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) Certification & Accreditation Board. Accreditation gives public recognition to educational institutions that meet standards of quality and promises prospective students that the institution they are considering studying with is a reputable one.
  • National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching – The mission of the NBHWC is to lead the advancement of health & wellness coaching by establishing professional standards and collaborative partnerships.

In my opinion, from the research I’ve done, this is far and away the most underrated Nutrition Certification program available online.

I have personally been in contact with the founder, Dr. LJ. She is super friendly and I can feel her passion oozing through her emails. I get a real sense of hominess and genuineness from Dr. LJ.

She was completely transparent with me when it came to answering my questions. In my opinion, she went over and above what I had asked.

Here Is A Complete Transcript From One Of Her Emails:

Hi again, Rob – no worries!  Glad that you got the email and thanks for the kind comments. 

There are definitely several aspects that set NWA apart: 

  • The one-on-one mentoring is really significant for the students as they have someone to either cheerlead, counsel or motivate them to get through the program as well as finding an area of specialization or niche market.  All of our mentors are successful coaches and very upbeat people.
  • We take a very holistic MIND/BODY/SPIRIT approach and it’s kind of “impossible” for someone to go through our program and not have a lot of personal transformation and growth
  • We were the very first holistic health academy (2013) to add the Life Coaching – this really helps the graduates cast a wider net and be able to face a lot of the deeper issues that are behind eating and lifestyle habits
  • We are starting to gear towards “hypno-coaching” – my background is as an international expert in the subconscious mind and in many cases, we will add on the Essential Hypnotherapy Skills as a gift or for a small fee to give the coaches an extraordinary extra skill and further reach.
  • Right now our “hot ticket” item is the CBD/Cannabis Coaching program, an explosive growth market. 
  • We do blended programs for incredible pricing and we can also create hybrid certifications for students.  For instance, we have one woman who is doing a “Mind and Manifestation Dynamics”
  • About 70% of our graduates go on to take another certification with us – I think this is a good indicator of the happiness factor of NWA students. 

That should cover it – by all means reach out if you have any further questions.

Stephen Barnes gneral 1
Natural Wellness Academy Student Testimonial - Ally Bono

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Best Online Functional Nutrition Certification Program

functional nutrition certification

Provider: Functional Nutritionist Academy

Certification: Functional Nutritionist

Full Price: $1997
Payment Plan: $797 x 3

Intro to functional Nutritionist Academy with Founder, Teresa Rispoli

Mastering Functional Nutrition Video Intro
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Functional Nutritionist Academy Review

All online
Start any time
Board Certified Functional Nutritionist Certification
Functional diagnostic laboratory assessment library
Learn how to market your brand
Learn how to become an influencer in your community
No live classes
No mentorship

Learning Outcomes

  • Fundamentals of Functional Nutrition for Building Health. Including Detailed Initial Evaluation Questions & Assessments
  • Mastering Gut Restoration –Microbiome –Healing Leaky Gut the gateway to chronic health conditions
  • Balancing Hormones Naturally – Adrenal, Thyroid, Endocrine
  • Food as Medicine – Application of Therapeutic Diets (FODMAPS, Elimination Diets, Candida, SIBO, Leaky gut, Autoimmune Paleo, Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System, Anti-inflammatory, Anti Arthritic, etc.
  • Functional Diagnostic Labs, Interpretation, case studies
  • Detoxification Implementation and role in health building

Lesson 1 – Heal Your GUT – The Gateway to Solving Chronic Health Conditions

  • Understanding how the microbiome is the gateway of many chronic health conditions like SIBO, Leaky Gut, Allergies, food intolerance, autoimmune triggers and diseases.
  • How to heal and seal Leaky Gut Syndrome, reverse autoimmune diseases, and the importance of proper detoxification to reverse chronic health conditions.

Lesson 2 – Targeted Evaluation Questions, Assessments, Laboratory Tests & Interpretation Relating to the Gut

  • Which help you get to the core of why people are ill.
  • You’ll be given tools to help you uncover the triggers leading to root causes of chronic health issues.
  • You’ll be given done-for-you protocols for the trickiest sign’s, symptoms and conditions.

Lesson 3 – Therapeutic Diets

  • FODMAPS, Elimination Diets, Candida, GAPS, Leaky Gut, SIBO, SCD, Anti-Inflammatory, Autoimmune Paleo, Mind Diet.
  • How to make fermented vegetables and healing Bone Broth

Lesson 4 – Learn About Your Microbiome

  • Learn About Your Gut Bug Fingerprint
  • Know Your Microbiome Gut Type
  • How to Destroy Biofilms
  • The Six Hidden Weight Gain Factors
  • How Firmicutes vs Bacteroides Bacteria influence metabolism and fat storage.

Lesson 5 – Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Solutions

  •  Adrenals affect multiple body systems
  • Four Stages of Adrenal Fatigue & Symptoms associated with each stage
  • Hormones controlled by the adrenals
  • Four Key Adrenal Stress Factors
  • Functional testing for adrenal fatigue
  • Thyroid vs Adrenals – what do your symptoms mean
  • The four Faces of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
  • Core adrenal nutrients to heal exhausted adrenals
  • How the adrenals are connected to almost every organ and system in your body and how they can change your body’s entire biochemistry in an instant.

Lesson 6 – Nutritional Impact of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

  • Which essential nutrients are required to heal each stage of Adrenal Fatigue
  • Analyzing the Metabolic Assessment Form for hyper and hypo adrenal fatigue symptoms
  • KEY Functional Laboratory Testing for Adrenal Fatigue Stages
  • Neurotransmitter (brain) balance
  • Other lab tests for fatigue
  • Treatment Protocols & Handouts for each Stage of Adrenal Fatigue including: primary vitamins, minerals, herbs, diet, lifestyle and exercise
  • Adrenal Fatigue Questionnaire (which you may brand and utilize in your practice)
  • Key concepts for recovering from Adrenal Fatigue
  • Adrenal Fatigue recovery tips.

Lesson 7 – Balancing Thyroid & Endocrine Hormones Naturally

  • Healing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis naturally by finding the root cause to eliminate symptoms and triggers
  • Understanding Thyroid Markers on Lab Tests
  • Learn the 7 Hypothyroid Patterns and how to resolve them nutritionally
  • Know the Leaky Gut, Adrenal, Thyroid Connection
  • Learn Brain Chemistry and Thyroid Function
  • Learn neuroendocrine brain support supplements
  • What foods to avoid and what foods nurture your thyroid back to health
  • In this lesson you are going to learn how to identify the root causes of thyroid disorders and how to tailor the most effective support of each individual patient.

Lesson 8 – Functional Lab Tests

  • Interpretation  of lab Tests
  • Body Typing
  • You will learn history taking done right by understanding how to use the Functional Medicine Matrix and a Timeline during the initial evaluation
  • Which diagnostic Lab test is best utilized for further evaluation.
  • You will have at your disposal a Functional Nutrition” Tool Box” of Specialty Lab tests to help you determine the root cause of your patient’s chronic illness.
  • Then you will understand how to evaluate the “Four Body Types” which are very useful for at a glance diagnostics 
  • How to put the information into practical application when treating the patient.

Lesson 9 – Marketing How to get clients in a busy digital/social media world and keep them as loyal clients

  • This Lesson is all about helping healthcare practitioners to:
  • Learn the newest, cutting-edge strategies to save time and money.
  • Build your brand and online presence for more impact and recognition.
  • Uplevel your revenue and keep more of what you earn.
  • Leverage Facebook Ads, FB Posts, FB Groups
  • Automation Pipelines Streamline how patients/clients discover you
  • Discover insights on the newest technology and practice-building tools.

Lesson 10 – How To Assimilate Your Nutritional Education Into Your Local Community

  • This Lesson is all getting your community to know, like & trust you so they will stay, pay and refer you: 
  • Be the leader in your area & the last stop for chronically ill people seeking your help.
  • Be an influencer in your community & learn how to leverage these relationships.
  • Learn strategies to attract your perfect clients.
  • Learn how to establish yourself as the go-to trusted expert.
  • Learn how to build relationships in your community and the world.
  • Congratulations on investing in these strategies for your success. You are holding the key to doubling, tripling or even 10X your business over the next year!

Upon Completion Become a Board Certified Functional Nutritionist (CFN) Certificate Included!

  • American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) Certification & Accreditation Board. Accreditation gives public recognition to educational institutions that meet standards of quality and promises prospective students that the institution they are considering studying with is a reputable one.

Functional Nutritionist Academy Review

Coming soon!

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Best  Online Nutrition Certification Program Under $1000

nutrition certification online

Provider: ACE (Precision Nutrition)

Certification: Precision Nutrition Level 1

*Note: This is the exact same certification offered on the Precision Nutrition website. The difference? You’ll have to sign up for the presale list with Precision Nutrition directly and then wait months for the program to open (not sure why they do this since there’s no live component). When you sign up through ACE you can get started immediately, with no waiting.

Full Price: $999

Payment Plan: n/a

Visit ACE (Precision Nutrition)

Intro to Precision Nutrition Level 1

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification
Visit ACE (Precision Nutrition)

Precision Nutrition Review

All online
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification
Start anytime through ACE (not the case through PN directly)
World-renowned program
Has been used to coach over 100,000 clients
Scientifically reviewed and approved nutrition coaching methodology
Large emphasis on coaching and behavioural change
Client handouts for strategies, protocols
No live coaching practice
No coursework feedback
No case studies to practice on
No live classes
No payment plans

Unit 1: The Precision Nutrition approach

You’ll learn about the philosophy and methodology of how we coach, as well as how to:

  • help yourself learn
  • explore your own coaching style
  • use evidence in coaching
  • coach “deep health”
  • build a coaching relationship
  • and coach effectively

Unit 2: The science of nutrition

You’ll learn the science of:

  • energy balance and metabolism
  • digestion and absorption
  • macro and micronutrients
  • water and fluid balance
  • stress and recovery

Unit 3: Putting it into practice

You’ll learn how to apply what you’ve learned, including how to:

  • work through the PN coaching process, step by step
  • assess clients
  • create action plans
  • monitor and use data
  • work with different “nutritional levels” and client capacities as well as specific scenarios and populations
  • build a coaching business, including coaching online
  • Approved for CEC’s with: American Council on Exercise, CIMSPA, PTA Global, AFAA-Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, Europe Active, NBHWC, ACSM – American College Of Sports Medicine, CDR – Commission on Dietetic Registration, NASM – National Academy Of Sports Medicine
  • PN Level 1 graduates in the US and Canada may be eligible to apply for professional liability insurance through Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO).
Precision Nutrition Certification Review | How it Changed My Career
Visit ACE (Precision Nutrition)

Therapeutic Online Holistic Nutrition Certification Program

nutrition therapy association review

Provider: Nutritional Therapy Association

Certification: Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Full Price: $5900

Payment Plan: Registration Fee: $400 – $550, then $1180 x 5

Visit Nutritional Therapy Association

Referral Code: robkishlife

Nutritional Therapy Association Review

All online
Instructor-led, similar to online schooling
Nutrition Therapy Practitioner Certification
1-on-1 mentoring and coaching
Live nutrition coaching practice
Business development skills
Mentored case studies
Interest-free payment plans
Governed by Washington State, licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board as a private vocational school, and the Council of Holistic Health Educators (US)
I’m inclined to say the price, but that would just devalue the program. The fact that it’s instructor-led, alone separates this program from all the others. I think it’s worth every single penny when you consider the depth of the program and the amount of support that is included. This program is one of a kind. It’s very well rounded and will definitely separate you from the nutritionist down the street.


This module provides an introduction to the learning space as well as an overview of the NTA paradigm and the occupational focus of the Nutritional Therapy Professional.

Evolution of the Modern Diet

This module provides a review of the history and evolution of the modern diet, including key nutritional pioneers, major milestones leading to our current diet, sourcing and farming practices, and cultural diet differences.

Basics of Nutrition

This module offers an overview of foundational nutrition, explores specific guidelines for what constitutes a nutrient-dense, properly prepared, whole foods diet, and presents the roles of macronutrients and micronutrients.

Client Consultation Process

In this module, students will learn how to conduct an initial interview using Motivational Interviewing techniques, evaluate a Food & Mood Journal, and manually evaluate a Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ). Using these tools, students will be able to develop a customized protocol based on each client’s bio-individual needs.

Culinary Wellness, Part 1

Where food comes from, food quality and proper preparation is core to achieving optimal health. This module will guide students through food sourcing, quality and preparation, understanding food industry language, and key changes to make in the kitchen and pantry to support the basics of using food to achieve optimal health.

Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

This module introduces basic anatomy and physiology concepts and terminology. Students will continue to learn about the form and structure of other body systems in subsequent modules.

Digestion and Elimination

This module focuses on the physiology of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion process, as well as how to identify nutritional needs and stressors, and how to restore health to the digestive system.

Blood Sugar Regulation
In this module, students will learn the physiology and importance of blood sugar regulation, including how to identify blood sugar dysregulation in clients, and how to regulate blood sugar through nutritional and lifestyle practices.

Fatty Acid Balance

This module highlights the many critical roles of fat in the body and debunks common myths about fat and cholesterol.

Mineral Balance

This module emphasizes the role of minerals in maintaining proper serum pH, nerve conduction, muscle function, and tissue growth. Students will learn to identify and address mineral deficiencies caused by stress, nutritional deficiencies, and other lifestyle choices.


This module addresses the systemic effects of dehydration and the importance of maintaining kidney health for optimal elimination, mineral balance, and blood cell production.


In this module, students will learn about the complex system of relationships within the endocrine system, how to identify hormonal imbalances, and help bring clients into balance by addressing The Foundations.

Allergies and Immune

This module focuses on the physiology of the immune system, food allergies, and intolerances, as well as how to improve the health of the immune system to enhance overall health.

Cardiovascular Health

This module presents many underlying causes of cardiovascular dysfunction and methods to support cardiovascular health through a focus on The Foundations.

Sleep, Stress, and Movement

This module will explore the impact of a person’s stress levels, quantity, and quality of sleep and what type of movement or exercise a person chooses to do on overall health, as well as share steps that can be taken to address each impinging factor.

Environmental Factors

In this module, students will learn the impact that chemicals, toxins, mold, our home and work environments, and other environmental factors have on our overall health. Students will learn how to identify common toxins and chemicals and recommend healthy tips to reduce the negative impact of environmental toxins.

Barriers, Influences, and Emotional Well-Being

This module provides students with tools to better understand the whole person and address nutritional needs holistically. From socioeconomic, cultural, and familial status to emotional wellbeing and self-talk, this module will discuss the impact of these factors on overall health and ideas for addressing concerns with clients.

Metabolic Clearing and Detoxification

In this module, students will learn the difference between metabolic clearing and detoxification and how to use nutritional therapy to help optimize the body’s natural process of cleansing, nourishing, and restoring the body from the inside out.

Culinary Wellness, Part 2

Building on the knowledge introduced in Culinary Wellness, Part One, this module dives into the practical application of culinary healing and how to become a guru in the kitchen. Culinary skills, batch cooking, super foods, and cooking methods will be presented.

Practice Resource

In this module, students will be given tips and resources for setting up their own practices. Scope of practice and legal implications, professional organizations in which students may be interested, and introductory business building tips will be included. This module is a great precursor to the NTA’s more in-depth business-building Career Development Course.

  • Private vocational school in Washington State, licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating
  • Board Council of Holistic Health Educators (US), a membership-based 501(c)(4) nonprofit advocacy organization made up of holistic health schools and organizations, practitioners, and supporters. They work to protect the practice of holistic health by defeating harmful legislation, and lobby to pass laws that protect and grow our diverse profession’s ability to practice and employment opportunities. They educate policymakers, build grassroots support, and train holistic health practitioners to become involved in the policy process and win.

Nutritional Therapy Association Review

Who is this certification for?

If you are looking to take a well-balanced but slightly therapeutic approach in your nutrition practice, this is the best online holistic nutrition certification for you.

Why Nutrition Therapy Association appears to be a clear choice: 

The Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) online program is a ten-month, instructor-led, fully online program.

  1. Earn a credible and professional credential. The NTA is a well-established leader in nutrition education, and the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner credential is highly recognized and valued by professionals and clients alike. Not only will you gain confidence in helping others dial in their optimal nutrition plan, but you’ll also have the cred and know-how that legitimizes your ability to empower them, to teach them there’s a better way toward wellness.
  2. Bio-individual approach to nutrition. Unlike programs that teach you a one-diet-fits-all approach (or, worse yet, one that teaches you too many to count, which overwhelms you and your clients), you’ll learn how to honour each person’s body and situation as unique. This gives you a personalized lens into uncovering specific imbalances and then identifying the foods and nutrients best support balance and function on an individual level. This is personalized nutrition on steroids!
  3. Confidence to begin your successful dream career. Whether you want to teach group classes, help your friends and family, or launch an online holistic nutrition business, you’ll graduate from this program with the support of your instructors and classmates and with the knowledge, tools, and total confidence to do exactly what you want to do!
  4. An education designed around your demanding schedule. Do you work full-time in an office or as a caregiver? Maybe you’re searching for something that fits into a hectic life that has no set schedule from day-to-day? Whatever your situation, this program will meet you where you are. The NTP Online program is an instructor-led, fully online holistic nutrition program where you’ll learn from instructors with real-life experience as NTPs themselves. You will also learn right along with a cohort of like-minded peers who are there to support and challenge you throughout your program. You will never be left on your own to figure things out.
  5. Gain knowledge and skills to create a ripple effect that transforms lives and shifts the outlook of health to one of hope, today and for generations to come. Leverage what you already know and take your abilities to the next level of competence. In 10 short months, you’ll join the thousands who have become change-makers through the program, delivering hope to others by showing them how to take their health into their own hands.

Did you know…

that less than 13% of physician visits include any nutritional counseling? With more diseases and ailments originating from a nutritional deficiency than ever before, our healthcare climate is in dire need of an alternative solution. If you’ve been considering a career in nutrition, there is no better time to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) through the Nutritional Therapy Association.

As an NTP, we are given the tools and knowledge to lead individuals and communities in restoring health through the power of nutritional therapy.

The NTA’s programs are uniquely based on a foundational, holistic approach to nutrition. It’s the mission of the NTA to deliver a science-based education that equips and connects a community of confident holistic nutrition professionals to harness the power of real food, reconnecting each person to the unique needs and innate wisdom of their bodies to support lasting wellness.

The NTP Online program is a ten-month, instructor-led, fully online course that offers tools for managing clients and assessing nutritional deficiencies by tapping into the body’s own feedback system. We learn how to address weaknesses through a properly prepared, whole food, and nutrient-dense diet, along with lifestyle changes. NTA’s curriculum challenges today’s nutritional paradigm by teaching a holistic, ancestral approach rooted in modern science.

If you are like me and are ready to take your passion for nutrition to the next level, look no further. Let’s join forces to empower a passionate community of life-changing nutrition professionals to create a ripple effect that transforms lives and shifts the outlook of health to one of hope, today and for generations to come.

Want to learn more about the NTA programs and get your questions answered by a Lead Instructor and Admissions Advisor? Attend the next Live Info Session >>


A little info on the role of a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner

An NTP’s job is to help address the ill effects of poor dietary and lifestyle habits while supporting the physiological foundations. NTP’s endorse a nutrient-dense, whole food, properly prepared diet as well as supplementation when necessary to correct imbalances and deficiencies.

Goals of Nutrition Therapy

The NTA’s primary goal is to encourage people to become more knowledgeable about—and responsible
for—their own health. Attaining optimal health through proper nutrition and balancing the Foundations is
not a quick fix solution, however, and requires sincere commitment, possible lifestyle changes, and a
positive attitude.

Scope of Practice

A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner™ (“NTP”) is a professional educated by the Nutritional Therapy
Association, Inc.® NTPs are trained to evaluate a client’s nutritional needs and make bio-individual
recommendations or provide follow up support for dietary changes, lifestyle choices, and nutritional
supplementation based on the following:

• Client Interview
• Analysis of Client’s Food Journal
• Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire

All advice and support recommendations made by an NTP should be based on evidence-based, scientific
information. An NTP is not trained to provide medical diagnoses, prescriptions, or treatment of any
medical or pathological conditions, illnesses, diseases, or injuries. No recommendation or comment
made by an NTP should be construed as medical advice or diagnosis.

Roles Performed by Nutritional Therapy Association Practitioners

The role of an NTP is to provide non-biased health and nutrition information to friends, neighbors,
associates, and the community. They educate the public on the cost/benefit of eating unprocessed, local,
fresh, nutrient-dense foods and quality nutritional products that support chronic nutritional deficiencies
as well as lifestyle and environmental factors that contribute to these deficiencies.

NTPs Don’t:

• Practice Medical Nutrition
• Diagnose and treat disease
• Make unproven health claims
• Misrepresent training
• Use unproven devices, assessments, or therapies
• Use network marketing or product sales in lieu of individual client education.

NTPs Do:

• Promote a nutrient-dense diet
• Focus on Foundational Nutrition and balancing the Nutritional Foundations
• Promote active lifestyles
• Teach ancestral eating principles
Distinguishing Features:
• Fresh, natural-foods basis
• Educational emphasis
• Client-based, not method or product-based
• Refers to doctors for medical conditions
• Highest standard of accountability and integrity
• Uses informed consent and full disclosure forms
• Adheres to the NTA Practitioner Code of Ethics

Source: https://nutritionaltherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/NTP-HANDBOOK-May-2020.pdf

Required Texts ($375, not included in tuition):

  • Introduction to the Human Body
    The Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology (11th Edition) 
    by Gerald J. Tortora and Bryan Derrickson
  • Motivational Interviewing in Nutrition and Fitness
    by Dawn Clifford and Laura Curtis
  • The Peace Process (2020 edition)
    by Miriam G. Zacharias
  • Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective
    by Dicken Weatherby, ND
  • Advanced Human Nutrition (4th edition)
    by Denis M. Medeiros & Robert E.C. Wildman
Visit Nutritional Therapy Association

Referral Code: robkishlife

Diagnostic Online Holistic Nutrition Certification Program

functional diagnostic nutrition review

Provider: Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

Certification: Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Full Price: $6495

Payment Plan: Registration Fee: $250, then $1107 x 6 or $566 x 12

Visit Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

Watch this video on the topic of the mind to get more insight into the approach taken at Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.

Presented by Reed Davis, Owner of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

FDN Advanced Training Modules

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Review

All online
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner Certification
41 hours of video
1-on-1 mentoring and coaching
Business development skills
Mentored case studies
Learn to interpret lab tests and prescribe a nutrition plan accordingly
Interest-free payment plans
Accredited by AADP, allowing you to be Board Certified
Given that this program costs more than the Nutrition Therapy Associations program, and it is not even instructor-led, I’d have to say that I think this one is a little over-priced. However, it is a one-of-a-kind program that you won’t find anywhere else. On that note, one is paying for their uniqueness.

What you’ll learn

  • How to stop chasing symptoms and identify underlying opportunities for healing
  • The best lab tests to uncover dysfunctions at the root of most health complaints
  • Lab interpret on an individual basis and correlating the results with the client
  • Ways to deliver test results to clients that makes it easy for them to understand
  • Holistic, drugless protocols that are safe, powerful, and proven to work
  • How to make big gains in tough cases and chronic stress-related disorders
  • An easy to duplicate business model you can integrate into your existing practice, or use to confidently start your new FDN practice from scratch

Module 1: How to Be an FDN Health Detective

This is an introduction to the FDN model and philosophy, especially compared to the standard medical approach in Western medicine.    Stress and Metabolic Chaos® are defined and explained within the context of FDN, and lab tests are introduced as a significant tool in the FDN Practitioner’s toolbox.

Module 2: H-P-A Axis & Adrenal/Stress Testing

This lesson presents a deep look at the Hypothalamus/Pituitary/Adrenal Axis, the significance of dysregulated cortisol, and the first page of the BH205A Adrenal Stress Profile.    FDN Clinical Ranges are taught based on the Three-Stage Model of Stress Adaptation, in contrast to “normal” levels within lab ranges.

Module 3: HPA & Sex Hormone Assessment

This lesson outlines the second page of the BH205A, the sex hormones, and how FDN approaches testing in premenopausal females.   The male and female hormone cycles are investigated, as are common symptoms relating to deficiencies and excesses of each sex hormone.

Module 4: Metabolic Assessment Profile

This lesson provides insight into the BH101 Metabolic Assessment Profile and breaks down each marker on the test including indican, oxidative stress, and detoxification indicators.   Emphasis is placed on the importance of the liver, and how to manage various therapies utilizing the BH101.

Module 5: Mucosal Barrier & Digestive Health

This module reviews the physiology and significance of the mucosal barrier and its role in digestive health.   The Genova Intestinal Permeability test is detailed with explanations of lactulose, mannitol, and the utility of the ratio between these molecules.

Module 6: Antigens, Pathogens, & Restoring a Healthy Host

This lesson is an introduction to the possible effects of a malfunctioning GI environment, and therefore, the importance of a healthy gut.   Bacteria, parasites, yeasts, and specific species of each are detected on the BH401H GI Pathogen Screen.   The idea that bugs are not the problem, they are the result of the problem is explored in this module.

Module 7: Food Sensitivity Testing & Case Studies

Options for food sensitivity testing are presented in this lesson, along with scientific explanations for why and how they function.   The Great Plains IgG Fingerstick and the Oxford Biomedical Mediator Release Test are explained in detail, along with guidelines for reintroducing sensitive foods, and retesting.

Module 8: Labs Wrap-Up and What’s Next

This lesson marks the end of the training on lab tests and interpretation of their results and stresses the importance of being intimately familiar with the five foundational labs and collecting your own samples.   The Test Comparison Worksheet is introduced to segue into the next section of the course, D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success® Protocols, and an overview of the D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success® Program is presented.   This is also the point in the course where the Written Final Exam is available to download and begin working on to submit at the end of the FDN program.

Module 9: Intro to Documentation

This module outlines the intakes and case notes forms used by FDN Practitioners to facilitate taking a detailed history of each client and keeping organized notes throughout your relationship with them.   Once the lesson on intake forms is complete, personal intake forms can be submitted in preparation for the Personal Results and Recommendations (R&R) Session with an FDN Mentor.

Module 10: D.R.E.S.S. For Health Success®

This lesson goes into extreme detail for each of the five pillars of the D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success® method, to address a vast array of Metabolic Chaos® when customizing client protocols.

Module 11: Introduction to Results & Recommendations Sessions

This part of the course covers the components of the R&R sessions FDNs have with their clients.  Major focus in this module is on utilizing FDN documents and building 90-Day Protocols.

Module 12: Onboarding and Managing Your Clients

This is the final module in the FDN Certification Course, which explains the logistics and best practices of the onboarding and intake process.   The complete FDN method is reiterated to set you up for success as you prepare to complete your practical exercises and final exam to graduate!

Module 13: Practical Exercises & Exams

This final Module is comprised of all Practical Exercise assignments to be performed with an FDN Mentor and the Written and Verbal Final Exams.  More details and instructions can be found in the course on FDNconnect.

Onboarding Session:  45 mins – role-playing practice session to onboard prospective mock client and form initial impression

Practical #1:  2 hours – role-playing session taking mock client through initial R&R with BH205A and BH101 test results and intake forms

Practical #2:  1 hour – role-playing session taking same mock client through second R&R session with Genova IP, BH401H, and MRT test results and updating initial D.R.E.S.S. protocol

Client Reviews:  2 hours – practitioner-to-practitioner conversational session covering two mock client cases with all five test results for each, clinically correlating to build D.R.E.S.S. protocol

Written Final Exam – must pass with grade of B or better, can access and schedule Verbal Final upon receipt of graded exam

Verbal Final Exam:  2 hours – final practical session reviewing initial test results and protocol with mock client and incorporating lab retest results and new intakes

Post-Graduate Interview (PGI):  30 mins – session with Reed or Brandon upon successful completion of the FDN Certification Course for opportunity to provide course feedback and plans as FDN-P

  • American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) Certification & Accreditation Board. Accreditation gives public recognition to educational institutions that meet standards of quality, and promises prospective students that the institution they are considering studying with is a reputable one.

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Review

Who is this certification for?

If you are interested in taking a more clinical approach in your nutrition practice, this is a great option for you.

Quick Review

In my opinion, from the research I’ve done, this is far and away one of the best nutrition certifications available online. You WILL STAND OUT  with this certification, and the knowledge you will walk away with.

The FDN Certification provides training in functional lab assessments and client intake methods that lead to highly individualized targeted protocols.

Did you know that you could have access to lab testing that uncovers the underlying cause of health problems?

It allows you to see ‘in black and white what is going on with your client’s health.  You can identify healing opportunities that most other nutritionists can’t, and then apply a proven method for rebuilding health.

This lab testing can help you pinpoint healing opportunities; and once you discover these healing opportunities, you can use a proven method to guide clients and rebuild their health!

The goal of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® is to build health and enhance performance, placing particular focus on the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy production, and nervous systems.  The FDN course is open to anyone with a desire and a passion to truly help others.  It not only puts the clinical tools right in your hands but gives you the skills to use them.

I’m talking about Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®!  This is an incredible training program that will not only boost your client results but will expand your services and help you positively impact more people.

Here’s an excerpt of a short interview I found

What’s the mission of FDN and what makes this company so special?

FDN’s mission is to educate as many people as possible about how to get well and stay well naturally so they in turn may educate and empower others to do the same. To achieve this, FDN provides cutting-edge functional lab assessment training and access to resources to continuously enhance people’s knowledge about functional health practices.

 The NTA has an amazing community of practitioners and businesses like yours, can you explain why FDN is so aligned with the NTA and its community?

  • FDN empowers anyone who has a strong desire to help others, who is willing to walk the talk, and who aspires to have a career changing people’s lives.
  • Evidence Based: FDN practitioners do NOT diagnose or treat any disease, nor do we practice medicine. Everything we do is science and evidence based. FDN’s investigate underlying causes and conditions at the core of people’s health complaints using functional lab testing and clues collected by our extremely thorough intake process.
  • Healing Opportunities: FDN seeks to identify healing opportunities within the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy and nervous systems of the body. Once opportunities are revealed, function and health can easily be restored by implementing natural health building approaches that will have a positive effect on the root cause, and that will outperform specific treatments.

 We’re so excited that FDN will be at our annual conference! What are you most excited about?

NTA is about creating a community of professionals focused on a common goal of transforming lives and shifting the outlook of health. FDN holds the same common values focused on helping people on a deeper level and getting real results. A rising tide raises all ships and together we can elevate each other!

 Can you give us a teaser of what you’ll be discussing at the conference?

  • Investigative skills and a mindset that seeks to unravel Metabolic Chaos® instead of treating symptoms or test results
  • How to identify healing opportunities, what’s really wrong
  • How to apply wellness principles unique to you / client…
  • How to walk clients along the proven path towards health
  • How to package and price your services so that you make a great living doing what you love
  • Grow your business by getting real results in your client’s health and well-being

 Which program of yours are you most excited about this year?

FDN gives students functional lab training, data-driven protocols, tools, and leadership needed so they can confidently solve their client’s health issues and grow their careers as health coaches or professionals.

 Who can benefit from this training?

Anyone with a passion for helping others and who is willing to walk the talk can take the FDN Certification Course. We believe that helping others to regain health, regardless of their starting point, requires only the proper training and leadership – all of which are provided in the FDN Course. We’ve spent the past 20+ years developing the FDN system and providing leadership to thousands of everyday people, health coaches, and health practitioners alike. All you have to do is learn FDN’s duplicatable system and you’re set. Today the FDN Community includes thousands of FDN Course graduates living and working in over 50 countries with all types of different backgrounds; some with prior training in health and wellness, and others without any.  No prerequisites are required. Once you complete the FDN Course, you are eligible to sit for board certification with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners to enhance your credibility even more.

source: https://nutritionaltherapy.com/interview-annual-partner-functional-diagnostic-nutrition-test-dont-guess/

Visit Functional Diagnostic Nutrition


In case you decided to skip parts of the post, I want to reiterate that the best all-around online Holistic Nutrition Certification Program is Nutrition Therapy Practitioner, hands down. This is regardless of whether you’re looking to make a career out of Holistic Nutrition Coaching or if you’re already an established professional in the health and wellness field and looking to add Holistic Nutrition Coaching to your current resume.

NTA is the best online Holistic Nutrition Certification program for those looking to make a career solely from being a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, I do not recommend any of the other holistic nutrition certifications if this is you. I can most definitely understand if $6495 sounds like a lot of money to some of you (Hint: sign up to their email list, discounts have been offered before).

Think about it this way, if you’re aspiring to create a career from being a great Holistic Nutrition Coach then you need a great education AND a great mentor. NTA offers both of those. It’s an investment now that will definitely pay off later. If you cannot afford it now, I highly recommend you wait and save up, and don’t rush into a cheaper program that you won’t be able to build a career out of.

If you’re already an established professional looking to add to your resume in the health and wellness industry, and money is a severe obstacle for you, then I recommend the Precision Nutrition Certification from ACE Fitness.

Detailed reviews of other areas of certification:

Online Health Coach Certifications

Online Life Coaching Certifications

Business Coach Certifications

CBD Coach Certification

Online Meditation Teacher Certification

I truly hope this helped you make an informed decision toward what step you want to take next.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me, I WILL respond.

Learn from all of your experiences, opportunities are everywhere.

Take care,

Rob Kish
why become vegetarian

I Never Thought I’d Say This But…I’m Becoming A Vegan And Here’s Why:

*Warning: I haven’t sugar-coated anything. Some readers may find some of the content disturbing. There will be videos (not auto-play), graphic descriptions, and brutal facts.*

*I also want to make it very clear that I do not, and will not, judge anyone who decides to eat meat.*

As of January 1st, 2019, I am officially going vegetarian, and “almost” Vegan. I will be eliminating meat, dairy (including eggs), and all animal byproducts from my diet. I say “almost” Vegan is because I may eat sashimi, lobster, crab, muscles, or scallops on occasion.

Never! No Way!

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would, or even could, become a Vegetarian. Ten years ago, if I had gone to a psychic, and their reading told me that I will become a Vegetarian in the future, I would have laughed hysterically in their face and requested a refund right on the spot!

I have been an avid meat eater my entire life. I can recall countless different moments where I stated that I could never become vegetarian because I just love steak wayyyyy too much! I could never give up steak! Goes on to show that we should never say “never”.

Friends and family were shocked when I told them I am becoming a Vegetarian. They all know how much I love my eat. Many of them thought it was a joke.

How It All Happened

I’d like to start of by saying that I have always been an animal lover. Since I was able to muster my first memory as a toddler, I’ve either had a cat, dog, or both as part of the family.

Along the way, I have learned much about the corruption, lies, and greed surrounding the food industry, including the government. The complete disrespect for animals is really what disgusts me the most.

Food Inc.

The very first time I ever had a thought about possibly becoming Vegetarian one day was while I was watching Food Inc. several years ago. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this film, it is a documentary that sheds light on the dark side of the food industry.

There’s one specific scene that has been ingrained into my head due to the emotional connection it created within me. The following video is of the scene that sparked a thought that I didn’t think I would ever have.

Did you see the terror in the poor cows’ eyes? Do you think they’re happy?

Even if going Vegetarian saves one cow’s life then if then it is more than worth it to me.

Viral Video Of Chickens Being Tormented

I remember seeing this video when it went viral in the summer of 2017. I knew after watching this video that I would become a Vegetarian one day, it was a future written in stone now.

Toronto Slaughterhouse Exposed

This one hits close to home for me, being that I live merely 20 minutes outside the City of Toronto.

Inhumane Treatment of Animals

The videos above are evidence of the sad reality that points toward a severe lack of compassion for animals. They are treated like their lives don’t matter. Well, I believe they do matter. I believe they matter just as much as any one of us human beings on this earth.

The living environments they are kept in are disgusting and disgraceful.

“The quality of life for animals on mass production farms (where most of the supply comes from) is the equivalent of being held a prisoner in a concentration camp.”

I refuse to continue enabling this by eating the remains of these beautiful living creatures.

Spiritual Influence

Here’s a touching piece of poetry written by Mother Teresa:

Because they give everything asking for nothing back… 
Because they are defenseless amid men’s weapons and power… 
Because they are eternal children…because they don’t know hate…or war…because they don’t know about money and only seek the protection of a shelter… 
Because they explain themselves without words, because their eyes are as pure as their souls…
Because they don’t know about envy or grudges, because forgiveness comes natural to them…
Because they love with loyalty and truthfulness… 
Because they recognize and appreciate respect…
Because they don’t buy love, they just expect it…
Because they are our companions, eternal friends that never betray…
And because they are alive. Because of this and a thousand other reasons they deserve our love! 
If we learn to love them like they deserve, for being creatures that feel, suffer and need us, we will be closer to God.

Mother Teresa

When I see a mouse outside of the house, I admire how cute they are instead of chasing them down with the sole of my foot or a hammer. Sure, they may do some damage if they ever got into the house but there’s a question I like to ask myself…

Which outcome would I prefer to live with?

a) Having taken the life of another animal to prevent having to do some extra work and spend some extra money on potentially damaged walls or insulation?


b) Having to do some extra work and spend some extra money in return for letting another animal live?

I choose option b every single time, no questions.

I would never put money, time, or effort ahead of the life of another animal. I’m not better than them, nor am I more important.

Just because we have the power to kill without repercussion, does not mean we need to exercise it.

Over the past two years, I have been on a spiritual journey.

Over this time, the connection and oneness I feel with all things; living, non-living, physical, and non-physical has grown to a point where…

eating an animal has become the equivalent of eating another human being.

I have always had a connection with animals, particularly dogs. When visiting friends, family, or even meeting someone for the first time, I am a dog magnet.

Disclosure: I do give great massages so I’m sure that is factored into their choice to follow me around.

Aligning With My Beliefs

Being an animal lover, eating animals of any kind just doesn’t line up with my love for them. Although I have been eating them all my life despite my love for them, I never questioned my actions…until now.

I never asked why I continued to be an enabler of animal cruelty, animal slaughter, and animal murder, by adding to the demand of meat-eaters. Why would I ask? I mean, everyone else does it, right? Nobody else around me questioned themselves on their beliefs or ethics so why would I.

And this is why I’m so grateful for this spiritual journey. I don’t want to be like anyone else anymore. I want to live in alignment with my own beliefs, the beliefs that are at the core of who I am. I want to be myself.

Sure, if I was lost in the wilderness for months on end with little or no vegetation to rely on for food, I would eat meat to survive. I’m faced with a decision, eat or die, and I would choose to eat.

Fortunately, we have been graced with an over-abundance of food here n North America and therefore we don’t need to choose between death or going against our beliefs. We have a choice to not eat animals without death being the consequence.

From No Love Lost To Love

Just over two years ago we added a cat to our family of a dog and a turtle. Her name is Laara, and there was no love lost between us for at least the first 6 months.

She thought it would be wise at the time to barge into our room between 12 a.m and 1 a.m every single night, meowing at the top of her lungs.

I like to leave the window open a tad during the night to bring in some fresh air. Laara decided that it was a good idea to get some every night as well. Her idea of getting some fresh air included several attempts of pouncing onto the window sill, with each failed attempt nearly dragging the drapes to the floor.

I would get up, making as much noise as I could, huffing and puffing and stomping my feet, chasing her out the bedroom door while attempting to inflict enough fear into her to not want to return.

It got to a point where I wouldn’t even bother trying to get to sleep before midnight, despite waking up between 5:30 a.m and 6:30 a.m the following morning.

Allie would always tell me that it’s because I don’t show her affection or give her attention that she decides to go to such extremes for attention. I never bought that b.s philosophy at the time.

As my spiritual journey deepened, I naturally started showing Laara more affection, attention, and dare I say the word….love. Ironically enough, her midnight episodes came to an end.

She now greets me when I get home…belly up.

Are There Any Doubts?

This has been a common question, and in some instances, more of a statement doubting the permanency of my commitment due to my love for the taste of meat.

The people who truly know me, know that when I have my mindset on something there is no turning back. I am doing this through conviction and love. Nothing and nobody will ever stand in the way of its’ permanence.

There is not a single drop of doubt residing within me. I love animals too much to put my taste buds before my love of them ever again. That would be a selfish and cowardly act on my part.

Impacts of going vegan for just 1 day:

  • 1100 gallons of water saved
  • 45 pounds of grain saved
  • 30 square feet of forested land saved
  • 20 lbs of CO2 equivalent saved from the atmosphere
  • 1 animal’s life saved

Other harsh realities:

  • Cows produce milk only when they’re pregnant, so they must continually forcibly impregnated.
  • After a cow gives birth, the calf is immediately taken away from their mother. If the baby is a male, he is killed for meat, most know this meat as veal. If the baby is a female, she will have the same experience as her mother.
  • The mother cow will be killed for meat around the age of four because that is when her milk production starts to decline. The costs of keeping her alive and pregnant outweigh the profits she can yield at that point.
  • Chickens are bred to lay far more than is normal for their bodies – about 300 eggs per year. Whereas chickens in the wild lay about 12 eggs per year.
  • In the hatcheries, the male chicks are slaughtered immediately after birth through suffocation or being tossed into a met grinder because they aren’t useful.
  • Hens are kept in pens where they are crammed so closely together, these normally clean animals are forced to urinate and defecate of each other.
  • Their beaks are cut off so that they won’t peck each other out of frustration created by the unnatural environment they’ve been confined in.
  • The amount of land required to feed one person who is vegan is 1/6 of an acre; the amount o land required to feed one person who is a vegetarian for one year is 3X as much as a vegan; and the land required to feed one person for a year who is a meat and dairy consumer is 18X as much as a vegan.
  • Waste caused by animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction.
  • Animal agriculture is responsible for more emissions than all transportation combined.
  • 1000 gallons of water are used for every gallon of milk consumed.
how to stop emotional eating

How To Stop Emotional Eating And Food Cravings

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there, that mid-afternoon craving, the dinners that aren’t complete without a sweet finish, the late evening crunch, and the uncontrollable urge to fill cravings when stress takes over your life. This can also be applied to alcohol for those of you who are constantly tempted by that ice-cold beer or a soothing glass of wine. 

It is not the act of eating or drinking alcohol that is the issue of discussion, it is the reasoning behind those actions. Since if you are not eating or drinking for any other reason except a feeble attempt to elicit a feeling that you perceive as more positive or beneficial than what you currently feel, THAT is the problem. 

Given that we are dealing with emotions here, your emotional distress may go very deep for some of you. This may take weeks, or possibly months of active re-conditioning to really take back control, while others may come to an abrupt end after having created a massive paradigm shift in the mind. Putting a stop to emotional eating or food cravings is not a quick fix, it takes a keen understanding, a conviction to change, and daily conscious reinforcement. 

Hunger vs Cravings 

Understanding the difference between true hunger and an emotional food craving is absolutely pivotal to your long-term success towards eating intuitively. Most people that are emotional eaters have little to no distinction between the two. 

Follow the next step to help decipher between the two. 

 How To Control Emotional Eating With A Journal 

Logging your cravings into a journal is an amazing way to start understanding how your emotions and habits affect your cravings. You can really start to decipher between emotional cravings and true hunger by using this tool. 

Keeping a journal will encourage you to explore your thoughts, emotions, habits, and relationship with food in a way you have never done before. 

I highly recommend you journal for a minimum of 2 weeks. This allows enough time for patterns to emerge. Nearly all of our daily actions can be traced back to a certain pattern. Once you are aware of the pattern, your brain picks up on this. 


 How To Control Emotional Eating Without Eating  

Emotional eaters use food in an attempt to elicit a certain emotion they would like to experience. This is why it is paramount to log your cravings in order to understand what those emotions are. This will bring awareness to what you were previously oblivious to. If you haven’t already, download the journal from the link above, this will make much more sense when you take a look at the journal.

Common emotions that trigger emotional eating: 

  • Despair 
  • Boredom 
  • Sadness 
  • Unworthiness 
  • Frustration (common from work stress) 
  • Fear 
  • Reward Based 

One major flaw with using food in an attempt to re-balance your emotional state (beyond the obvious of adding numerous empty calories) is that any positive feelings that may arise from your emotional binge are TEMPORARY!  

What happens an hour later when the high wears off and you go right back into that same undesired emotional state? Since you haven’t any other way to elicit the emotion you striving for other than stuffing your face with food, you will repeat the same pattern. 

 Breaking The Emotional Eating Pattern 

 STEP 1 – Get Leverage 

The first thing you need to do is get real with yourself.  Write down all the ways that your current emotional eating pattern will cause you misery in the future when it comes to your health, relationships, self-image, career, and any other area of your life that will be affected. Don’t beat around the bush, and don’t butter it up. If you think your current pattern has the potential to take 20 years off your life then write it down! BE REAL! 

If you do not get enough leverage on yourself you will not succeed. If you do not feel a compelling motivation to change the instant after you read what you wrote down then you do not have enough leverage on yourself. In other words, you need a stronger reason to inflict change. 

 STEP 2 – Replace The Pattern 

Write down 15 things (or more) you can do that will generate the desired emotions you discovered from your food log. None of these things can include eating ANYTHING! Sure, you can cook, as cooking is a fantastic therapy for many people. Don’t be eating your delicious meal as your cooking it though! And no, baking a sugar-filled dessert does not count! Cook a meal that will add years to your life, not take them off. 

Spontaneous Outcomes

This strategy relies on breaking the pattern through rearranging certain tendencies, or habits. For example, if you have a tendency to stay up late, say 1 hour later than you would like to go to bed, and this also tends to be a time when you do much of your late-night snacking, simply go to bed 1 hour earlier. By doing this you will effectively break the current pattern of associating snacking within that specific hour prior to bed, and an association with whatever you typically do within that hour before bed. If you completely eliminate both triggers then there is nothing left to associate late-night snacking with.

You can apply this strategy to any other evening tasks that are part of your ritual such as when you eat dinner, when you shower, when you watch t.v when you call your mother when you walk the dog when you go to the gym etc. Completely re-arrange when you do all these things, mix it all up, it will throw your mind for a loop, wondering what you’re doing in the shower when you are typically watching t.v and snacking at that time. There is a good chance the craving will pass since you broke your evening ritual pattern.

The way this works is you are taking advantage of the fact that humans are creatures of habits and patterns, and manipulating this to your advantage.

This is such a simple strategy that it can easily be overlooked. It is extremely powerful and so easy to implement!

How To Stop Emotional Eating Through Extreme Measures 

Before reading ahead, you must understand that what I am about to discuss is not for the faint of heart. It is a drastic attempt to kick a particular food from your diet for good. It has the ability to be highly effective if putting an end to your emotional, and even habitual eating habits for good. 

 The 24 Hour Strategy  

The strategy here is actually very simple, you may even chuckle after you read it wondering if this guy is actually serious. 

Let’s say chocolate is the bane of your existence and you must kick it from your diet for good. Buy all of your favourite chocolates, if it’s just one then buy 1 kind if you have 5 different favourites buy all 5. Make sure you buy more than enough to supply yourself as the only food you will be eating for 24 hrs. 

Yes, that is right, eat those chocolates (or whatever food it is you’re trying to kick) for 24 hours straight. You are allowed no other food. You will get sick (literally) of your chosen food by the time those 24 hours are up. 

The Premise Behind This Strategy  

Most people can relate to this: Is there a certain food you cannot eat anymore because you have gotten sick off of it at one time? Maybe it was food poisoning, maybe you had the flu, maybe you drank too much alcohol, etc. The reasoning doesn’t necessarily matter, because your brain associates being nauseated with this particular food it has been conditioned to reject even the mere thought of it. 

Your brain is currently wired to gain pleasure from eating your chosen food. The objective of this strategy is to rewire your brain to associate disgust with your chosen food. 

 Exercise is A Strategy – And It Biochemically Changes You 

If you exercise or have exercised in the past, and you are mindful of your reactions post-exercise you will notice a significant reduction or elimination of cravings. This effect can last the entire day if you work out in the morning. 

For those people who tend to reward themselves after meals or are late-night snackers, go for a 10-minute brisk walk and watch your craving disappear into thin air. 

Exercise has been shown to reduce Cortisol (our stress hormone), increase Dopamine and Serotonin (which is why you feel great after a workout), and improve insulin sensitivity (which will stabilize your blood sugar levels). If you have unstable blood sugar due to a lack of insulin sensitivity, which is the gateway to Diabetes, you will tend to crave after your blood sugar drops rapidly. 

 Meditation Is A Strategy – It Also Biochemically Changes You 

Meditation is gaining a very strong evidence-base towards its’ positive effects on the brain. One of the most notable effects is the ability of meditation to significantly reduce stress and change our state very rapidly. 

The rapid change of state can instantly reduce your stress, and in turn, reduce your stress hormone Cortisol and raise your feel-good hormones Dopamine and Serotonin.  

A great time to do a quick meditation is immediately after arriving home from work. This is typically when stress levels are at their highest and can last well into the evening affecting your quality of sleep. 

For those of you who have never tried meditation, there is a fantastic app that you can use for free to guide you along the way. The app is called InsightTimer, you can click on the link below to download it for free. 

Download: InsightTimer

 And Remember…

You Must Take Action! 

Good Luck! 

 If you have any questions feel free to contact me, I would love to help you out!